Chapter 76: choosing a job class

Chapter 76: choosing a job class

Well that is what he thought but Joe said that it is not good to put jack of all trades on the top.

People will simply ignore her for that and think that she is just an over confident person or something.

Joe was going to use Mohini as a source of resources and don't want her to be abandoned because of making wrong choices in job selection.

Mohini also thought of this and decided to change with the information she got from Joe.

They will be able to change the jobs for the hunter's guild whenever they want with a little fee.

This will have nothing to do with their fantasy system.

The jobs provided here are only for display.

Fantasy system will record the jobs done by a person to assign job classes based on the experience that she hunter gained.

When that reaches the specific level namely after crossing the first tribulation of ring one and enter the second ring a real job will be given to the hunter...

Mohini understood this and choose the options.

Her primary job class is the magic scout and the sub job class is the jack of all trades.

With that she completed the registration here.

Before coming here they went to buy a magic cipher for Mohini.

This is the smart phone of this world.

It a multipurpose gadget just like the current era smart phone.

Mohini generously spent 2 thousand chaos points to buy two pieces of these magic ciphers.

One is for usage and the second is for study and modification for her own use.

The guild site app was already appeared on the magic cipher with her registered identity.

Here she can directly check the quests in the guild and then there is a military app where she can see the military tasks.

All of them were logged in through the system connection and this is not internet.

She still needed to pay for the cipher number and recharge it with magic net.

This magic cipher is useless when a person moves away from the main island.

There will be signal on the safe island but beyond that there is no signal again.

This world did not have satellites that can see the things from the sky.

Only magic signal towers are there.

Their next stop is the merchant's guild where the entire trade is going on worldwide from countries to the other race cluster islands.

After registering here Mohini will have the chance to buy and sell stocks.

The second biggest gain from her previous simulation other than knowing about her death is the details of the stock prices.

Mohini don't know all of them but she knows some key points of rise and fall of the stock prices.

Well if she tweaked some things then the results might change.

But that doesn't matter.

Previously Mohini wanted to go slow in this matter.

But now she changed his mind after forming a contract with jenny.

In her memories she did not form any contract like this with jenny.

So things from the simulation are not always accurate.

There will be changes.

This is the most important point that she has to keep in mind.

She quickly done with the registration in the merchants guild and was done with the basic work.

Then there is a new app in her magic cipher with merchant's guild related things.

The merchant's guild deals with materials, artifacts, chaos beast monster meat, auctions, stocks, trades...….

For merchant's guild everything is a trade and the prices will be set by them usually.

Because the set prices were unanimously made every merchant would follow the same price rules.

Only some back water places and black markets will have the change of prices as these places are illegal.

Joe told Mohini about the assassin's guild and other black guilds that work in illegal ways and dark side of the world.

Even though he wanted her to be his bitch he still gave her the basic information not because it is his duty but because he don't want to have a pig team mate….servant with no brain.

These things are strictly avoided.

Also Mohini enquired about hacking of these magic apps.

Joe proudly said that it is not possible to hack these apps as they were continuously monitored by the magic hackers of the highest level.

Well Mohini did not believe that as she herself saw many people boasting like this back on earth.

But none of those places are safe.

As long as there are some fat sheep they will be caught by the big bad wolves.

In this world there is even porn industry and film industry with large number of actors all over the world which includes many races.

This is also one of the things that uniquely unanimously accepted throughout the world.

The funny thing is that there is a special law stating that no servant or actor was to be killed in wars or any situations except for under special circumstances of inevitability.

This is an international law which protects the actors and servants from being killed by those terrorists and others.


Mohini was done with the registration and was given a day off for the day by her captain George to rest in her quarters.

Joe wanted to take her to have some more fun but left after saying good luck to Mohini because he has something to take care of.

Mohini is not his only bitch and there are others.

He cannot spend all of his time on her as he doesn't know how capable Mohini will be in the future.

He doesn't want any sheltered flowers unless he wanted her to become a prostitute.

Even then he wanted her to level up because the longer she can have her beauty the more benefits that he can gain from her.

Mohini went back to her room which is a single quarters so she doesn't have to worry about many things...…..


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