Chapter 219: warning

Chapter 219: warning

After it was done they got some small explanation and were sent back.

The ones that were selected got some good explanation and Mohini explained some important things to them slowly.

At the same time the system gave her information that the family of those subordinates can be taken without the question of trust for them.

They will directly become the citizens on the ark island.

They will be loyal to Mohini and balalaika.

It is like a king is marrying a princess of another country and gets some people sent back along with the princess as escort to serve her.

Mohini told balalaika some important things and then explained the things to Boris for good explanation and pass on the message to all these people.

With the things settled here Mohini left with Revy and Gretel.

Mohini is not going back to Lagoon Company instead she is going to Romania.

There is a point that she wanted to make there.

It will also show her power as the innocent bitch.


The journey is long but there is no one to stop her.

Mohini has already asked Gretel about the people and locations where those bastards that treat children like toys are.

In the morning next day Mohini went on a rampage.

Those people did not die but there is no point in living.

All of their bodies were mutilated to the point that only life is there which is hanging by a hair.

Mohini did that and wrote a statement on the walls with their blood.

"Those of you bastards that want to touch the following bottom lines of this bitch are hereby warned.


Mohini stated his bottom lines like not touching woman or children…..


In the end she said.

Anyone that dares to touch my bottom line with receives my wrath just like these bastards that received just now.


Innocent bitch


Soon after that the media of the entire world has arrived here to cover the incident that was left by Mohini.

Whenever any of the media tried to twist the facts Mohini would hack their channel to give a video of the punishment that tried to twist her words.

Well these videos also contain all the dark histories of those reporters or anyone that made the news.

This warning was so big that literally frightened the underworld and some so called righteous governments that tried to speak righteous but does the dirty works in the shadows.

While the world is boiling Mohini was back to Roanapur.

Her dummy company has a big cash flow letting its total funds reach over 100 billion dollars after this small rampage.

Rock, Dutch and Benny knows that this was done by Mohini but they don't care as Mohini was still friendly towards them.

Eda and Veena received orders for CIA to keep her eyes on Mohini.

The respect towards Mohini from balalaika's men has increased.

It showed that the respect from the army of balalaika has reached 70 points favorability.


Mohini then left to another place.

She went to India;

Recently she found the secret society locations in India and some surrounding countries.

Even though it looks centralize in the papers, India is not centralized in power.

So the information pieces were scattered throughout the country at some important places.

Africa is also like that she got only some pieces from Cairo.

She has to go to south of Africa to get other pieces.

Not only information piece she was also able to get a gang bang with the native black dicks over there.

Well one thing is for sure that is Mohini is busy.

But she bought gifts for her woman whenever she returns.

She would bring them, dresses or other things for them that would suit their tastes.

She did not take Gretel or Revy along with her when she travels.

Gretel was actually left with balalaika to help her with some things.


This time when she returned is for the start of the new event.

That is the job from mister Chang of the triads.

This time Mohini is targeting the next woman on the list that can rival Revy with her annoyance.

She just returned and Dutch asked Mohini to wake Revy up as mister Chang would come at any time.

Rock was not given this opportunity to see the sleeping Revy with her tank top and panties which are in complete mess.

Rock is actually calculating some accounts.

Mohini came to Revy's room and went to lie down beside her.

The sudden hug made Revy wake up quickly.

Her hands went to the gun to shoot the person that hugged her suddenly.

But the comfortable feeling she felt just now stopped her and said.

"Mohini, what are you doing?"

Mohini did not just hug her from behind as his hands are inside her tank top playing with her tits.

"Well I am greeting my woman.

Also I am helping her tits grow bigger and fuller just like mine."

Revy was left speechless by the shamelessness of Mohini.

She did not have the words to talk back to her so she can only endure.

If she did struggle then she will be spanked by Mohini till she asks her to fondle her tits voluntarily.

So she was silent.

"Since it is like that any way, why not just enjoy getting groped.

Also being groped by Mohini is not less than getting massaged which was a great feeling."

Those are the feelings of Revy as Mohini played with her a little more and ended playing with her with pinching her nipples.

"It is no fun Revy you are not struggling any more.

If you have struggled a little I would have spanked you…

Sadly you did not struggle instead you seems to be enjoying that."

Revy was speechless again.

"Shut up Mohini,

Because of you spanking my ass grew bigger and those old dresses are not fitting me anymore you know..."


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