Chapter 268: I love you Imhotep

Chapter 268: I love you Imhotep

"She was just knocked unconscious.

The things I am about to talk to you are secret and she cannot know about them."

He put Evelyn down....

But Mohini stopped him and pointed at the bench opposite to her and told him to sit just like she and Anck-su-namun right now.

Since they are dealing with each other on equal level Imhotep followed Mohini's words.

After they sat down Mohini spoke.

"Imhotep, do you love Anck-su-namun enough to sacrifice your life for her."

Mohini asked Imhotep the same question that she asked Anck-su-namun in Egyptian language.

Imhotep did not even spend the time to blink an eye and replied directly.

"I will die for her…

But if you do anything to her I will kill you first and die along with her or resurrect her."

Mohini did not respond to Imhotep and looked at Evelyn and asked in Egyptian language.

"Eve, tell me will you die for me if needed…"

Evelyn answered immediately without blinking an eye that she would die for Mohini.

Her words are as firm as mountains.

Mohini then looked at Imhotep and said in Egyptian language.

"Imhotep, I really love you as much as I love Evelyn.

I fell in love with you after seeing the way you loved Anck-su-namun.

Will you love me too?"

She asked Imhotep.

Imhotep was taken aback.

This is the first time someone proposed to him saying she loved him looking at the current body. 

Even Anck-su-namun has not told him that she loved him after rebirth.

But he was firm in his beliefs and did not want to betray Anck-su-namun.

So he decisively refused.

But he fears that Mohini would do something to the unconscious Anck-su-namun in a fit of rage.

So he told her smoothly but the answer is still rejection

Mohini then said.

"It is not about the time you spent or any other thing.

The most important thing is your trust in your love.

As long as you firmly believe and ready to do anything for your love then you can gain true love.

I love you so much that I am willing to follow you on your journey to fight with the scorpion king.

I am a bitch and loves to enjoy with every man I find interesting.

But love is different for me and my love is the one I am willing to take with me.

You should have already seen that I have my own secrets.

Other men can fuck me but they would not know the secrets I have.

Only my true love can know my secrets."

Mohini spoke and took out the scepter of Tutankhamun out of the space and kept it back causing Imhotep to widen his eyes.

But he would not love other women for benefits he only loves Anck-su-namun with all his heart.

Mohini finally said.

"If one day something unexpected happened,

Please don't take your live.

Remember that, I am there for you."

Imhotep has this premonition that something would happen in their future trip.

But he has to go along with his plans and the plans of the cult that resurrected him.

Mohini sighed and said that she and Evelyn would follow him to the tomb of the scorpion king.

Any way the bracelet of Anubis is stuck to her hand so she has to go along.

Mohini said and took the initiative to send Anck-su-namun towards Imhotep.

Imhotep is not originally a villain.

He is a lover that would die for his love.

So Mohini believes that Imhotep would return Evelyn to her.

As she expected Imhotep returned Evelyn to Mohini.

Mohini did not ask for the book of the dead or the book of Amun-Ra.

But Mohini's act of trust made Imhotep trust Mohini.

His favorability towards Mohini has increased to 45 points and it in green.

Mohini would like to ask the question of trust to try her luck if Imhotep gave the books and key along with Evelyn.

Imhotep really trusted her and gave the books and the key to Evelyn to bring them back to Mohini.

As Mohini previously estimated,

The setting of fantasy world is made so that as long as a connection of trust is formed, 

The favorability of the plot line character would lead to a situation where players can take them out to the real world.

That is towards the question of trust.

Also there are four important things here.

First is Mohini has this 15 percent chance of critical hit,

Second is that her strong persuasion skill, 

Third is that her words of love towards Imhotep and,

Fourth is that Mohini let Anck-su-namun go without threatening Imhotep with her.

Mohini established the plan based on these four things and now Imhotep has trusted Mohini to the point that the favorability points reached 45 with complete green color.

The best proof of the success of this plan is that Mohini got her hands on Evelyn along with the books and the key.

At that moment Mohini asked in Egyptian language.

"Imhotep do you trust me."

Imhotep looked at Mohini deeply with his mummy face and suddenly a blue screen appeared in front of his face.

The question of trust appeared in Egyptian rather than in English.

Then he looked at Mohini after reading the question.

He has never seen or heard something like this.

Mohini gave Imhotep the warning that she usually gave to the people that she want to take as subordinates.

But this warning did not include taking him out of this world.

Also Mohini only told him that this is a bond of trust that can keep them in check during their travel to the tomb of the scorpion king

She told Imhotep that Evelyn and Jonathan also went through the process.

Right now Mohini was sitting with Evelyn on her lap and the two books beside her along with the key.

Imhotep went into deep thought and he looked deep into the eyes of Mohini....


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