Chapter 214: Hansel and Gretel part-1

Chapter 214: Hansel and Gretel part-1

Also there are players that want to use the opportunity to kill Hansel and Gretel to gain benefits.

First killing the plot line characters would give rewards.

Then they can use these kills to claim a position in top forces.

Even joining hotel Moscow is not hard in this matter.

From the simulation Mohini already knows from where these people would come and act.

Mohini got a call from Abraham that the old man has paid the money and even the paintings were handed over.

With that the amount of money that Mohini has had reached new heights.

All of this was invested in some fields that she found would give her good returns in shares through simulation.....

Soon the series of killings started.

Balalaika called for the cancel of meetings and rock received it.

But she asked if Mohini can help in this matter.

Dutch was happy to let balalaika owe a favor so he told Mohini to go over to see what is going on.

Also he doesn't want to lose Mohini so he was a little reluctant to send Mohini.

But he was sure that Mohini can come back alive even of the other party has terminator coming to kill.

Mohini went to the meeting of the four bosses and stood behind balalaika.

Verrocchio wanted to call balalaika, fry face but seeing her appearance he was shocked.

Well he did not back down as he spoke sharply with his poisonous tongue.

Mohini was patient for some time but she lost interest in this nonsense.

She cannot waste any more time so as to not to give those stupid players more time to make the things complicated.

So she spoke.

"Balalaika, you called me for help right.

If you don't mind I would solve this matter quickly instead of all this meeting.

But at the end I want to save someone and you should not interfere…

If you are okay with the deal I will get into work."

Mohini said without giving face to other bosses present in the situation.

Before balalaika replied Verrocchio spoke.

"Who are you, bitch, speaking so highly?

Do you think that we mafia bosses are just jokers jumping around for fun?

Do you really believe that you are balalaika's subordinate, so you can say whatever you want to do...

Are you that bitches new adult video star or something.

Balalaika, if you need this bitch to be disciplined then send her to us we have real man and can take care of her till she becomes obedient.

Well you are also welcome to our den.

Since the scars are gone and you look lovely I will ride you till you call me daddy…"

Balalaika wanted to refute but Mohini got in first.

Her eyes emitted his pure unrestrained killing intent towards Verrocchio and said with a smile.

But the tone was so cold that it was literally freezing.

"You are so quick to jump in.

Don't you want to live enough till I report your things?

If you want to jump in directly then I will say your things directly.

Have you heard about Hansel and Gretel…?"

As soon as these words were spoken the expression on the face of Verrocchio changed for a moment.

This was noticed by other bosses.

They all understand what is happening and Mohini is the key for solving all of this.

But right at that moment Verrocchio acted as if he lost control and shot at Mohini.


It was sudden and the bullet was already in the air when the other bosses reacted.



But right then there is a soft sound and then another sound right in the middle of Mohini and Verrocchio.

All of this has happened in less than a second and only few people have heard the sounds from the gun.

Mohini was standing there without even a scratch.

"Fuck, why are you still alive?"

Then they saw that two bullets mashed up right between them.

"She has actually countered the bullet with another bullet right in the mid air."

"Fuck what kind of logic is that."

The people were so shocked to speak while Mohini moved forward.

Her steps are not fast but the people were so shocked that their bodies did not move even if they wanted to.

They are in a strange frightened and shocked state that froze their body from moving.

Mohini took the gun from the hands of Verrocchio and said.

"Since you made the shot I am going to terminate you and your group now.

If you can bring Hansel and Gretel then it means that you have contacts with the people that would do things with children.

So you have to pay some of the interest.

In the next moment Mohini was like a shadow that moved in between the people of Verrocchio.

In the next moment they all are on the ground with their arms and legs dislocated.

All of this happened in 15 seconds.

Because of the lax in their movements before the other bosses react everything has ended before they can start.

Mohini left the other subordinates and came to Verrocchio and started her special method to make him feel enough pain without passing out.

Finally he spilled the truth to all the questions Mohini asked.

This includes all of his assets, the place from where Hansel and Gretel were brought here, the people he killed and everything and even the moles on his wife's body.

The other bosses did not move even after they know what is happening.

They all gulped their saliva looking at Mohini as he looked more like a demon than a normal thug.

They all looked at balalaika.

Then they remembered that there is a magician that suddenly came and removed all the scars on the face of balalaika.

Then one by one some incidents appeared in their mind and they came to the conclusion.

That is the "Innocent bitch" that recently entered the underworld and.....


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