Chapter 130: shocking simulation result is death

Chapter 130: shocking simulation result is death

Mohini can easily shot this bullet and hit the target with her accuracy and skills from sufficient distance.

This is his plan for the opponent that she is going to face in order to survive.

Well she has some other solutions too.

With the thoughts of his plans she activated the simulation skill.


Player, do you want to use the simulation skill in the real world?

Please pay 10 thousand chaos points for usage.



Mohini looked through the message and decisively chose to spend the 10 thousand chaos points to know what future holds for her.


Payment received.

Simulation starts."

Mohini received this message through the light screen and then the new messages started to pop out one after the other.

"Real world, new era year 721, February 11th"

"February month,

Player is going through the training and earned a fortune through many tactics from the pests of the society.

Player has successfully participated in the auction winning Sky dream Ice Worm Tian Meng and the special materials for the construction of altar from the auction along with other materials.

Player left the auction house but was surrounded by strong people that attacked without speaking.

Fortunately player was able to activate the teleportation artifact on the right time to escape with heavy wounds.

Teleportation artifact was severely damaged during the teleportation process.

Recovering the reality clone did not transfer any damages to the player.

Sky dream Ice Worm Tian Meng was sealed in a special container that would not let it out under normal circumstances...…."

"March month,

Received notification to enter fantasy world,

Fantasy world: Titanic

Completed the fantasy world successfully

Went to raid a resource island,

Controlled your actions under the eyes of many and did not gather much attention.

You volunteered to be a scout for the team.

You have shown your scouting capabilities by saving a man belongs to the gang of son of king of arms faction and were accepted.

You have already known the location of the vitality pool.

You were able to sneak there in the name of scouting and wanted to shift it into the ark space.

But the one that you saved has found you through his sensing and betrayed you by informing the information to the king of arms faction.

You fought with the son of king of arms but you are weak.

You were able to use your trump card to kill him.

You have absorbed the vitality pool quickly fearing that others would arrive here before shifting it to the ark.

You have gained +5 vitality stat points and +2 stat point improvement in each of strength and stamina."

You have successfully escaped."

That month is uneventful as there is much progress in your plans with the fortune of chaos points supporting you....."

"April month,

Received notification to enter fantasy world,

Fantasy world: black lagoon

Completed the fantasy world successfully

You are back to your daily routine.

2 days later you were suddenly visited by a strong man that abducted you in the night.

You were taken to a dungeon like place and were tortured questioning you about the death of son of king of arms.

You did not confess anything.

You were made to drink a special potion and a strong man used a special mind reading skill on you almost frying your brain.

They found your secrets.

They made you drink some medicines to make you into their servant but they did not kill you.

They made you into a puppet to call out your women from the ark space.

Your women were killed right in front of your eyes.

You are in agony but you cannot move nor do anything as you are under the control of a puppet skill.

You lost all your points and your ark was taken by the king of arms faction.

Finally you were fed to bugs and dogs alive after they fed you the pain heightening potion.

You died in agony without a chance to get back...."

"Please choose one of the following options.

Option 1: important memories during the simulation. (13,000 chaos points)

(No memories of spent time in the fantasy world will be added in the receive memories)

Option 2: training technique experience and spell experience gained during the simulation. (3000 chaos points)

Option 3: skills and skill experience obtained during the simulation. (4300 chaos points)

Option 4: blood lines obtained during the simulation. (100 chaos points)

Option 5: improved stats related to intelligence, sense and charm. (4400 chaos points)

Option 6: improved stats related to vitality and agility. (4,000 chaos points)

Option 7: improved stats related to strength and stamina (3,000 chaos points)


Mohini took a sharp breath looking at the information in front of her eyes.

Then her eyes started to burn with anger…. No it is not anger but death itself.

Even though all of this only happened in the simulation and not in the real world but just the thought of someone touching her women and taking everything from her has ignited something in her heart.

For some reason she received some notification at that moment but she did not see them as she was so angry that she would literally burn the whole damn world because of that.

Soon she controlled her anger and determined to protect her women no matter what and escape this disaster.

Then she looked at the new notification that appeared in front of her.

It is about one of her innate skills the will.

The previously some of the details of the skill were covered with xxxxxx.

But now she got the real information.

"The will skill of the player depends on the emotions of the player and her reason to do something.

As long as the will of the player is firm the player can do anything.

Every stat, every attack, every defense, every task and even the slightest thing that player has strong will that is backing it will have a percentage of increase in achieving the target….."


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