Chapter 202: Garcia did not recognize Mohini

Chapter 202: Garcia did not recognize Mohini

Then she looked at Garcia and said with a smile.

"Garcia, what are you doing here all the way at the other side of the world?

Did Roberta come with you?"

Garcia looked at Mohini with strange eyes as he did not recognize Mohini.

Only then Mohini remembered that she appeared in the male form when she went to flirt with Roberta.

So she immediately used her disguise skill right on the spot shocking the people present.

The shock was so great that they literally opened their mouths enough to fit an ostrich egg looking at Mohini's appearance changed into Mohini.

Well Mohini did not grow a dick to shock the people instead she looked like Mohini with some disguise.

Understanding that Mohini is Mohini and knows Garcia and Garcia also recognized Mohini as Mohini.

Mohini told him that she is a girl that fell in love with Roberta.

So she put up the appearance of Mohini to get her.

Garcia understood this as he saw too many things after being captured.

He did not hate Mohini and very happy to meet her.

They got along and narrated the story.

Mohini was listening on the side and laughed out loud.

"Rock, you really thought that Roberta is a terminator from the future…

Do you know how beautiful she is?

If your thinking is in this line then you might not be able to get a girl in the future.

So be prepared to spend all your money on those brothels or change your way of thinking…

Previously I went to Garcia's house for two important things.

First is to talk about business and second is to propose to Roberta to join my harem you know.

She has some big melon sized tits that are bigger than mine.

Her body is perfectly trained and most of her muscles were very firm like tightened steal wires.

She is so hot that many men would literally drool just looking at her.

Also did you see her long silky smooth hair?

Where did you think of her as a terminator…? "

Mohini specifically said there words so that Garcia would listen to her words and drop his childish sissy thoughts of loving his maid Roberta.

Well Mohini don't mind if other people love her woman.

She is even willing to share and go on with the ride.

Sometimes one has to take certain measures to stop some things from happening just like the superficial love between Garcia and Roberta.

She is okay with sharing but not directly loosing the loyalty of her woman.

These women are her treasure and she would not want to lose them for some nonsense.


Deep inside the port area the sounds of gun fire is going everywhere as of an entire gang is fighting.

But this was all caused by two women, Roberta and Revy.

Right at that moment few more cars arrived which is balalaika and her armed personal.

She got off the car gently and her face no longer has that big scar but it became clean and beautiful.

She looked hot with her body and appearance, Mohini was really moved by her beauty.

"Hello balalaika, you look gorgeous like a queen that came to war."

Mohini said smiling towards balalaika.

Her military personal has already moved to the sides ready to shoot at any time under her command.

Balalaika looked happy for Mohini complement and said.

"Thank you Mohini, your scar removal cream really worked wonders.

Did you just return from your personal work…?"

Balalaika is keeping tabs on Mohini as she felt grateful for the gift that she gave her.

She knows that Mohini has gone out of Roanapur deal with some things.

Based on her speculations it should be related to secret societies.

She did not ask Mohini about that and only asked her if she just returned from her work.

She is an understanding woman and Mohini likes this nature very much.

Balalaika acted like a virtuous wife that is asking her husband that just came back to home after work.

Mohini smiled and said.

"Yep, just returned and Benny told me that they are running away from a lady terminator.

So I came to take a look."

Soon Revy and Roberta came out of hiding as they fight but they were caught by the guns of the people around.

Mohini did not move to do anything and only said.

"Roberta, Previously I told you to call me if there is any problem.

Why don't you call me and come all the way to this place…"

Roberta did not recognize Mohini so she has to change her disguise again.

Well Roberta recognized Mohini,

But Roberta is not in a mood to answer and Balalaika took the chance to reveal her identity being a blood hound.

The drama happened as Roberta spoke and finally it came to the point where both Roberta and Revy would fight with their fists.

Mohini doesn't know what to say right now.

Right now she was surrounded by three of her targets all around her and even a single move would cause the delicate balance to break.

Mohini doesn't want to do that.

Also the favorability of the three women is below 40 points.

There is a chance that it would reduce directly with her words and actions.

In order to win these three women with stubborn brains Mohini has to work on them separately.

So she only spoke when both Roberta and Revy wants to fight against each other and even encouraged them to fight against each other with fists.

As they started to fight balalaika started a betting and unlike those people Mohini spoke saying that the fight is going to be a draw.

No one believed that and Mohini and balalaika made another bet since Mohini don't want money from her.

She wants a kiss from balalaika if she wins.

She then stated that if she loses then she would go and work for her.......


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