Chapter 221: meeting Shenhua

Chapter 221: meeting Shenhua

She did not even question why Mohini dressed up like a stripper.

Revy started to plan about the rescue and finally Mohini spoke.

"Revy do we really need to go at night.

I am going to play with them a little while you can take the opportunity to bring rock back.

Why waste the time till night like that when we can just complete it now…."

Mohini moved forward as she pulled out guns out of thin air.

Shenhua finally noticed Mohini.

"Is this the magician that became famous recently in Roanapur?

She looks hand…some, charming and elegant."

Her broken English made it hard for her to speak.

So Mohini directly spoke to her in Shenhua's native language making her shocked.

"Are you Chinese too…?"

She asked.

"No I have to stay there for a little while and picked up the language on the way….

Anyway get ready to rescue rock while I decrease their numbers and distract them."

After saying these words Mohini moved along the entrance and started to attack.

Shenhua looked at Revy and the back of Mohini and asked.

"Will she be okay…?"

Revy then spoke proudly.

"She is too strong and I can assure you that she will not have a single scratch even after she walk straight into the battle zone.

What, are you interested in my woman.

If you want I can introduce you to her and you can become her concubine.

The main 3 wife posts were already occupied by me, balalaika and that chick Gretel…."

Revy spoke with sarcasm and wanting to show her superiority to Shenhua.

But it did not work as Shenhua did not believe her words.

She really became interested in Mohini.

The strange attraction of Mohini activated and started to show its effects on Shenhua.

As they talked the sounds of gun fires started.


They both climbed on the top of the tree to take a look at what is happening.

But what they saw has stunned them both.

Mohini is like a walking war machine.

The guns fire nonstop stopping hundreds of bullets from hitting her.

At that same time the bullets would find their ways to hit the heads of the enemies.

Well none of those terrorists hot her central body instead they are trying to shoot at her hands and legs.

They have not touched a woman in a long time so they are hoping to capture Mohini and deal with their lust.

So it is easy for Mohini to defend and attack at the same time.

They took an entire minute to come back to their senses.

Shenhua asked.

"Why is she not changing the magazine in the gun?

How can a gun hold so many bullets?"

Revy smiled and said.

"Do you know why she was called a magician?

It is because of this.

She is equals to a walking fortress and it is impossible to hit her with all the bullets.

But we have to hurry.

Even though she looks invincible she will be exhausted if this continues on.

We have to rescue rock quickly and leave here.

After she said that they moved in quickly to rescue rock.

Well their conversation is not as smooth as that was mentioned as they use their bitch language to call each other while fighting.

Well it did not take them long to find rock and get him out of here.

Because of the early intervention of Mohini and the people, the terrorist party did not get a chance to talk to rock.

The quickly took rock away and got on the car.

They them moved to pick up Mohini that was distracting the troops.

She is a little far away so the accuracy of those bullets is very low.

Only a few would reach her by chance but they were all intercepted by Mohini's curved bullets.

As they started to escape rock sat on the front seat while Revy want to pull Mohini to the back seat for the rescue to leave here.

Then her weird luck activated and the car bumped.

This time not only Revy but Shenhua was also sitting on her lap.

The hands of Mohini were on their tits like a rich man with beauties on his lap.

Revy don't mind but for Shenhua this is the first time.

She is feeling the comfort and the sudden actions made her let out a moan.

Well it was very sweet in a way and Mohini wanted to make her moan more but this is not the time.

Also the knife of Shenhua was on the throat of Mohini at that time.

She really wanted to kill her.

Mohini pressed pressure points at one of her arms to stop her hands from moving.

"It was an accident so doesn't take it to heart.

Also you look quite good with great body.

Do you want to join in my harem?"

Mohini said with a smile and fondling Shenhua's tits.

"Oh what harem is it the one that this bitch has said it before.

You want to take me in a concubine and not as main wife.

Why should I join your harem?"

Mohini has few question marks on her head because of the words from Shenhua.

Does she wants to be in her harem but changed her mind because Revy said that she is the main wife with higher authority and Shenhua was just a concubine.

Mohini looked at Revy and said.

"Revy you are becoming naughty.

I think that I should give you your spanks so that you would not spout all the nonsense."

Then she looked at Shenhua and said.

"Even though I will have many wives there is not first or second wife.

Also there is no hierarchy between my wives as they are my life itself.

So you don't have to think of what Revy said to your heart.

Instead think about it and tell me when you make your choice…."

Mohini said with a smile on...….


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