Chapter 175: something happened to Joe

Chapter 175: something happened to Joe

Of course not, with a few exceptions most of the people from the king of arms faction are scum that should be erased based on Mohini's standards.

So Mohini will do just that.

Mohini was called as innocent bitch by most.

This is because she appears innocent, acts like a bitch and she can play dirty with the people that she wanted to punish.


Soon the rare grade chaos monster angry ape is hunted and Mohini got what she wanted too.

Mohini went to process the corpse of the beast while taking more than 70 percent of the genetic essence from the corpse.

Mohini has over 50 billion chaos points on her hand which is a very stable financial background for Mohini right now.

So she doesn't mind spending chaos points to do things quickly.

She hates being weak and hide from her enemies.

But when requires she will just do that and wait till the opportunity arrives by laying out a strong trap for her opponent.

For that she doesn't mind lying and even letting them fuck her as they please…

Instead of getting angry from being fucked, she will enjoy the process and finally kills her enemies.


Mohini got what she wanted and she wanted to prepare the things for her women too.

So whenever there is cooking monster meat she would extract 50 to 60 percent of the genetic essence.

Then store it first.

Before helping her women she wanted to fill her genetic essence first.

There are already a few that were filled to 90 percent, but they all of them are low grade and the amount of benefits is also low.


Soon after 4 days Mohini returned back to the safe island.

Mohini was not idle on the safe island instead she went to open a cooking room where she would cook the meat for the customers for the ingredients that they provided to Mohini.

The charge that she put for cooking is very less.

For the next few days this is what Mohini wanted to do.

Well at first the amount of people that came are for testing.

But when Mohini cooked things with an aroma that made their stomach tingly the people started to come more and more.

Some of the local hotels wanted to recruit Mohini.

But Mohini told them that she is at a bottle neck of her cooking skills right now,

Later when she mastered them she would come and join the hotel that would offer her the best offer.

With her words not being arrogant at all and even confirm that she was willing to join after improvement.

They already saw that her cooking was top of the line and were sure that after breaking through the bottle neck Mohini spoke off she would reach new heights.

At that time Mohini would get a higher level offer.

Other than the pleasure from women eating is the best way to enjoy life in the real world.

So cook received some very high pay.

The cooks that got recognition in the fantasy worlds of food wars and Toriko has a very high rating.

They are called star chefs and there are even some special ratings and grades for the chefs.

There is a cooking association too and there are competitions for the chefs throughout the world.

During this time Mohini did not go anywhere for sexual pleasures.

At the same time Joe also not messaged her anything.

It is like she really has free time for her to do anything she wanted.


So there is some tension among the hotels that wants to recruit Mohini as their chef.

Also to show their good will they sent some high quality chaos monster meat to Mohini in the form of orders.

Mohini was able to fill up some of the genetic essence values to 100 percent.

Also the chaos monster meat that was sent to Mohini is at most at uncommon grade.

Well it is not a problem as Mohini can gain what she wanted.

The days went by like that and Mohini was invited by Jara the son of king of arms faction to go on a journey again.....

Joe is still silent and did not send her any message.

Most probably he must have encountered some sort of problem.

That should be the reason for staying silent for so long.

Mohini continued to simulate every day filling up her stat points.

She has reached 110 stat points in most of the stats.

But the progress further is very slow.

For three simulations she was only able to received 1 or 2 stat points in the fields that she concentrated on.

Also the amount of chaos points that are required to make the choice of getting stat points has become higher.

This is most probably related to their value and difficulty of obtaining in normal ways.

Even if the progress is slow Mohini is not that disappointed.

She has already broken through the resident evil fantasy world and moved on till the end of the year.

He has recorded most of the memories from those simulations.

Also she has a new idea that is to contact Veena from the king of scientific research faction.

She contacted her and got a report of all the fantasy worlds that are recorded in every day of a month.

She did this in the fantasy world and got the list of fantasy world that appeared on every day of the month for the next year.

There are some other things related to the clearing of stages that Mohini got from her in the simulation.

Well she is a good girl and Mohini wanted to see if she can get her to join her harem.

Also she seems to have some good background.

She is a player but a player from the real world and not from sanctuaries like Mohini.

In the next fantasy world Mohini has a chance to meet up with her in there....


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