Chapter 80: entering the fantasy world (high school of the dead ark start)

Chapter 80: entering the fantasy world

There are also some common moves in most of them based on their usage.

So she practiced the common moves to the instinctive level making her weapon fighting technique.

With her practice this also became her skill over the past month.

She still need more practice to perfect them for perfect usage.

There are more new techniques in this real world and fantasy world for her to learn and incorporate them into her own techniques.

Soon a flash of light appeared in front of her in the form of a portal.

Mohini casually entered the portal stepping into a white space.

Well there is no one around and the space is also small that can only fit for one person to stand freely.

This time there are a series of options listed in front of Mohini.

First of all the difficulty of the fantasy world is to be chosen.

Mohini thought for a moment and chose Very hard mode with 100 percent difficulty.

Mohini has an intuition that beyond that there will be interference from the law of causality which can be like an invisible hand manipulating the incidents.

She doesn't want to die with a series of coincident happening suddenly around her like in the final destination movie.

Then there are options to change her appearance by spending chaos points.

Mohini don't want to change anything related to her current appearance.

Then there is an entry point setting related to her status and impression of her in the plot characters.

She can increase the impression of any plot character to a maximum of 50 percent favorability towards her.

But the cost ranges from 5 thousand to 50 thousand chaos points based on the character and gender.

Mohini did not bother to change any of these things.

Then she was asked to gain extra information related to land area where plot is going to happen.

Like a map of directions, timings of the plot and locations are given to Mohini in the form of information directly into her mind.

The cost is 3 thousand chaos points.

Mohini bought this.

There is also information on each individual plot line character including their likes and dislikes but Mohini don't want to know any of that.

Well she did check the cost of information for the characters that she was targeting.

The information about Busujima Saeko would cost around 15 thousand chaos points.

Mohini simply ignore it as she has more information on them from the analysis that she got from her future self.

Also she did not have any need to use of this information.


After selecting some things that have some usable value Mohini spent around 5 thousand chaos points in total.

It is not a big amount to the current players that entered along with Mohini because most of them got salary around 50 thousand chaos points at the very least.

But most of them would be reluctant to spend as Mohini did because they are not a chosen player or seeded player that got good package and support.

Most of them have to pay the money for accommodation and some other things from their salary.

Even though it is very little for small expenses of living, the amount of chaos points for healing and other gear to either hunting or fantasy worlds is very high.

Just a normal healing pill that has quick effects costs around 50 chaos points.

That would be a cheap medicinal with some minor side effects.

So that is how things are.

Mohini can easily play this as the walk in the park unless some high potential and background players like her would not come into contact.

But Mohini was sure that they will come and there are at least 10 people that can hinder her plans.

Mohini has already investigated about these things.

The current fantasy world will not take all the players at the same time.

It is based on the number of players fit into that fantasy world.

In the fantasy worlds of high school of dead the highest number of players that could enter is 50.

So other than Mohini there will be 49 other players and in them there might be a chance of meeting the people that could hinder her.

Well it doesn't matter as Mohini has her own precautions.

She doesn't mind sending the people that cause hindrance in her plans on their way to next world...that is the underworld for them.

When the selection is done the surrounding space rippled and some information appeared in the mind of Mohini.

She is a foreign exchange student that is studying here.

She did not have a family or anything.

Her appearance did not change.

She was here studying because of a series of events.

She was an orphan that was kidnapped and trafficked over this country to somewhere else.

But it was busted and she was rescued.

She did not have anyone to claim so she was given the chance to stay here as a citizen in the orphanage...…

Like this some back story was created for Mohini.

Only in the fantasy worlds where the player has to start form the child hood will have a character change with a background suitable for the plot.

In short fantasy worlds like the high school of dead, Treasure Island, Titanic will not have big changes in the appearances unless necessary.


It was early in the morning when Mohini was already dressed in her school uniform and is sitting on a bench in a park.

Her surroundings still has the invisible shield and she got the main mission.


Survive for the next 7 days in this zombie apocalyptic world.

Basic rewards: 1,000 chaos points, 1 free attribute point."

Looking at the information Mohini raised her eyebrows as she felt that this is too cheap for a survival.

But her thoughts changed in the next moment.

"The obtainable achievements in this world,

Killing 100 zombies will give zombie hunter title, 100 military merit points...….


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