Chapter 98: Mohini’s words gains admiration of all the women

Chapter 98: Mohini's words gains admiration of all the women

Saeko and others ran towards Mohini and Rei and they did the same.

Saeko ran over and hugged Mohini directly which is very strange for her character soon after Shizuka also did the same.

Kyoko was embarrassed and a little reserved but still she was happy that Mohini is fine along with Rei.

Takashi wanted to hug Rei but Rei rejected.

Saya on the other hand stood to the side thinking of why Mohini changed her clothes.

Soon the same doubt appeared in the minds of other girls too.

When they questioned Mohini was a little embarrassed to speak but Rei spoke about the incident in a self blaming way.

The people looked at Mohini with a little sympathy.

But Mohini spoke with confidence.

"Why are you feeling sad?

Rei I said that it is not your fault.

Also I said before that I will save my woman no matter what even if it means to sacrifice my body.

Other than that you all know that I am an assassin and I have lost many things in the past.

My virginity is one of them.

So what if that bastard has fucked me I have fed his body to the zombies already right.

I am happy about that.

I believe that woman can grow stronger as long as they leave their shame.

Look at me.

Even if I am alone I can still live and thrive in this apocalypse.

I want all of my women to be as strong as me.

Then they can stand by my side to fight with my foes...."

Mohini's words have changed their prospective and they even admired Mohini.

Especially for the woman that joined up Mohini's group felt that they made the right decision.

At that time the love stuck lady player that tried to propose to Mohini before ran forward towards Mohini and handed her a piece of paper.

"Ms. Mohini, I am Veena from the king of sciences faction, a scientific research faction.

This is my cipher number. (Phone number)

After you return please call me.

I want to talk to you…..

Also can I join your group…?"

She blushed while asking.

Mohini simply smiled and stored the number back into the personal storage and said.

"You can join it is not a problem."

Right at that moment the group started to move toward Rika's apartment while Saya comes to Mohini to ask something.

"Mohini, I got this strange blue window asking a question if I trust you with my life and follow you."

Mohini immediately understood what happened.

Her speech just now has hit the trust of Saya and she started to trust Mohini.

Mohini has asked her before if she wanted to become her woman.

Saya finally truly trusts Mohini so the question appeared.

Mohini moved to the back of the group with Saya and whispered the details and warning that she said to Rei before.

Saya asked about saving her parents but Mohini told her that they should trust her before Mohini can do anything.

Saya decisive selected yes option making Mohini happy.

As for the details Mohini wanted to say they to all of her girls at the same time in the shower.

So they made their way to the house by walk.

There Shizuka opened the lock with a different key that was hidden.

Well there are some zombies inside and Mohini took care of them with a few shots.

The other people did not even get a chance to make a move before everything is over.

Well they helped carry the dead people out so that the place would not become spoiled.

In the bath house all the women are naked and Mohini's eyes were literally shining looking at the beauties.

She is bisexual based on her requirement to become a perfect bitch.

So she likes dicks and pussies all of them.

Mohini directly hugged Saeko in her arms and made her sit on her lap then Mohini started to speak about the real world and her past as an assassin.

All the women here have accepted to come out with her by the system.

As for Veena she is already a player and it is not a problem.

When Veena saw that Mohini speak about the real world she wanted to remained Mohini that she should not speak about the secrets because there will be severe penalty.

She has even stated some of the penalties like loss of stats, life span, rapid aging...

When other women heard that they were shocked.

It was really like Mohini said before.

It was not that Mohini don't want to say.

It was just that she cannot say because of the penalty.

Mohini told Veena that all of these are her women and they are going to come out with her.

Veena was shocked.

The other women were shocked because they just found that Veena was also an outsider.

They understood from Veena's explanation about how hard it is to earn chaos points.

When converted into their world's currency they were all shocked by the numbers.

This is especially hard for the players that just came out of the sanctuary worlds like Mohini.

Mohini simply waved her hands and said that she can earn all of the points back with her capabilities so they women were moved again.

When Mohini explained about her life experience all the women here including Veena were moved to tears.

Then they found how strong Mohini became back in her sanctuary world.

Then the details related to how Mohini came to this real world.

Mohini spoke about her perverted fantasy system making the women unable to believe.

This includes Veena as well.

Mohini specifically told Veena to not to disclose this information to anyone because this is related to the will of the world and will of lust.

If she accidentally did something then there is a chance that she will be punished or worse if Mohini became a test subject.

Veena specifically took an oath in the name of fate to not to speak about that.


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