Chapter 239: 551 subordinates taken to the real world

Chapter 239: 551 subordinates taken to the real world

The situation is very similar to that of when Mohini visited Russia.

In the evening Revy arrived and Mohini went to the cargo area of the flight to receive the package.

Because of her power no one stopped her when she did many things.

At the same time Mohini also captured some corrupted cops of the city and made look like street beggars chained like dogs to a street light outside her place.

This was the gift that Mohini prepared for Revy.

Also there is a gift for Roberta too.

It was related to the man that ordered the assassination at the party meeting where Diego went.

Whatever the reason is, he did not consider the consequences and tried to put his nose in the wrong place.

Finding him was very easy with the power of central computer in the pentagon.

As expected of the country that would put their nose at ever corner of the world, all the filth was packed in their hard drives.

Mohini used it like it is her own back yard and put the filth for everyone to see.

Mohini even announced the dark things of many people of all the countries through media.

They cannot stop the uplink because of the death warning of the name innocent bitch.

Some of the media people have already faced the wrath of the innocent bitch before.

So they dare not stop.

The public outrage was created and a complete cleanup has started right on that very day.

Those upright rich people have lost their façade and their true color was put out in the open.

The stupid peace lovers would say some cheesy nonsense that the bad deeds should not be known to the public.

But Mohini never thinks like this.

She always believes that hiding these things would only make the world worse more and more.

Most probably those peace lovers have fear of ghosts or they took bribes in secret to cover the ass of those filthy mutts.

Mohini directly put their shit out and the world will fall into the chaotic state again.

There will be turmoil for some time but after that the world will evolve into a better or worse place based on the choices of the public.

Other than those filthy cops the person that order the grey fox unit to bomb the party was caught by Mohini.

Roberta started to play with the man slowly making him touch the lowest levels of hell.

Mohini was very cruel and helped her worsen the situation of that man.

Revy woke up and started to show her fiery temper.

Mohini pulled her out to show the dogs that caused many grievances for her.

Right in front of her the filthy cops were tied to the street lamp like pet dogs.

Mohini played with them in front of her making them beg her for mercy.

Mohini is not a bad guy.

She did not do anything to their families but they were not spared from the pain.

The pain is so much that they want to die rather than be in pain.


Revy's expression has changed many times as the cold wall around her heart was shaking.

Finally Mohini made those people's lives worse than death and irreversible.

With that she dropped them on the road like waste.

Revy don't want to kill them and let them suffer.

She ran back to Mohini and hugged her.

There are tears in her eyes as she finally found a place to live and a person to love.

Her favorability directly jumped to 100 points.

At the same time Roberta was also done with what she wanted to do.

Based on the quest information as long as Roberta's heart was quenched the fantasy world ends.

Before the other players even start their play the fantasy world will end.

With that everything is over.

The system sent out a message immediately that the world will end in a few minutes.

Soon after that Mohini is in the bridged space with the starry sky.

This time behind her is not one or two people but few hundred people.

They were all from the fantasy world that came out with Mohini.


Healing required.....

Sawyer (198,000 chaos points)

Roberta (1400 chaos points)


Gross chaos points required (1.3 million chaos points)

Does host wants to pay.





Mohini nodded her head and the chaos points were deducted immediately.

Well her profits from the fantasy world are over a billion chaos points.


Subordinate: 551

Condition: normal

Player, do you want to take 551 subordinates out of this fantasy world to the real world?"

Mohini looked at the people around and asked if they are sure to follow Mohini out of this place.

Everyone wants to follow Mohini so there is no rejection.

Mohini directly nodded her head accepting to take them all with her.


Player, please pay 1.3 billion chaos points to bring 551 subordinates out back to the real world.





Mohini nodded her head again and the chaos points deducted.


Assets and money earned by the host 216 billion dollars,

Does host want to convert them into 2.16 billion chaos points and receive them?





Mohini nodded her head and immediately the chaos points added to her status panel.

This replenished the chaos points that she just spent now.


Calculating the completion rate of the fantasy world….


Fantasy world was too much influenced….

Quest completion rate 100 percent….

Impression made by the player on the people in the fantasy world…58 percent…

Number of subordinates that trusted the player to bring them out….551 people…

Special quest fantasy world conquest activated…..

Conquest completion rate 80 percent…..

World wealth accumulation 12 percent…."


Achievement unlocked – fantasy world conquest

Conditions of achievement….

Conquering 80 percent of the fantasy world, 

10 percent of the wealth of the fantasy world,

More than 50 percent impression of the people of the fantasy world...…."


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