Chapter 260: do you want to continue?

Chapter 260: do you want to continue?

Candy was on her knees looking at the huge room that can be compared to few football fields completely empty without any treasures.

Her eyes were weeping and she has a small mental breakdown.

She thought that other players that stayed behind would have taken the treasure when they returned to Cairo.

But how can they take everything here.

Even with the storage space players have it is not possible to take everything here just like that.

It is only possible if some players used a space artifact to take all the treasure here.

Mohini on the side is laughing inside looking at the misery of candy.

She did not help her look for Evelyn and she even know another passage way that leads here.

Mohini ignored her and is waiting for the next scene to happen.

That is the awakening of the priests of Imhotep.

At the same time Beni would arrive here and then candy would most probably connect Beni for the disappearance of treasures.

Mohini doesn't care and moved forward with Jonathan and Ardeth leaving these people here.

There is a heroine that is waiting for her to be rescued.

Well they have to find statue of Horus to get the book if Amun- Ra.

Even though Mohini knows the incantations she still has to have the book to use the spell.

For the spells of the mummy world unless, the player completed many special rituals like Imhotep it is not possible to cast spells without the book on hand.

The book was engraved with runes that would help the process of spell casting.

So the book is a necessity for using the incantation for players.

Well it did not apply to heroine, Jonathan or Rick if they did not connect with any player.

Once they are connected to a player then their advantage will be over.


Mohini helped people locate the Horus statue quickly and break the thing quickly to get the book.

Then Mohini led the people to enter the underground place of the ritual of resurrection.

She took the book from Jonathan and directly read the instructions on the book to call the guards of the tomb.

Mohini directs the guards to fight those mummy priests while she goes to fight Imhotep.

Mohini was fast and cuts off the chains that are holding Evelyn while fighting with Imhotep.

Mohini is a professional in using her things.

She got close to Imhotep and got the key with her slippery hands.

Anck-su-namun's mummy started to move and chase Evelyn.

When Jonathan got the key and opened the book Mohini directly shouted the incantation that can be used to remove the immortality of Imhotep.

Evelyn immediately repeated the incantation that Mohini shouted causing Imhotep to lose his immortality.

Since Imhotep became mortal Mohini killed him directly but said a few words in Egyptian.

"You will be revived in a few months.

Then you will meet Anck-su-namun physical reincarnation from a cult.

I will come to find you for cooperation to kill the scorpion king…

This is your future prediction.

I want to cooperate with you.

I love you so much.

I will let you see the true nature of that woman

So die for now…."

Imhotep stepped back into the pool with his dying breath he said.

"I will come back to get you…"

In the movie it should be said that "Death is only the beginning."

But here the sentence changed because of what Mohini said.

On the side Evelyn looked at Mohini strangely and asked.

"Do you know Egyptian too….?"

Mohini smiled and took them out of this place quickly without saying a word.

Well she doesn't have to fear that Beni would do something to sink the entire Hamunaptra.

This is because he was currently being interrogated by candy to know where the treasure is.

Mohini collected the book of the dead and the book of Amun-Ra.

The key was also collected by Mohini and left the place peacefully with their gains.

When they came out Ardeth told Mohini that they can become friends and Mohini gave him a smile saying that they would meet soon.

Ardeth don't know what Mohini said but he moved on his way.

Mohini really wanted to seduce Ardeth but he is a model leader and would not fall into the traps of woman.

Mohini brought candy and Rick out.

There is also Beni that did not die.

While Rick and Beni were bickering Mohini and candy are looking at the blue screen floating in front of their faces.

The contents are simple.

"Does the player want to continue this fantasy world completing the entire series?





There are many mummy world fantasy settings happening at the same time.

Each world houses 100 players and there are more than a million players participating in this fantasy world.

As soon as they completed the first part of the series they will get a notification.

The people that don't want to continue will be able to return back to earth while the people that wanted to continue can continue.

The distribution is based on compatibility of the players.

As for the connection with the plot line characters of the fantasy, they will be arranged based on the highest favorability towards a player.

For example the favorability of Jonathan and Evelyn towards Mohini are over 90 points.

Similarly the favorability of Rick towards candy is over 90 points.

If the contract of trust is also formed,

Then the fantasy system will find the copy of mummy fantasy world where the players have less contact with the protagonist or the heroine…

This way the conflict of interest will be reduced by a large margin.

The world can be mended and can be continued like this,

After the question of trust candy looked at Mohini and they communicated with their eyes.

So she decisively chose to stay.

This is the same with Mohini.


As soon as they chose to continue...


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