Chapter 111: Rika falls for Mohini

Chapter 111: Rika falls for Mohini

She did not believe that Mohini has made it all the way to the location that she mentioned to her and brought the armed forces with her like buying groceries in the super market.

When the people arrived Rika went down to receive them and saluted to the commanding officer respectfully.

The commanding officer looked sternly at her and spoke after returning the salute.

"Rika did you send Mohini to find us as a test for her love to you and your friend."

Rika was speechless when she heard the words of her commanding officer talking to her with a stern face.

Well when the words registered in her mind, her cheeks blushed and wanted to explain.

She thought that Mohini has caused some major problems to the commanding office and other armed forces.

The faces of the other armed forces people were also staring at her with anger in their faces.

But before she can speak they all laughed out loud including the commanding office.

She doesn't know what is going on because the people that should be serious are laughing like mad people in a zombie apocalypse situation.

"I never thought that our Tom girl Rika would blush and unable to answer one day.

Unfortunately I did not have a phone to record this."

"Shit my wound opened up while I laughed..."

There are a few comments while the commanding officer spoke to Rika.

"Rika, you really found a strong man…cough…cough…woman.

You know in order to get to us; she has killed over 20 thousand zombies directly opening a route for us to travel here.

Well the 20 thousand zombies is a rough estimate but she really is a strong Woman.

Don't test her till she loses interest in you.

Even though it was weird for a woman to fell in love with another woman,

For fucking god sake this almost the end of the world with no clear outcome.

Strong people like her are hard to find and there might be only a hand full of them in the entire world.

Most of them are old bastards but she is a beautiful woman of values towards women that is.

(Well she even admitted that she is a bitch what are values and morals to her…shit…I cannot think straight thinking of her body)

Think carefully,

Don't lose her and regret in your life....."

Rika don't know how to reach to the words of these people.

They are actually trying to match make between two women.

(Are you all nuts, do you think that I am gay that loves lesbian….)

Rika thought in her heart for a moment but still thinking of Mohini and their words had an impact on her.

The face of Rika blushed and shocked at the same time.

The astonishment in her eye is clearly visible when she heard Mohini killed over 20 thousand zombies to reach them.

What kind of logic is that?

How is that even possible?

Well she was unable to think properly as the final words of her commanding officer and the words of her best friend Shizuka appeared in her mind.

She looked at Mohini that looked a little exhausted but overall there is not even a scratch on her or on Saeko that followed Mohini.

Well Saeko has changed her clothes again after taking a shower when they reached the armed forces before.

Right at that time in front of Rika a hovering light screen appeared with that question of trust towards Mohini.

She finally understood what Mohini said.

Her trust should come from within her heart and not from her words.

Only then can she take her along to her world.

She decisively selected the yes option with her thoughts and the screen disappeared.

Mohini noticed this and came to her.

"You seem to trust me now.

Well that is good.

We can talk about the real things later.

First go a report the details to your commanding office.

I have already talked to him to relieve you after this so that you can come with me.

Well that is if you wanted to.

Since you trusted me then you have decided to go with me.

So go do your things and meet me later so that I can share you my secret like I did with Saeko, Shizuka and other women.

I will be with them….."

After saying that to Rika, Mohini moved into a building to wash up the sweat.

Saeko followed behind her like a loyal wife.

Well right when she reached the door Shizuka appeared and jumped on Mohini with a big hug.

The sensation of big tits pressing on her face is amazing as she stuck to her like a koala.

At that time Alice also appeared along with Zeke.

Mohini's team mates appeared one after the other with complicated eyes and admiration.

There is also love and adoration towards Mohini.

They have heard the deed of Mohini and they know that Mohini did it to get Rika.

This moved them because Mohini was decisive to jump into zombies for her women causing them to have more feelings towards Mohini.

Most of their favorability has crossed 60 points on an average reaching an initial love state towards her.

As for Aika and Takashi they just reached 40 points of favorability and because of the protagonist aura Aika did not fall for Mohini right now.

Mohini acted as if she was taking things from the bag pack and gave a box full of chocolate to Alice and special dog food for Zeke.

Mohini can see that the favorability of Shizuka has jumped by 30 more points to reached 70 points similar to Rika leading them to the initial love state.

As for Saeko, her favorability also rose to 80 points because of Mohini's talk and actions with her in the afternoon while they are eating lunch and their journey towards the armed forces.

The talk went successfully and Saeko opened up to Mohini revealing some things of her past and some other things about her love...…..


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