Chapter 241: big gains seduction art (Volume 6 the mummy world)

Chapter 241: big gains seduction art

If the surrounding conditions cannot support human life then the chance of usage would be deducted without any effects.

Killed soldiers cannot be revived.

Soldiers will not have any weapons with them.

Hint: the soldiers summoned are all NPC's so player can use them as cannon fodder.

Those soldiers are absolutely loyal to the player.


Mohini was amused as this was a good card that can work in many places but she doesn't need this.

She has just brought an army with her from the fantasy world.

She doesn't need this card.

Also they are only temporary forces and cannot be developed further.

So she did not like this option either.

Finally after thing of the things she made a choice of options.

She directly rejected chaos points, 100 soldiers card and the central computer of the pentagon and selected the remaining options.

That are 1,2,3,4 and 6 options were chosen by her.

Immediately the system granted her the rewards.


Obtained rewards,

115000 civilian merit points,

28000 military merit points,

50 free stat points,

25 free skill points,

Protagonist card (3 uses) 


These things are very useful for her in her future plans.

The granted rewards directly went to her status panel for her to check.

Immediately he opened the status panel to check.




Name: Mohini, innocent bitch

Age: 28 (appearance is 18 years)

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade), zombie annihilator (4300/1 mil), mortal hero (tier-1), lucky pervert (max)

Job: alchemist (pill refiner) (tier-1- intermediate), hunter (tier-1- master), cook (tier-1- master), builder (tier-1- intermediate),

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: corporal (10,000/41680)

Civilian rank: small village head (25,000/122140)


Vitality: 124+2 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 121+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Strength: 122+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Agility: 121+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 124

Sense: 123+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Charm: 125


Evolution chaos genetic points: 650

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Common grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Uncommon grade chaos monster genetic essence: 80 percent

Unique grade chaos monster genetic essence: 30 percent

Rare grade chaos monster genetic essence: 25 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent


Health points: 1260/1260

Stamina points: 1220/1220

Magic points: 1240/1240


Free stat points: 442

Chaos points: 51.42 billion

Skill points: 68 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)

Lust points: 7750 (1 lust point = 100 chaos points) 


Innate skills:


Fucking steal: tier 4 (640/5000)

Endurance: tier 4 (760/5000)

Insight: tier 5 (840/6000)

Will: tier 5 (970/6000)


Acquired skills: 


Thought inception: tier 4 (1480/5000)

Dick growing: tier 1 (820/2000)

Manipulative tongue: tier 4 (4480/5000)

Cooking: tier 4 (4500/5000)

Contract: tier 2 (2454/3000)

Hunting: tier 4 (4630/5000)

Physical fighting: tier 5 (50/6000)

Weapon fighting: tier 5 (20/6000)

Simulation: (Max)

Extraction: tier 3 (3900/4000)

Shooter: tier 2 (1700/3000)

Magic software: tier 6 (3050/7000)

Reality clone: tier 3 (2940/4000)

Seduction art: tier 2 (1960/30,000)

Multi tasking: tier 4 (1160/5000)

Disguise: tier 3 (440/4000)


Body status: poisoned into infertility 


She used some of the lust points to buy many kinds of perverted skills.

All of the perverted skills of her have combined into a single pack called seduction art.

She has learnt about it before and knows that when the skills of a set are filled they would combine into a single pack called an art.

Mohini wants to improve her civilian and military ranks with the good harvest just now.

Mohini also got extra military merit points during her conquest over the countries in the fantasy world.

Also she got some bonuses from defeating those veteran players 

So the improving started right away.

"From small village head to big village head requires 25,000 civilian merit points"

"Successfully ranked up to big village head"

Further improvement is temporarily unavailable.

Player has to reach the ring 2 to unlock further upgrade.

Remaining civilian merit points: 97,140

"From corporal to sergeant requires 10,000 military merit points"

"Successfully ranked up to sergeant"

"From sergeant to staff sergeant requires 25,000 military merit points"

"Successfully ranked up to staff sergeant"

Further improvement is temporarily unavailable.

Player has to reach the ring 2 to unlock further upgrade.

Remaining military merit points: 6,680

Immediately Mohini got a message saying that his personal storage was upgraded to 50 cubic meters of space.

There is another important thing that she found out from reading through the information of this world.

There is so much that she has to read it through the information slowly.

The thing is that after crossing over from tier 1 to tier 2 all the free stat points remaining will be gone.

This is the same for the free skill points.

For every tier the player cannot save the free stat and skill points back to use it in the next tier.

They have to use it before leaving.

If they did not use them those stat and skill points would be randomly assigned to the stats before the player goes through the tribulation.

The same goes for the skill points.

So the player has to use them before doing anything.

Mohini needs another 98 stat points other than the 442 free stat points that he already has to complete her goal of 200 stat points in all stats.

In the future she will earn more free stat points any way. 

So she has decided to distribute the stat points early.

In the simulations she will concentrate on improving his skills and job related things for further development.

As for the skill points distribution Mohini has other thoughts about this.

Skill points can be used to improve her innate skills directly to next level.

For that the skills she chose are important for her right now.

First are the will and insight skills reaching directly to tier 9.

Then she improved the skills related to magic software and multi tasking......


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