Chapter 166: boarded the ship

Chapter 166: boarded the ship

Mohini was told that they will leave here in an hour so if she wanted to get anything she should get them quickly and report at the west side port 52 dock area.

Well Mohini did not have anything to buy but just in case she went around to take a look around the market.

There are stalls and people are selling many thing.

Here people would accept contract currency, direct payment and other payments, but the item that they are selling is never put into sale through the system.

The reason for that is the handling fee of the system is high and the system will point out all the flaws in the product.

Because of this no item here is sold though the system.

After looking at many things her insight skill lit up some but they are of no use to her.

Only a few things that she thought are as useful but she will not go in her original appearance to buy anything important.

So she has separated a clone at a conspicuous place and went away.

After some time the clone put on a disguise to buy the things that Mohini liked and stored them inside the personal space.

All of these things were sent to the ark island where they are useful for construction.

Mohini when returning collected her clone with a simple touch in a blind sight.

There are many people passing by and they did not notice anything.

After that Mohini went to the designated location to go on the hunt.

Since the highest ranking monster on the resource island is a rare grade, Mohini was sure that there are many lower grade monsters too.

Also she has to kill someone too.

The sensory type person should be killed in secret.

In the hunting they will give the monster corpses to Mohini to process them into usable items.

So Mohini is going to use this opportunity to extract the genetic essence in secret and store them first.

She will use them later when necessary.


At the port the people are ready and there is a big ship that can hold up to 50 people.

Including Mohini there are around 40 people that are going to the resource island as a part of the king of arms group's expedition.

Among them other than Mohini there are 9 new people that have joined just now.

Mohini was received by the person that recruited her and did not take her directly to the cook.

Instead she was taken to Jara to meet and get his opinion.

If Jara did not like her then she will be sent to stay with the cook and they will play with her at night.

If Jara likes her, then other people will not touch her until Jara played with her and gave her to them.

This is how things are.

When Jara looked Mohini, he was mesmerized.

Mohini is a beauty with charm that is very high for a new player.

So it has easily attracted attention.

Other hunters also thought the same but the decision lies in the mood of Jara.

So they have to show her to Jara to get his approval.

Jara nodded his head with a smile and came forward to kiss Mohini.

Mohini cooperated as she was waiting for strong dicks to ravage her.

Also they are her supplement and they will be helping her improving her stats and other things.

Other than that her revenge on Jara will be taken when the time is right.

Since Jara like her no one will touch her until Jara gave permission....

The other 9 people were taken as cannon fodder while Mohini is valued a little.

If she can prove to be a good cook then they don't mind keeping her alive and pull her completely into their team.

As for the difference in faction they don't care as the king of nature faction is not in a position to fight back or even saw anything for these kinds of cooperation teams.

The ship is not a tier 1 ark ship but a tier 3 ark ship.

The ship is being controlled by one of the tier 3 team members that are not good at physical combat but he is good at sea navigation.

Because of his expertise he was taken care of by the king of arms faction.

He will help the tier 1 candidates of the king of arms faction to get more resources quickly.

Even though he is stronger he cannot do much on resource islands as those resources are useless to him.

Well he can gain the resources from the juniors.

But as long as he is in the ring 1 endless ocean, away from the border formed by the ring of safe islands, his power would drop to his tier 1 state.

The power drop is to the point when he crossed over the tribulation of the first ring to enter the second ring.

All of his stat would drop to that point.

Fortunately the ark ship would not recede and can be used like that.


After boarding the cook showed Mohini about their living area.

The cooks have their own area to live and sleep.

Also they are on duty to guard the food against some people.

The food usually contains the meat of the high grade monsters stored in the cold storage of the ship.

Usually the players or hunters would not store them in their personal storage unless they are of super high grade.

Even then they cannot store it long as the meat would spoil over time.

The personal storage usually did not have time stop capabilities.

The amount of food that ship can take is less, so Mohini has already bought enough food for her girls to feed for themselves.

She already knows that the trip takes time and she cannot give the girls enough food from the ship.

With that she doesn't have to fear that her girls would starve.


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