Chapter 84: the sword under her skirt

Chapter 84: the sword under her skirt

Mohini can only smile with embarrassment because she forgot to introduce herself to her.

Well it is normal for Saeko to not to know her or at least her character.

There are many sections in the same grade so there are hundreds of students.

Mohini's previous character is not that bright to be noticed by anyone so most people don't know her.

Mohini simply said.

"I am Mohini and you can call me as you like Mohi or something like that.

As for the class and grade, it doesn't matter as the things will change today to the worst, completely collapsing the societal structure.

So they are not necessary for now.

Saeko and Mohini left from the female changing room quickly.

Then she led her to a place where there is not one around and took out one of her custom made swords from the personal storage space.

Looking at the long sword suddenly appearing out of thin air Saeko showed a surprised expression losing her cold temperament.

Her mouth is wide open and can easy fit an egg.

She was so shocked that she was unable to speak for a few moments and stunned.

It was not until Mohini patted on her shoulders, pulling her out of her stunned state.

She wanted to ask Mohini who she is again but the words stuck in her throat as she remembered what Mohini said to her just now.

"I can only tell you when you trust me completely.

I can tell you one thing that I am not from here and will leave here in 7 days.

I have told you before that you have to follow me till I am here right.

That is the limit.

Killing someone is not becoming a monster, especially the scum like the one that you killed before.

I am not a monster and you are not one either.

I truly believe you and love you.

I want you to be mine as a part of my harem and become my sword to fight by my side.

If you trust me or loved me to completely follow me then I can take you away with me while sharing my secret but before that I cannot tell you anything.....

As for your needs as a woman I have my own ways just like this."

As she said that Mohini lifted her skirt revealing that she is not wearing any panties underneath.

Suddenly her clit slowly grew bigger and bigger forming into that of dick that is strong, solid and full of vines bulging out almost like a monster.

But this monster is the favorite of many women and they cannot run away from this.

Saeko was shocked again as Mohini continued to speak.

"I know that you like sadism and we can try that with the two of us.

We can invite many strong or wimp men outside to play and they cannot say anything to use as long as I became stronger.

Also I can let you grow a dick and play with me too if you want that….."

With the words of Mohini, Saeko has a strange evil glint in her eyes and the smile on her face is a little sadistic.

She is looking at Mohini and her monster dick with the eyes of predator.

Well Mohini don't mind as long as she can pull Saeko into her camp.

But Mohini did not find Saeko trusting her completely as the prompt did not appear yet.

After they are done with their things here Mohini and Saeko left this place to the infirmary where the air head doctor Marikawa Shizuka.

She should have arrived by the time now.

It was already 7: 30 AM and some students for their club activities have also arrived.

At the same time the other players were also here and Mohini can notice them with a glance.

Because of the lack of chaos points reserves they can only appear in random appearance and character set by the system based on their stats and characteristics.

The air head doctor Shizuka is actually sleeping in the room right now.

Mohini don't know how she came to the school to work just and simply slept without a care.

Her big tits were acting as support for her to sleep and Mohini has some heat ignited in her pants looking at her.

Her pussy was a little wet right now.

Well she is more determined to win her over to her team for just the sleeping beauty.

She doesn't even care if she is useful or not.

The biggest problem that she is going to face is that how to convince this big tits bimbo to love her.

She can only sigh and take her time moving Shizuka into her side.

The zombie apocalypse will start around 10 AM that is one hour after the school starts.

Mohini patted on the shoulders of Shizuka to wake her up.

Well she did wake up but her sleepy expression with a bit of saliva to the side of her mouth along with her long hair mesmerized Mohini and Saeko for a moment.

Snapping out of it Mohini spoke,

"Air head…cough…Miss Shizuka there is something important that I want to discuss.

There is going to be a zombie apocalypse today and every one will turn into a zombie.

You are the doctor I can find here and I want you to be in my group.

Are you willing to come with us during the apocalypse?"

Saeko also found that zombie apocalypse is a little unbelievable and understands why Mohini did not mention it before.

Well it is still unbelievable right now.

On the other hand the response of doctor Shizuka is a little more different.


Zombies are coming then we have to be ready I have played many games with zombies and watched many movies about them.

They are terrible...…blablablabla...."

Mohini let her continue to listen to her talk all the nonsense.

Well she lost her patience after a minute and placed her hands on Shizuka's shoulders to calm her down...…..


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