Chapter 159: trapped for 15 hours, Ruth and cal

Chapter 159: trapped for 15 hours, Ruth and cal

But he doesn't want to play her like that as his mentality would not accept it.

He likes to make women submissive with his own power instead of sneak attacking when the woman is in deep sleep.

Even though his mind has fallen into lust because of the aphrodisiac scent his stubbornness did not go away.

So his attention was diverted towards Ruth.

Ruth was already aroused and don't want her daughter to fall into the hands of cal right now.

If cal lost interest in her before their marriage and breaks the marriage then they would lose so much.

Because of this Ruth decided to bite the bullet and take on the beast like cal.

Soon they came to cal's room with the lights off and their clothes scattered around immediately.

The concentration of aphrodisiac in cal's room is even higher.

So they simply lost all reason and started to fuck each other after closing the door.

Rose and Vicky can hear their steamy moans and grunts even though the door is closed and locked.

Vicky came out covering his nose and opened the small windows to let the aphrodisiac in the room spread out of the room.

Rose has a complicated expression on her face when she heard the moans of her mother and grunts of cal.

Well she came to terms with the current situation in a daze.

She came back to her senses when Vicky held her waist and told her that her mother and cal will not be able to walk properly for the entire day tomorrow.

With that Rose was very happy that she will not be nagged by her mother.

Then Vicky asked if she wanted to go to a commoner's party.

Rose was very interested as she saw that in the movie.

So they went to the lower decks without anyone obstructing them.

The movie plot continued that night after she enjoyed herself in the party Vicky took her to his room.

Here they continued where they left off before, for the entire night.

In the morning Rose has a hard time walking.

But Vicky did not give her any pill as she should get used to this.

Vicky took her to the kitchen of the ship and made some delicious food for her with his own hands to eat as breakfast.

After giving some pounds the cook was more than happy to let Vicky cook as he pleases.

When they had their breakfast Vicky took her back to her room and silently sneaked her into her room.

Right at that moment Mona came back to their room and took a bath.

Vicky has already left her a share of breakfast and assigned the cook to give it to Mona.

Well how he will give it to her is a different matter that Mona should deal with.

Last night this cook is one of the staff of the ship that got the special service from Mona.


Rose like the breakfast cooked by Vicky so much that she never thought that Vicky is such a good cook.

Back in Rose's room,

Both cal and Ruth seems to have gone at it for all night long and are sleeping with big snores right now.

Because it is a closed room the aphrodisiac was still there unless they opened the windows of the ship to air the room.

Well even with that the effects of the aphrodisiac would have already gone by now.

But there will be a little effect for weak hearts to overcome with their will.

So most probably they will fuck again after gaining some strength in their body.

Vicky helped Rose packing her stuff up and by the lunch time they heard the sounds of moans of Ruth which did not sound like moans of pleasure but the moans of pain.

The same is true for the grunts of cal that was barely keeping up his power fucking Ruth with his now limp dick.

Vicky don't care so is Rose.

They went to have lunch and returned back to the main deck where the iconic standing at the bow of the ship with their hands stretching happened for Vicky and Rose.

Last night they met jack at the party of the commoners but Rose did not have any fluctuations towards jack even after knowing that jack is her destined lover.

Jack doesn't know all of that and after finding Rose being close to Vicky he did not have any ideas on her.

Even though he is a flirty person he is not forceful in nature.

Well he did want to find Mona but he was unable to contact her after so long.

So everything is fine.

It was already evening when Ruth and cal came out of the room completely exhausted after their fierce battle of over 15 hours.

Well not a continuous one but their faces are pale and bruised all over.

Right then Rose and Vicky arrived back from the deck of the ship.

Cal and Ruth wanted to scold Vicky and Rose but they did not have the energy to do anything.

Vicky smiled and spoke.

"I hope that you two marry each other and leave Rose to me.

If you do anything out of order then I would have to play with you till both of you die."

Vicky took out a gun and used it to deter both Ruth and cal.

After that Rose went to collect her luggage with her clothes and other things.

Right in front of the eyes of cal and Ruth, Vicky sent the suit cases into his personal storage.

The gun in his hands also vanished.

"Our worlds are different and Rose is my woman now.

If you mess with me unnecessarily then don't blame me for being rude.

As long as you don't do anything to me I will let you live.

If you want to fight me I don't mind sending you to hell before the ship reach its destination…."


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