Chapter 154: question of trust appeared

Chapter 154: question of trust appeared

Vicky cannot stop her now and he did not even change his facial expression.

Rose suddenly felt a longing looking at Vicky and the words that he said to her reverberated in her mind.

She is still in dilemma on what she should choose.

In the party cal presented Rose with the heart of the ocean necklace and the people clamored about this.

Rose doesn't like that and her eyes were on Vicky most of the time.

Ruth put the necklace on the neck of Rose and was happy about that.

The pearl necklace that Vicky gave her was removed directly.

Rose though that Vicky would be angry but Vicky did not show any sad expression on his face.

Instead he showed a disappointed expression.

This made the heart of Rose throb and wants to give Vicky an explanation immediately.

But she did not have a way to move from here.

At that time she gave an excuse that she has a severe headache and wanted to go back to rest.

Ruth could not stop her because of the angry expression of Rose and cal doesn't want to stop her so as to act gentle with Rose before their marriage.

Also they are still in a party with many people around so he cannot do anything abrupt and self defeating.

While leaving Rose looked deeply towards Vicky into his eyes and left slowly.

Vicky went to the one that invited him and left after greeting that person.

That person understood that Vicky wants to follow Rose and he doesn't mind Vicky leaving like that.

There is still Mona that is moving between the men like a fairy.

With Rose left her prominence has reached the top again.

She is the fairy of the party right now.

Vicky quickly followed Rose.

This was seen by cal and told his servant Lovejoy to follow Rose and report back to him if he sees Vicky near the state room.

If not just guard outside her room so that Vicky or anyone would come to get her or she leaves anywhere without telling them.

The reason why they cannot leave because they are one of the organizers of the party and Ruth will not leave because she loves parties and prestige more than her daughter.

This can be seen when she did not bother to move much when Rose jumped out of the life boat to meet jack in the movie.


Vicky was not restricted by anything and moved behind Rose followed by the servant Lovejoy of cal.

Mona saw that Lovejoy is following behind Vicky.

Since they share the same mind the information passed on between them is also real time.

So Vicky knows that Lovejoy is following behind him.

Vicky knows that Rose is going to the state room and he don't want this Lovejoy to mess things up.

So on the way he made a blind turn near a storage room.

Lovejoy hurriedly followed Vicky and made a turn but what greeted him was a chop on his neck making him lose consciousness.

Vicky pulled him into the store room first and closed the door.

Then he dislocated his arm and leg joints restricting all of his movements.

After that he hit on the vocal cords of Lovejoy making it hard to speak.

He took a rope out of the storage space that he specifically took from the storage tools area of the ship along with the nails before.

He tied Lovejoy with the rope and stuffed a cloth in his mouth and even tied a rope around his mouth making him unable to spit out the cloth.

Don't leave loose ends when you want to do important things.

Leaving loose ends would not be helpful and might even become variables in his plan.

Reducing the disturbances would give a smooth sailing plan which Vicky liked.


With him out of the way Vicky moved towards the state room where Rose is waiting for him.

The entire thing of dealing with Lovejoy only took him less than 30 seconds in total.

Vicky moved step by step towards the state room.

The door is not locked and he entered inside directly.

Rose was there sitting on a couch waiting for Vicky.

Rose immediately stood up and wanted to explain to Vicky that it was not her intentions to put on the necklace that cal gave her over the necklace that he gave.

Vicky did not let her finish her words as he moved forward to place his hands on her shoulder to calm her down.

"It is not a problem.

But why do you want to explain all of this to me Rose?

Cal is your fiancé and what am I to you Rose.

Tell me Rose what am I to you?

Be honest with your feelings Rose.

Tell me Rose do you love me and trust me?"

Vicky posed the question to Rose looking straight into her eyes.

She cannot run away or leave from this place as Vicky was holding her down with his hands on her shoulders.

Rose doesn't know what to say for a few moments.

The incidents with Vicky appeared in her mind and she really liked Vicky more than cal her fiancée.

Finally she wanted to give reply and looked straight into Vicky's eyes.

But she stopped because there is a floating message in front of her eyes.

"What is this?

It said that will you trust Vicky completely with your life and leave this world with him.




Vicky smiled and then said.

"This is the proof that you truly trusted me.

Only if you truly trust me, this message will appear.

After you select the yes option I can tell you about my secrets.

If you select no then I will not able to tell you anything.

Since that message appeared I want to give you a prior warning.

If you select yes then you are completely bound to me and come with me to my place…."


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