Chapter 150: rift between jack and Rose

Chapter 150: rift between jack and Rose

Vicky was even more natural and introduced himself and Rose beside him.

The eyes of jack scanned Rose and his eyes disgusted rose.

Well if he met her yesterday then the impression would be a little different knowing his nature.

But since she met him today and jack is not that good and a little flirty in nature for Rose to accept directly.

This should be the protagonist aura trying to make them a couple again while driving the situation around in favor of the protagonist.

Right at that time a piece of wooden disk like thing flew towards Rose by accident when those commoner children were playing with it.

Jack was the first one to notice that and was about to pull Rose towards him to move her away from the path of the flying disk and to his embrace.

But he was a step too late as Vicky immediately moved pulling Rose into his arms with one hand and caught the wooden disk with the other hand.

There is not even a frown on his face and his movements are as natural as the flow of air from the rocky caverns.

After making sure that Rose was alright, Vicky called the frightened children over and said.

"Next time, make sure that you did not hit a beautiful lady like this pointing at Rose.

Well I don't mind if you hit a man like that pointing at jack.


Vicky returned the wooden disk and even gave them some candy making the kids smile happily.

They started to call Vicky, big brother Vicky and went to play happily.

The face of Rose blushed calling her beautiful and she was astounded by how quick Vicky was able to mingle with those children.

Jack's face was a little out of place because Vicky told the kids to hit him with a wooden disk and they just met.

Even though jack has a flirty personality he still asked why.

"Why did you say that to the kids?"

Jack asked Vicky.

Vicky smiled and said.

"I did not like the way you looked at her when I introduced her to you."

Jack scratched his head and said.

"I just thought that she is beautiful and would be a great model for a sketch."

Rose blushed when she heard this.

Vicky knows that the resistance of heroine Rose towards the hero jack is very less compared to any other person.

Vicky should be facing 100 percent rejection because of 100 percent difficulty, but he was able to change the things because of his high charm and planning.

In order to not to lose Rose right now Vicky spoke again.

"Even then you should ask for permission instead of looking like that.

Remember mate.

Not everyone is as good as me.

Sometimes there are dead ends and pit falls when taking choosing out next move in the labyrinth of life.

Bye then."

After saying these words Vicky packed his things up and left with Rose in toe.

Vicky's soft warning and his actions along with his quick movements saving her has won the heart of Rose directly.

Her favorability has directly jumped to 60 points making her have initial love with Vicky.

But the question of trust did not appear in front of her because Vicky did not ask this question to her.

Well it is not time for that yet so Vicky did not ask that question.

While they are moving back to the upper class rose suddenly asked.

"He just thought of me as a model for a sketch.

So why are you so angry with him?"

Even though Vicky did not show his anger out, Rose can feel his anger when he advised with jack just now.

Vicky looked at her with a gentle smile and said.

"Are you sure you want to know about that."

Rose was very curious and immediately nodded her head wanting to know.

She is 17 years old in the movie and should have just turned 18 tomorrow.

That is the very day her fiancée cal would present her with the heart of the ocean diamond as gift.

Well this is how the system changed the story as below 18 years the system did not let any close advances.

Vicky did not prepare her any birthday gift for her.

Well there is one and it will appear when they finally become one at the night.

Vicky taking her out of this world is the big gift that she wanted.

She will gain her freedom and some good sisters and go on in many adventures.

This is the life that she will like and Vicky wanted to give this life to her.


As she affirmed of wanting to know about what the sketches of those models Vicky took her to his room first.

There he gave her another sketch book that is filled with the images of many women that made nude images.

Rose was taken aback for a moment and did not think that jack is talking about her to be this kind of model.

Naturally protagonist aura would not let heroine believe this.

So Vicky took rose along with him to find jack again.

Jack was still at the deck and when they returned they saw that jack is sketching something.

Rose was a little interested.

At that time Vicky came to him disturbing his concentration.

Well Vicky did not do that openly but his presence can easily be known by jack if Vicky wanted to.

Vicky did not take long before he got the sketch book from jack and gave it to Rose to see the images.

Well Vicky also gave his book to jack to take a look.

Jack did not see the beauties in the sketches before and they are really hot.

He has never seen such beauties in his life.

On the other hand Rose also saw the images with changing expression.

Jack did give the explanation saying that those women wanted him to draw a nude image of them in remembrance of…cough….cough…..


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