Chapter 293: revenge for deducing her

Chapter 293: revenge for deducing her

So he moved and followed behind Mohini and Sherlock that is trying to open the lock with lock picking tools.

Well they almost succeeded when Doctor Watson kicked the door open.

They found some things quickly and the three arsonists appeared right around that moment.

Well they are three men on both sides and the fight is inevitable.

Mohini reduced the burden on Doctor Watson by sharing one of the small guys.

Also when she fights she pulled down her front revealing her tits.

With her movements they tits swayed making the opposite party distracted and she fought with them easily.

Even doctor Watson was distracted by this.

Well she can fight with the big guy, but she doesn't want to steal the thunder of Sherlock and give him more time to analyze the things.

It is definitely not to take revenge on Sherlock Holmes for deducing and making Mohini loose over 10 million chaos points…

"Cough…coughs….definitely not…"

Quickly the fight moved on.

Mohini took care of her opponent quickly and found the ring that doctor Watson accidentally dropped.

Also the electric weapon was taken by Sherlock Holmes and its charging mechanism was collected by Mohini.

The fight moved on to a chase as Sherlock landed on his face under the witness of Mohini.

In a way Mohini's irritated mind cooled down after looking at the situation.

Mohini did not follow Sherlock Holmes instead she came to Doctor Watson that is searching for the ring.

She gave the ring to Doctor Watson which increased his favorability directly to 30 points immediately.

Well this ring is important to him and finding it has cooled off his mind.

But Mohini's tits are still out and looking at it made his dick erect causing some strong heat in his pants.

He held himself back from losing control and does anything stupid.

Well Mohini would not mind the touch of a doctor and she would not say a word about this to his fiancé.

Right when the big guy and Sherlock are fighting and trying to launch the half build ship, Mohini and Doctor Watson appeared in this place.

Doctor Watson took out a gun to control the situation.

Unfortunately the situation is already out of control.

With their collective efforts they have successfully launched and sunk the unfinished ship.

Instead of Doctor Watson it was Mohini that pulled Sherlock Holmes down from the big chain pulling the pulley along with the sinking ship.

Sherlock was having a good time because his face was buried in her cleavage.

He is in heaven right now.

Well Mohini did not stay there instead moved quickly from here to hide and escaped from this dock area.

Mohini knows that Sherlock and Doctor Watson will be captured by the cops for what they did.

So Mohini slipped away.

While leaving Mohini took the ring from Doctor Watson so that those cops or thugs would not confiscate it and steal it.

But after saving Sherlock Holmes the trust he had on Mohini has increased to 40 points and the special service got an extra 5 points with the final result of 45 points of favorability.

This is same for Doctor Watson but he his case is with jealousy that Sherlock got the chance and he did not.

In their next visit Mohini can ask them the question of trust.

On the next day they are in jail and Mohini was standing outside waiting for them to be bailed out.

First it was Mary that came to take Doctor Watson out.

When Doctor Watson came out Mohini appeared in front of him and handed him, his ring that he bought as a proposal ring for Mary.

He lost the ring again when the cops arrested them.

Their mood eased up a little while the favorability of Doctor Watson has reached 60 points in green.

Mohini did not delay the question of trust and asked directly.

Immediately Doctor Watson has the blue screen in front of him with the question of trust.

He thought that he was hallucinating.

Mohini gave him the warning and convinced Doctor Watson with his words.

Without Sherlock Holmes by the side the intelligence of Doctor Watson is just above average.

Watson still acted with his intelligence and said.

"If Sherlock accepts it then I will accept it by default."

He knows that in this kind of thing making Sherlock Holmes accept the matter is far harder than convincing.

Mary on the side looked confused but looking at the ring that Mohini bought has eased her mood.

Mohini just nodded for the words of Doctor Watson and let them leave.

At that time Lestrade appeared and moved into the prison.

Mohini knows that Sherlock Holmes would come out soon.

There are some fake organizations and magicians here that Mohini hates.

The mother of lord black wood should be a good woman but was pulled into the game of beliefs of the temple of the four orders.

In the name of rituals she was impregnated by Sir Thomas Rotheram.

Later because of their moronic practices she died giving birth to lord black wood.

This nonsense continued along with the growth of lord black wood and none of them tried to stop the atrocities of lord black wood.

Mohini doesn't like these people.

Well most of these people's practices are either chemical experiments or biological experiments.

But it will not smoke without a fire.

So she has already made a decision to clear out this group and collect their treasures.

Even though they are a group of fools, Mohini was sure that they at least have one thing that has true value or origin related to magic.

That is the target of Mohini.

Well whatever Mohini wanted to do have to be completed on that very day.

Tomorrow she has other things to do 

Timing is very important in this kind of matters.

Throughout the entire time today Mohini has the duty of careful observation and making quick decisions from the shadows....


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