Chapter 262: changes of the world from the system

Chapter 262: changes of the world from the system

The rest are in the city of Cairo or someplace nearby.

They did not go to participate in the fight just now instead they are fence sitters that only did small things to contribute to the story.

Just like the players that previously came to Hamunaptra and stayed out of this place for some time when the mummy awakens.

After the mummy left they come here to get the treasures in secret.


Since these 20 people stayed here Mohini waited for all the other players to leave first before speaking.

Her words are necessarily the words of Evelyn.

So they should accept it.

Candy decided to follow Mohini so Rick will naturally follow Mohini's group.

Mohini looked at the 20 players and said.

"Since Hamunaptra is buried now it needs to be excavated.

Also the Bracelet of Anubis needed to be found….

I did not choose to go along the conventional way and follow the protagonist.

Mine is the free way.

As for the things I will do them my way.

You can follow your quests and if you meet in the future we can cooperate.

If there is anything you wanted to negotiate then you can speak to me now or in the future…."

None of them spoke much and departed directly on the camels here.

The number of camels also increased.

Mohini also got on camels and moved back to Cairo.

She will find a safe place to simulate to check the situations and other things.

The strong people that came all the way here to fight with Imhotep would not reveal their plans so easily.

So, most of them left quickly towards the nearby nomad village on camels to start the next plot.

After making some arrangements for the night Mohini started to simulate for the second part.

Once again the simulation stopped when she reached the end of the second part.

The third part was not continued in the simulation.

This means there is another choice at the end again.

Mohini has some thoughts but there are problems too.

Well whatever it might be they are going to rest for a little while before starting to move on to the next thing.


Right when they arrived at the nomad's camp they saw the people in red clothes that just came here to get some supplies.

They are the cult that is going to excavate the city of dead Hamunaptra.

Mohini doubted something so she asked a nomad what year this is.

She was shocked to find that this is 1932.

This means it is one year before the year of the scorpion.

Time moved fast and it directly stepped close to the second part.

Also the age of Jonathan, Rick and Evelyn did not change.

But they have new memories right now.

These are about their deeds in the past few years.

Well there are changes here; 

Rick and Evelyn are not a couple.

There is no Alex in this life.

What they got are the memories of the change of times but not their lives.

Candy also understood this and knows that the things have changed.

Also the system gave them message that they are now free to roam around in England and the northern part of African continent.

This is the increased the area of the map that should have increased after unlocking the second part of the plot.

There are memories that are shared to Mohini and candy too.

These memories are about the changed times and the details related to the living conditions of the current world.

This is all they should know to continue to move on with the second part of the story.

In the people with the red clothes Mohini saw a person Anck-su-namun.

Not the real person but the reincarnated person.

Based on her estimate and the current year that the system said, it will take them at least 5 months to excavate Imhotep.

As for the book of the dead and book of Amun- Ra, they were still in Mohini's personal space along with the key.

But they were in the grayed out zone.

That is they cannot be taken out for the use in this fantasy world from now on.

This means that there is another set of these things in the ruins of the city of the dead.

Mohini doesn't care as she remembered some of the incantations of the two books from the simulations.

Well Mohini would not care for these people right now.

She has other things to take care off.

First is to find the scepter of Tutankhamen and then look for the lost ark.

For those things Mohini already filled her information and artifact pieces.

So she got the map to the location where these artifacts are.

All she has to do is to go to those locations solve the traps and puzzles and get the artifacts.

But there is a tail behind her.

That is candy.

Mohini doesn't want to take candy with her and give her a piece of the treasures.

Well she has her own things to do and will not follow Mohini all the time.

There is still a year of time.

Also there another problem here that Mohini has to solve.

That is the mode of transportation in this world is very backward right now.

Because of this problem it is very hard to travel to many places quickly.

Mohini can get a fighter plane; 

She knows how to drive it.

But the problem is that there are no clear landing areas in the desert.

Also the problems with fuel and harsh conditions of the climate make many things useless.

Mohini has to act quickly so that she can complete many things.

First she gave Jonathan some cash that she converted out chaos points to let him go on his way back to England.

Mohini has to let Jonathan go to get the scepter.

Jonathan's scepter is the mystical Spear of Osiris that is required...


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