Chapter 258: Rick joins candy’s harem

Chapter 258: Rick joins candy's harem

Well she was fucked by him once.

But that is all there is to it.

After Beni escaped Mohini and Evelyn came to the room where Mr. Burns was already sucked dry by Imhotep.

The plot continued as Jonathan and others arrived here and Mohini was pushed by Imhotep. 

But Mohini was not thrown back by Imhotep like Rick in the original plot.

The reason is that Mohini is already physically stronger than that set limit of this world.

The set limit for the mummy world is actually 120 stat points in strength for Imhotep.

Rick is also like that and he is very strong and lucky.

The thing here is related to the distribution of stat points and luck of protagonist halo of Rick.

If it was the next part where the scorpion king was awakened, the stats of the scorpion king are around 150.

This is the same with the dragon king that has magic bonus too.

Well the plot continued and Imhotep was scared by the cat.

Mohini and the group went to the curator to get the information related to Imhotep just like that in the plot.

Then they returned back to the hotel.

Mohini told them to stay here while she go and take care of the Egyptologist with Rick.

Mohini specifically told Evelyn to hold the cat with her for protection.

Then she strictly warned Jonathan to guard her sister.

As for the Americans they are very obedient because of the strong deterrence from Mohini's eyes.

Well she did threaten to cut off their dicks if they had any different thoughts.

Mohini knows that she cannot save the Egyptologist but she still have to try.

So she went along with Rick.

Rick found Beni and got the information just like that of in the movie.

The Egyptologist died and there is a pest storm outside created by Imhotep.

Mohini and her group escaped there and moved towards the hotel again to find and save others.

Mohini knows that this is the time to ask the question of trust from Evelyn and her brother.

Any later would cause some serious problems and connective of her plan.

So Mohini quickly returned back to Evelyn and then pulled Jonathan with her.

She looked at candy as if suggesting something.

She was sure that candy did not ask the question of trust to Rick yet.

She understands what Mohini is suggesting with her eyes and pulled Rick to a different room.

The Americans can only stay in the hall with the cat for protection.

After taking Evelyn and Jonathan into a bed room Mohini closed the door and told them to sit.

They can understand the seriousness from Mohini's tone and did as they were told.

"Do you trust me…?"

Mohini asked the question of trust.

The favorability of Evelyn is over 80 points and it is dark green in color which indicates that the success rate is very high.

The favorability of Jonathan has reached 50 points and it is light green in color which indicates that the success rate is not very high.

But still Mohini tried.

Immediately Evelyn has a light screen with the question of trust in front of her which shocked her.

As for Jonathan it did not appear so Mohini has to say.

"Jonathan, learn from your sister and trust me.

There are many treasures out there to get.

Trust me…"

As soon as Mohini said the words treasures Jonathan's eyes lit up and immediately the light screen with the question of trust appeared in front of his face.

Immediately Mohini spoke about the warning before they clicked any option subconsciously.

After listening to Mohini's warning Jonathan hesitated but Evelyn directly clicked yes.

With her persuasion Jonathan also clicked yes option too.

As the question of trust is over, Mohini started to introduce about her again and about the real world.

When Evelyn found that Mohini has other women, she was disappointed a little.

But when Mohini became two and the created more than 10 clones she was shocked.

Jonathan almost fainted.

Only then she understood that Mohini is like this after going through many ups and down in her life.

Any way she liked her and she will not change her mind and give up on Mohini.

So the explanation went on.

At the same time Mohini told them about Rick and candy...…

Only then they understood some important things.

After the explanation is over Mohini told them what will happen next and let them be prepared for the future.

They both gritted their teeth understanding that this is the plot and they have to follow.

Well Mohini made some changes to the plot and it is much safer this way.

Mohini don't mind letting Imhotep kiss Evelyn.

She is her woman and Mohini was very possessive in nature but she is bitchy natured too.

So she brought in the cat from the outside and placed it in the room.

Also that night Mohini and Jonathan would stay with Evelyn in the night.

Evelyn slept happily while Jonathan and Mohini were playing cards to wait till Imhotep arrives here.

When Imhotep killed another American and entered this place through the key hole in the form of sand, Mohini has already noticed him.

She waited till Imhotep arrived here completely before sending the cat over to scare Imhotep from running away from here.


They came out of the room with Evelyn put on Mohini's trench coat over her sexy night dress.

Mohini wanted to make Evelyn naked under the trench coat but she cannot push things took quickly with Evelyn.

But Mohini still made two patch holes at the nipples of Evelyn.

All of Mohini's women have the exhibitionist tendencies.

So as long as Evelyn became Mohini's woman she also has these thoughts.

Mohini supported these thoughts and the result is that the sexy night dress under the trench coat has two holes with her nipples out.

They came back to the museum...…..


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