Chapter 205: preach when you can do it with your strength rock

Chapter 205: preach when you can do it with your strength rock

At the end Mohini, Revy and rock dressed up in the diving suit.

Dutch came over bringing a water proof gun for Revy and Mohini got one too which is a souvenir from balalaika.

Revy was very happy with the new toy and she jumped into the water after checking her things.

Mohini and rock followed they soon came all the way down reaching the submarine.

The water pressure is very high and they have to move cautiously.

They entered through the torpedo vent of the submarine and welded it from inside successfully.

As soon as they are inside they flashed their lights around.


Rock started to scream like a girl seeing few skulls and bones.

Well they soon found the painting that they are looking for.

Rock did not stop his preaching of how these people might felt…good and bad…bla...bla…

Mohini was keeping an eye on the expression of Revy and waiting for the right time to reverse the things.

So during that time Mohini was silent and collecting the valuables from the dead.

Rock looked at Mohini and Revy with a condemning look.

"What rock?

Don't give me that look."

Revy said as she moved to collect the other pieces of badges and antiques.

Rock cannot sit idly by and started to preach his speech.

"Revy, Mohini let's leave those pieces here....."

Mohini let rock peach the nonsense and finally when he is done Mohini spoke instead of letting Revy speak.

"Rock let me ask you something.

There was once a wise king that helped his people very much and earned many merits.

The proofs of those merits were buried along with the king.

After few centuries the people of that kingdom slowly lost their prosperity.

They reduced to the point of becoming thieves and beggars.

At that time they found the tomb of the king that possess his proofs of achievements.

Now tell me what they should do.

Selling those antiques can give people new hope and quench their hunger.


They should preserve them safely for the future of the dead country and be taken by some other thieves or criminals.

Do you know those thieves and criminals are formed from the very citizens after their countries economy collapsed?

This is because of the actions of their predecessors that chose to not to sell those antiques.


Rock was speechless to what to say.

"Rock there is no difference between the people of a peaceful country and a war torn country.

It is just that their true nature is hidden as long their necessities are being fulfilled.

Morals and peace talks will only works where you have enough power to support them.

You know they say good people die early.

It is not that they die early the surrounding people will send them to god early as they are not fit to live between humans.

We criminals are formed from the dark side of the society that those good people are responsible for stopping.

Since they did not stop us from forming they can at least share their achievements to let us live freely right…

Let me give you an advice rock.

You should look at the world with impartial eyes to find what is what instead of preaching nonsense.

If you can first save someone with your own strength before you talk about saving the dead things and dead people's achievements.

Then I will listen to your nonsense."

Mohini hates the people that preach without any effort to change things like rock.

Mohini stopped the things that touched her bottom line with her own strength back on earth gaining the title the innocent came from the people that she saved.

She also earned the title bitch from the people that did not see the good she did.

She doesn't care about the titles but she proved her point with her strength can those people that talk about peace and morals do the same?

Rock became completely silent listening to the words of Mohini.

Revy has snapped out of her trance like state as her own thoughts reciprocated to what Mohini said.

Originally her thoughts should have reciprocated with rock's words.

But everything in this world has at least 2 sides.

Even after the words from rock, Revy took some time to lean towards his side.

During that time the two sides of the thought fought with each other and finally took the side of rock's words because of the constant and continuous influence.

This time Mohini is going to use this opportunity that rock should have to pull Revy completely towards his side.

Mohini observed the face or Revy finding that her mind is in internal turmoil right now and a fight between the thoughts influenced by rock and Mohini is fighting inside her.



Revy did not get to say her speech and was only able to listen.

Right then the plot moved on.

There are people from the other party that arrived at the spot.

"Seems like we have some guests under water,

Rock, Revy let us dance a little first and we can talk about these things later."

Mohini moved on and followed the plot.

She did not kill any extra but only shared more than half of the kills with Revy.

Soon the other party ran away with the painting and Revy chased after them.

Mohini know that if there are other player they would not come down here instead stand at the top of the ship to shoot the plot like characters.

Since they are in the opposition they should kill Revy and specifically rock.

Mohini was quick and moved to protect Revy and rock from the barrage of bullets right when they surfaced on the water.

Quickly they went down under water and Mohini took a few moments to take few heads of those players that are shooting at them.

Mohini done want any unexpected turn of events when they go back to get the painting at.....


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