Chapter 288: hunting mythical grade chaos monsters

Chapter 288: hunting mythical grade chaos monsters

Its strength and stamina have reached 200 stat points.

Mohini has to be more vigilant when fighting this kind of monster.

She immediately added her free stat points to her stats improving most of them reaching 190+ stat points in all the stats.

Then she took out the sword artifact that she got from buzz before.

It was good enough to boost her strength by 10 stat points and the sharpness of the blade is also very high.

This is the best weapon to deal with monsters with extra arms.

Imhotep on the side has summoned the Anubis warriors and there are only 5 of them right now.

Imhotep should increase his strength in the real world before he can summon more Anubis warriors and use high level spells.

Mohini also handed over the spear of Osiris to Imhotep just in case if something happened Imhotep can intervene with that spear.

Mohini moved forward towards the cave entrance and threw a rock inside to attract the attention of the bear.

The bear is actually sleeping and it did not notice Mohini before.

Unless it is hungry it would not bother to use its extra ordinary smelling power.

Bears are supposed to smell things from 3 kilometers away.

The bear chaos monster is even more exaggerated.

But it was lazy by nature and it only attacks when it is hungry or someone enters its territory.

Mohini has sprayed a special scent on her and her people so that their body odor is negated for some time.

So only she was recognized as intruder when she entered its detection range.


It was ready to attack Mohini as it pounced out of the cave with a big roar. 

Mohini steadied her body and stood on the spot waiting for the bear to attack.

She already had a plan of attack in her mind.

The bear appeared and it moved very fast towards Mohini.

It is not running with its hands and legs instead it stood upright with its legs straight and tried to claw Mohini with its right three arms.

Mohini did not defend against the attack instead she took a step to the side and dodged the claw attack.

Mohini has agility advantage over the bear.

As soon as the claws of the bear missed Mohini the sword in her hand directly struck at the right position where its shoulder joint connects three arms.

Because of the three arms connection there are too many joints and these joints has too many openings in them.

Mohini directly took advantage of the gaps and used the sword to straight away cut through those openings directly severing the three arms that attacked Mohini.

But the attack did not stop there.

Because of losing three arms and the trip rock that Mohini placed around her the bear lost its balance.

So as soon as Mohini severed its arms Mohini moved behind it with her next step.

The directly pierced her sword around the back of the neck area where the joint between the brain and the spinal cord is weak.

The piercing power of the sword showed its capability directly coming out of the front of the bear.

Mohini did not leave the sword there and directly pulled it out of the bear's neck.

Then she did not see what is behind her and ran away in a predetermined path.

The bear would not die directly even with this wound.

The sword was smeared with muscle relaxant potion, beading effect powder and other special non poisonous materials.

So the body if the bear would be rapidly switching off with every step it takes and the angrier it becomes.

Mohini was escaping to lure it around in rage to make the special medicines to work quickly.

After 10 minutes of running around where Mohini is still the dominant one.

Her agility is higher than that of the bear.

It is the effect of her boots that has agility improvement buff and her agility stat points are already higher than that of the bear.

Finally the bear fallen on the ground slowly dying.

Its body has reached the limit of what it can take.

Mohini did not approach it right now.

The bear might not be as intelligent as the turtle but it is still a mythical grade chaos monster and it can play some tactics too.

So Mohini waited on the side till the bear lost its life sign.

Only then Mohini moved closure to it and directly cut off its head.

This would clear all doubts or hidden chances.

After the bear is dead the following people including Imhotep appeared with happy expression.

Mohini extracted the genetic essence of the bear and removed some special parts that she can use them in refining pills and potions.

Then she sent the body back to the ark island for her people to take care of it.

 With that done Mohini moved to bring out her woman for letting them practice.

There are other monsters on this resource island.

Because of the high sense stats Mohini can sense them.

First Mohini took Saeko and others to fight against a wolf.

Mohini would stay on the side as protection just in case.

They don't have to fear getting wounded and getting scars on their body.

Mohini has medicine for that.

Mohini doesn't want them to feel inferior to her other woman that can fight or do other things.

So she would train them first then and let them choose their path.

With that they practiced fighting against those chaos monsters for 2 days.

Since there is no mythical grade chaos monster there is no threat for the fight.

Also Mohini did not leave the ark ship outside so if any patrol came towards this place they will not be able to find anything.


Few days were spent on this resource island for training her people.

Then they moved on the next resource island that houses a serpent that......


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