Chapter 179: treasure hunt of pirate flint part-1

Chapter 179: treasure hunt of pirate flint part-1

Abraham took a full 20 minutes of kissing to make Mohini have an orgasm with a soft moan which is very sweet to listen.

It was combined with a squirt and splashed on the face of Abraham.

But he still has a stupid smile on his face.

After giving some instructions Mohini gave Abraham her mode of communication and then told Abraham to create a dummy company on her name.

The registration name of the owner is 'Innocent Bitch' for under world and 'Innocent Lady' for the general public.

As for the company name is FATE solutions.

Then Mohini gave him some international account and digital currency locker that can store her money.

Mohini has arranged for her AI to deal with the stocks of this world.

The world is using computers and there is stock market in this world.

Her phone is directly connected to the satellite and it is impossible to break her current fire wall easily with the current world technology.

The phone in Mohini's hand is very advanced technology for this world for over 10 to 15 years.

Unless the pentagon intervenes using their super computer and a top level hacker to check the satellite connection it is impossible to find what Mohini is doing.

Even though everything is illegal Mohini is doing it legally.

This is not considered stealing in the corporate sense.

So all the money she earns can be turned in to chaos points without any problem.

Mohini has a good smile on her face and she was escorted to the airport by Abraham personally around 2 PM in the afternoon.

The flight was slightly delayed for her.

Mohini told him that she is not going to intervene with them or their business.

It is just that Mohini don't want him to do anything with the under aged people like human trafficking or other things.

If everything goes well Mohini has said to give him a good load of money or power that he could not dream off.

With the words from Mohini, Abraham has decided to follow Mohini.

Well no one wants to die and not one wants to experience a torture that can make them want to die.

So she has no other ideas on Mohini.

Also right in front of his eyes, Mohini has transferred over hundred thousand dollars to the dummy company that was just created.

With his men and influence it was a piece of cake for Abraham to establish a dummy company quickly.

So when he saw the cash flow he was dumbfounded and his eyes are literally showing stars.

The income that Mohini showed just now is the same as the income he can earn in a month if it is a good month with a lot of luck.

If not the same amount of money can be earned after working for 3 average months.

With that Mohini got an underling mafia boss for the time being.


Mohini made her way to the airport in the evening and directly flew to Caribbean islands by the time it was night.

She did not have time to go around much so she contacted Abraham to tell her the location of the underworld boss of the Caribbean area.

Well every country will have its own boss or underling to a strong boss of some sort.

Mohini went to take care of this boss for now and move on to her target in the morning tomorrow.

It is not that big of a task as this is a small place.

Even though it was once famous for strong pirates it is not that great now.

Showing the glimpses of death to the mafia boss here Mohini got the things under control.

Well she did not give any fan service to them as she did not have enough time to play with them.

Originally Mohini wanted to go out on the hunt in the morning next day.

But since these people have a big boat ready she has decided to go with that in the night.

Mohini gave them the location of the Treasure Island and immediately out on the boat.

Because of the speed of the boat and the distance to the island it will take 3 hours to reach there.

Mohini took a short nap on the ship.

Well it is in the semi sleep state where even the smallest killing intent towards her would wake her up.

Also there is not only killing intent directed towards her there is also lust clearly written all over their faces.

They want to fuck Mohini as they are literally drooling looking at her hot curves.

It is good thing that someone actually wanted to target Mohini.

Mohini would really allow them to fuck her.

Unfortunately for the attacking person that came to kill her instead of wanting to fuck her has became the fish food for the day.

Since fish needs some fresh food Mohini made that person into fish food while he is still living.

The cruelty of Mohini created deterrence on these thug sailors and they did not want to sign a death warrant and get a ticket to hell even before dying.

The screams of the man that was slowly dying with his body parts being eaten by fishes as the ship moves made the people shrugged.


Soon after that they arrived at the Treasure Island around early morning.

Mohini went to the shore and slept in the small tent that she prepared till the sun came over and shining brightly.

The people did not leave ship and stayed there for the night.

After waking up she took out the map that is showing the location of the treasure.

The image of the Treasure Island changed when she came to this world.

So the location of the treasure also changes.

Mohini went to collect the treasure.

Since it is modern times there is no left over pirate that would shift the treasure.

Mohini found the treasure location and dug it over.


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