Chapter 266: the bracelet of Anubis

Chapter 266: the bracelet of Anubis

In the next 5 months Mohini was completely immersed in making money and playing with Evelyn.

She told Evelyn before that she has a birth control skill so it is not a problem to play raw.

Mohini can even control the pregnancy problem for her women.

So filling up their pussies with all the cum is not a problem for neither of them.

Mohini has successfully stolen the crown of the England, their treasury is gone, and their secret society is busted too.

Mohini got the information pieces related to the Excalibur and some things related to Merlin and Morgan le Fay.

Mohini did not have time to study these things, as they got information related to the bracelet of Anubis.

At the same time the year of scorpion was about to start in a few days.

Mohini knows that Evelyn would start remembering her past life being Princess Nefertiti.

So Mohini took her and left to collect the bracelet of Anubis.

Well any way there is a group of three that would make their way here and Mohini is not going to kill them.

They are important for the resurrection and recovery of Imhotep.

There is a wall to the side of pillars where Mohini and Evelyn should be buried in water.

So Mohini has to dig a hole here before going to get the bracelet.

Mohini has already planned everything when she arrived at the location of the ruins at Thebes.

Well there are other people players here.

This includes candy and Rick.

Rick can put on the bracelet of Anubis but he cannot open the door by himself.

Candy also doesn't know how to open the door.

The thing is the combination appeared in the movie did not fit in properly to open the door.

This means that Evelyn should remember the memories of the past and open the door on her own.

They cannot just blast the side of the wall because as long as the wall is broken everything here will be flooded.

So they all are stuck at a dead lock and are waiting for Evelyn and Mohini to come and open the door.

Also they all have this question about who would wear the bracelet of Anubis in place of Alex.

Since there is no kid here the story cannot go on in the same direction of the plot.

Mohini greeted candy and Rick.

Candy asked if Mohini likes to let Rick wear the bracelet of Anubis.

But Mohini did not accept that.

She directly took Evelyn to the ancient looking room.

Evelyn has this vision and knows how to open the door lock.

She did not step on the poisonous insects and walked towards the locked door.

Mohini followed and she was followed by candy, and Rick.

Other players did not enter.

They are not strong enough and they don't want to wear the bracelet.

What they want to do is to get the treasures from the golden pyramid at the end.

So they are following Mohini to know the changes in the plot caused by the lack of some characters like Alex.

Evelyn opened the bracelet box and the flood appeared immediately they ran towards the dead end.

Before reaching the dead end Mohini threw a dynamite stick at the weak wall to blast it.

As soon as the wall blasted the flood pushed them out along with the water.


They came out with the box that contains the bracelet of Anubis.

Mohini wanted to store the box and the bracelet in the personal space. 

But the system warning came saying that she cannot store this thing inside unless she kills the scorpion king with her own hands.

This means that this bracelet will belong to the person that was able to kill the scorpion king.

If she cannot kill then she cannot use this bracelet.

Well if a person kills it then she can give this bracelet to her subordinates that have signed life and death contract with her.

Other people cannot use this and it cannot be passed down to the next generation.


Looking at the information Mohini spoke the details of the bracelet to all the people present that are staring at the bracelet with greed in their eyes.

With the information most of the people lost their interest in the bracelet.

They want to know if Mohini is going to put on the bracelet herself.

Also they want to know when Mohini is going to set out to the golden pyramid in the cursed oasis in the desert of Ahm Shere.

 They are waiting to go there to get gold.

Well there are pygmy mummies out there but the allure of gold is too much for their greedy hearts.

Mohini did not gave them any clear answer and said that she would follow the plot here and return back to England to get the Jonathan first.

They know that Imhotep would resurrect soon and at that time the danger level would increase.

Anyway, if Mohini would go to oasis in the desert of Ahm Shere, she still has to pass through Cairo.

As long as they were vigilant in the next few days they can easily follow Mohini's group.

Well there is one that did not follow the normal logic.

That is candy.

She has decided to stick to Mohini this time, so as to not to let her slip away like the last time.

When she did not find Mohini she did went to other tombs to get some good things.

But she has a hunch that Mohini got something very valuable that she did not know.

Even if she asks Mohini she would not tell her.

She also understands that if she wants Mohini to tell her, her secrets then she has to become Mohini's women by sharing all of her harem with Mohini.

Well she cannot do that so this can only be cooperative relationship between Mohini and candy.

She sighed and followed Mohini...…


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