Chapter 66: Joe was seduced

Chapter 66: Joe was seduced

She wanted to wash off as he body smells bad.

She acted as if she forgot that Joe was present here and started to undress.

Because of the change in her body size her clothes were too loose and would have already fallen down if not for the sticky smelly sweat that stuck the clothes to her body.

She quickly dropped her clothes and ran into the bathroom.

She did not close the door properly and Joe has the full view of her body.

After a good washing she covered her body with a bath towel and came to the door noticing that it was completely open and Joe was sitting straight in front of the door and looking at her taking her bath.

Only then she acted as if she just realized that she has given a good show to Joe.

Her face turned red from the embarrassment and she started to look down at the floor standing like a statue.

Joe walked towards her with a lewd smile and said.

"Did you just eat an age reduction pill you looked rather young you know?

I have sent your dress to dispose of it as they are no longer usable after they are soaked in those wastes.

Now you can only ware this towel or do you have any other dresses stored up.

Well I prefer if you remove that towel too.

You know that I have some authority as I was able to recruit you right.

You should please me more so that you can get more benefits from me.

You are from earth, so you should know how to please your superiors right.

I am going to sit there and wait for your decision.

Think carefully when making this choice...."

After he said that he went to sit on the same chair that he stood up from and then waited looking at Mohini.

Mohini appeared like she is trying to make a hard decision mixed with hesitation, helplessness, frustration and anger.

Finally she went to Joe and removed her towel in front of him revealing her teenage body.

Well her pussy has pubic hair grown on it as her age is reduced.

The man took the towel from her hands and smelled it with a look of ecstasy.

Then he said.

"You made a wise choice.

You will understand how great of a choice that you made just now.

Now come and kiss me."

Mohini moved forward to kiss Joe.

Well then he took the lead as he started to kiss her down reaching her now smaller tits and sucked on her nipples.

After that he moved down towards her pussy and started to kiss her clitoris and pussy lips.

Mohini started to moan more and more as her body became sensitive after the transformation.

Her moans became louder but she tried to hold them back by blocking her mouth with her hand.

But Joe pulled her hand and said.

"Moan loudly so that other people can hear it too."

Actually he is recording everything as he placed a camera to record Mohini's actions.

Also her previous bathing was already recorded by him.

Well Mohini don't mind that and enjoyed the moment while acting like an innocent chastity woman.

Her legs became soft because of all the pleasure but she was stopped from slumping down by Joe.

Then he carried her in princess carry towards the bed and started to undress revealing his dick which is around 4 inches in length.

Even though it is disappointing as this dick is of the normal size of most men back on earth.

She started to miss the dick of the mayor of the beginner's town that is twice as big as the dick of Joe.

After that he put his dick inside her wet pussy and started to fuck her as he pleased.

Her pussy became tighter after her body changed.

Well her pussy is tighter even with her milf body because of the special exercises that she does daily.

It was all being recorded in the camera that is different from the model back on earth.

That is the reason why Mohini did not discover that she was being recorded.

She did not waste time as she tried to plant the thoughts in the mind of Joe using her thought inception.

Well he is very strong compared to a beginner like her and she cannot directly plant the thoughts easily.

It takes time.

After 15 minutes he finally cummed inside her pussy making her moan louder.

Joe did not mind Cumming inside the pussy of other women because they can just ate a prevention pill to avoid the pregnancy.

Also there are no side effects for limited dosage.

As soon as the pill is consumed the women will not become pregnant for a week no matter how much cum was filled inside her pussy.

He has them in his personal storage space as he brings them with him every time he comes to pick up new recruits.

He gave the pill to her to eat after explaining about it.

He then fucked her more for another 2 hours through which he cummed around another 4 times inside her pussy.

He did not seem to like her ass except for squeezing it and slapping it when he fucks her pussy.

Mohini lied down on the bed exhausted from all of her movements and positions that she just did with Joe.

Even though his has a small dick that doesn't mean that he cannot fuck her.

He is strong and played with her like a toy.

The thoughts that she planted in his mind are about the information that the quest mentioned.

For the information Mohini should work hard.

This means that she has to get the information on her own.

Well knowing that "there is hidden information" is already a great information help from the system.

Well she was able to implant the thoughts to a quarter of the level and need another 4 times of playing to completely get what she wanted.


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