Chapter 101: taking Hirano for a walk

Chapter 101: taking Hirano for a walk

Also he understood the situation of Rei, Saya and Takashi and the stupidity of Takashi's actions but he did not point them out as his thoughts are moving around the guns and bullets that Mohini has.

So as soon as Mohini asked him if he wanted to go with her for some patrol and get some food and fuel, he readily accepted this.

Saeko wanted to go with Mohini but Mohini told her that she would take her next time and coaxed her with some things.

Everything was peaceful outside.

Mohini and Hirano came out.

Hirano has already dressed up like he was going to war or something just like in the plot.

Takashi wanted to follow but Mohini told him to guard the house while she was away.

"Also you have to take care of the new girl right."

Mohini said with loud voice letting Rei and Saya hear it.

The atmosphere became a little tense but Mohini simply waved good bye and left with Hirano.

Hirano has another doubt in his heart on why Mohini is provoking Rei and Saya towards Takashi, but he held it back from asking.

Saeko understood the intentions of Mohini and acted accordingly.

Her task is not to guard against zombies instead she has to guard Mohini's woman from falling into wrong hands of Takashi and the father of Alice is also problematic.

Mohini led the way while killing zombies on the way in the dim street lights.

Hirano did not get to take action.

Finally when there are far away from the house Hirano asked.


Why are the bullets from your gun coming endless without changing the magazine?"

Mohini became silent for a moment as there are no zombies around the vicinity.

She looked at Hirano and told.

"It was my secret and in order to know my secret you have to trust me enough to entrust your life to me.

As I said before I would not abandon the people that trusted me truly...

Do you trust me with your life, Hirano?"

Mohini asked Hirano and he dropped into deep thought.

But in the next moment he remembered the actions and words of Mohini.

Mohini never backs down when helping others.

She even abandoned her dignity to save Rei before.

This show how trust worthy Mohini really is.

Thinking of all these things he questioned himself if he trusted Mohini.

Right at that moment he got the answer in his heart.

He trusts Mohini with his life.

He was sure that if he was really in a slump Mohini would definitely comes to rescue him even if there is a sea of zombies between them.

As soon as he trusted a blue questioning window appeared in front of his face.

The question of trust appeared on it.

Mohini gave him enough time to think and as the blue questioning window appeared she smiled and said.

"So you got the question of trust.

This means you have enough trust in me.

Then let me tell you something before you make your choice.

I am from a different place and leave in the next 7 days...

Saeko, Shizuka…has accepted to come with me leaving this place back to my place.....

My place is far more dangerous but it can be handled.....

Your life is bound to my life...…

Now you understand the situation right.

You can make the choice.

Based on your choice I will speak about the things….."

Mohini explained the warning and gave Hirano to make his choice of life.

It was not mentioned about the family of Hirano so Mohini don't know about his background.

Because of this Mohini did not promise him anything.

She already stated about the restrictions of leaving the specified area and time limit.

Now Hirano has to make his choice.

After 5 minutes Hirano finally made his choice.

He selected yes option.

He wants to trust Mohini and go with her to see her place.

As for his parents Mohini don't know what choice he took or what about them.

She doesn't care about that.

After he made his choice Mohini smiled happily and then started to explain about the real world and other things...….

The more he heard about that the more shocked he became.

He even doubted that Mohini is lying to him.

But Mohini took out the guns and other things from the storage space and then put them back.

He was dumbfounded by looking at the magical thing.

Now he understood why there are so many people with guns in their school.

By that time Mohini has arrived at the place where she abandoned the bike before.

There is no fuel in the bike so she needed to pull the bike over to the fuel station.

Hirano wanted to help Mohini so Mohini gave him the bike while storing the guns in his hands into the personal storage space.

Then Mohini told him about her life story back on earth and how she came to the real world.

This shocked him even more and some of his questions were solved here

While going around Hirano asked Mohini about why she is provoking the situation between Takashi, Rei and Saya.

Mohini smiled and said.

"I don't like the impulsive people like Takashi.

Instead you are more stable.

The reason I brought you with me over Takashi is because I wanted to bring you back to my place.

Even though I am a bitch I wanted to have a big harem with both men and women in them.

I want to take you into my harem.

I don't know if you would like a loose woman like me.

I was fucked by more than 1000 people and even in the real world my life is not that good as there is someone that is trying to take advantage of me...…

I want to know if you trusted me enough to go with me.

I also want to bring back Rei and Saya with me but they seem to have feelings for Takashi....…


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