Chapter 118: Souichiro Takagi is dead

Chapter 118: Souichiro Takagi is dead

With that done Mohini arranged the women to get on the military jeeps and move towards Saya's house.

Unfortunately right when they are a kilometer away from Saya's house the bomb exploded and EMP wave hit their trucks.

Immediately their jeeps stopped on the road.

There are many zombies that suddenly became enraged and attack them.

Mohini stood through the top hatch of the vehicle and shoot all those zombies at a faster pace killing zombies left and right.

After clearing few lines of them the people got out of the jeep.

Mohini gave guns and other weapons to the capable people to fight directly.

She did not bothered by the sound that was created by the guns.

She stood on the top of the jeep and shot continuously.

Only after confirming that all the surrounding zombies are dead did Mohini moved away from the jeep.

She led the people quickly towards Takagi's house.

As she came close she heard the sounds of gun fire and the creepy sounds of those zombies.

Mohini assigned Rei, Asami and few others to guard their rear while they move forward clearing those zombies that are moving towards Takagi's house.

It took them some time before the big mansion in the open space appeared in front of Mohini and the group.

Saya was happy looking at the house but immediately her smile receded.

The reason being there are no more survivors around except for one woman that was at the verge of becoming food to those zombies.

She has a gun in her hand and is still fighting with all she got.

Mohini moved forward quickly killing the zombies that are immediately next to that woman and cleared some space around her from a distance away.

Because of the gun fires of the group that zombies changed the targets towards Mohini's group leaving the lonely woman alone.

Soon after that Mohini moved like a walking killing machine killing the zombies with every step she took.

With efforts Mohini has finally killed 100,000 zombies that did not include the ones that Saeko and others helped her kill.

Then she got a series of notification that made her stop momentarily.

But she continued to move on killing more zombies finally bringing peace back to the place.

Quickly the zombies in the area died out completely leaving no one.

Finally they came to the woman that was panting heavily with tears rolling down her eyes.

At the same time Mohini saw that Saya ran forward with a shout.


Immediately Mohini understood that this was Saya's mom.

The temperament is very good and she is a hot sexy milf with perfect curves.

But looking at the current situation it seems that Mohini was a bit late and Souichiro Takagi is dead.

Mohini don't know the situation of what happened but she was sure that it was caused by other players.

Naturally Souichiro Takagi should not die that easily but since he is dead this means that someone must have sneak attacked or something like that happened.

At the very least they should have stolen the guns that the guards should have and left this place in shambles right before they arrived here.

Saya hugged Yuriko Takagi tightly.

Naturally Yuriko was a strong woman that would not bent down no matter what happens.

But the current situation where she lost her beloved husband is a big blow to her.

With the help of other women she calmed down after few minutes.

Only then she spoke.

"They have accepted some people yesterday that came from the same school that Saya is studying.

They gave information that Saya will come soon as was protected by different group.

They were very good at helping and went to take care of things.

They found the information related to the place where the weapons were stored.

When the nuclear bomb blasted in the sky all the vehicles stopped working and all those zombies were attracted towards this area.

They took the right opportunity to take the weapons and convinced some of the people to leave with then to another safe location.

Without weapons and sufficient people to keep the borders in check the zombies quickly took over the place and surrounded us.

The remaining people along with…..woooo….uhaaa….. Souichiro Takagi everyone died and I am the only one left.

If you are late by a minute then even I would have died in those monsters hands..."

She started to weep again and Saya added to weeping for the loss of her father.

Mohini don't know how to take of the crying girls.

She cannot even find those people to kill them as those stupid players have really changed the plot.

They should have gone far away.

Mohini was sure that she can catch up to them and kill them.

But she was unsure if the other women in her group support her decision.

It is the apocalypse and there are bound to be situation like this where one cannot make a choice to stand without carrying for their lives.

If the people had weak heart then they would straight away abandon their group and run away with the strong person.

That is how things are and that is the true human nature can you blame them.

Of course you can blame them for your loss but they would not care as their life is the most important thing to most humans.

There are very less noble souls that would risk their lives for other people.

Mohini then stepped forward and suggested that she would take revenge for her and asked Yuriko for direction of the group that abandoned them.

But Yuriko did not respond to Mohini as she directly shook her head saying that Mohini should not hunt them.

She said that it was their fault to trust those kinds of people and they paid the price.

Mohini did not pursue this matter anymore and looked at the stray zombies still present in the area.


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