Chapter 157: Rose asks Vicky to make her his woman

Chapter 157: Rose asks Vicky to make her his woman

But later Ruth was threatened by cal that he would reveal all of her secret affairs with other nobles and officials directly damaging her status.

Also he threatened her that he would revoke all of his financial cooperation with the family business that is under Ruth.

Finally he fucked her into submission and compromised to marry Rose as his first wife if Ruth accepted it.

Other than that Ruth would become his personal fuck hole from then one to relieve his lust if needed along with his clients and bring in more money.

When he said that he would do all of this in secret Ruth has accepted it.

Also Ruth is not a good woman by nature as she spent most of the income to make herself look young causing the finances of her family to pummel.

Now she is using the life of her daughter to fill that gap and gain some status....

Listening to the story of Ruth, Rose has many expressions on her face from pity to sadness and then to anger.

At first she thought that Ruth did all of this for Rose.

But now she understood that Ruth did all of this to keep her status and quench her lust.

Well Vicky would not say anything and asked some other questions before knocking him out and locking his power of speech again.

Vicky knows that Rose needs time to digest all of this.

He gave her the space she needed to come to terms with her heart.

Finally she started to cry, Vicky moved towards her and hugged her tightly; giving her a shoulder to cry till her sadness goes away.

Previously she wanted to ask Vicky to bring her mother along with her.

But knowing her character she changed her mind and decided to follow Vicky without looking back at her mother from now on.

After she is done crying Vicky took her back to her state room and rested on the couch for some time.

When she got her thought process back to normal she asked Vicky.

"Vicky do you think that I am a gold digger like my mother."

Vicky looked straight into her eyes and said.

"You are my women and you are not a gold digger.

I believe you with all my heart and my women are my treasure."

With Vicky's words she was silent for some time and then said.

"Vicky, I want you to take my virginity and make me your woman today.

Make me your women completely in body, mind and soul."

She asked for that directly and how can Vicky refuse this.

Also it is a good time as ever as Rose is his women and she needs some good care before accepting all the reality.


Mona on the other hand is keeping her eye on the staff of the ship.

Almost all the handsome guys got a chance to play with her.

But that is not enough she moved around the ship to find all the candidates that are of high level or with good dick to play.

She has decided to complete the quest tonight.

After that she will move to where Vicky is to surprise Rose.


Back to Vicky,

Based on his estimate Ruth and cal will take an hour or more to return.

Previously in the party and the last day when moving around Vicky picked the pockets of those nobles.

Even though money is useless in this world, it still has some value before the catastrophe of the ship.

Do you know why all those ship's staff became close to Vicky after just one round around the ship?

It is because the money he gave them whenever he met a person.

The money is given as a gift and included sweet words of persuasion from Vicky or some hot movements with Mona.

Because of this they accepted the money from Vicky and played with Mona and became loyal to them for benefits.

Now even if he take Rose to his room or take her away with him no one will bother to find fault with him.

Also Rose shows that she is willingly follow Vicky.

Because of that even if Ruth and cal put on complaints they will not be able to do much on this ship.

Using this very thing Vicky made some waiters in the party to make sure that cal and Ruth stay in the party.

Mona has specifically asked some noble men that played with her to keep cal and Ruth here so that her brother Vicky would have good time with Rose.

They all cheered with the good looking couple of Vicky and Rose and decided to help Mona keeping cal and Ruth.

If they show any signs of leaving then one of the waiters would move faster than them and inform Vicky in the state room of cal and Ruth.

While the waiter reports this matter those nobles would keep them busy in the party.

These are the arrangements that Vicky and Mona made before Vicky followed Rose from the party.

With the look and gestures of Rose it is confirmed that Rose loves Vicky while cal and Ruth are trying to break their love.

Being commoners all these waiters and workers directly support love since they are getting some benefits from the love of Vicky and Rose.

With everything was in place Vicky was fearless.

When Rose asked him to take her virginity right then and there Vicky smiled and carried her in princess carry.

He wanted to take her to her bed room but she asked him to take her to cal's room.

Well he accepted her words and took her to cal's room.

There he placed her on the bed and slowly removed her clothes leaving her completely naked.

Then he removed his clothes that vanished into storage space without falling around.

Rose covered her tits and pussy with her hands with shyness on her face.

"I have already seen them completely...."


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