Chapter 298: ruins island and hunting a serpent

Chapter 298: ruins island and hunting a serpent

On the next day Mohini arranged things for the next voyage and set sail on that very day to the ruins island.

The people of the big countries are already in panic because of the disappearance of many resource islands in the past month.

Mohini has looted them all.

Even with the modern technology they cannot do much in the water of ring one that would not accept much of modern technology on the boats.

Even if they bring in the higher tier boat their technology would become useless here.

They can only be used before crossing the safe islands.

The ship was fast and it will take a day to arrive at the location of the ruins island.

There are things here that Mohini wanted to collect.

Today Mohini changed and brought in Saeko, Yukio, and Rika to have fun in the night.

The scene of these three girls playing rock paper scissor to get to sleep on the top of her has made her happy.

She hugged them all tightly after playing with them and slept peacefully.

Soon the ruins island came into picture but there are other ships nearby.

This ship is standing at a long distance and is actually guarding this ruins island.

Mohini knows that the island that hosts mythical grade chaos monsters hold strong benefits that can make a country crazy.

So they seem to be guarding them from other people stealing.

Previously people would not steal the islands that host strong chaos monster and when they got close to a safe island of a country they would fight and get benefits.

But now someone is actually stealing the benefits and no one has notified a big loss of their countries power.

This made them anxious as they assumed that a strong power has emerged or someone has found a loop hole to kill the strong chaos beasts or someone has created a strong weapon that can kill high grade chaos monsters.

This made all the countries strictly cover the islands that host high grade chaos monsters.

Mohini immediately took her ship away and swam to the island.

The other ship might not have noticed Mohini because Mohini is spying on them with the help of Tian Meng dream worm.

She can swim this small distance easily without much problem.

Also ring one did not house strong under water creatures like kraken or Megalodon.

So she quickly swam over to the ruins island from the blind spot of the scouting ship. 

As soon as she reached the island she started her simulation on hunting the serpent here.


In the simulation she found that she has to kill the serpent by fighting head on.

The serpent is awake and ready for battle.

Also it is good with quick movements and high amounts of poison.

What she can do right now is to spray something that has strong smell on the serpent to irritate its receptors and kill the serpent when it was distracted by the smell.

Mohini has made a mental map and took out a bottle of strong pungent smelling liquid that she bought from the market.

Well she cannot buy from the system because the price is ten times higher than that of the normal prices.

So the junk can be bought outside at low prices.

As soon as she came to the location of the serpent she directly through the glass bottle at the snake.


The glass bottle shattered into tiny pieces and the smell of the stench spread through the surroundings of the snake.

When the snake is irritated Mohini took out her custom made gun that was arranged to shoot a dagger.

This was one of the weapons that she took from buzz.

With a shot the dagger pierced the snake's brain straight through the opened mouth.

Because of the electric charge the brain of the snake went down quickly.

The serpent died just like that.

Then she cleared off the serpent and got what she wanted from the resource island.

She did not bring out her men for hunting so as to not to attract the attention of the scouting ship.

Then she swam away for a little while before bringing out her ark ship.

Then she moved on to the next target.

The ruins island would not disappear immediately after the death of the chaos monster it is housing.

Only after it loses all of the important materials would it vanish or 7 days after the death of all the chaos monsters on the island.

This way Mohini has plenty of time to do things peacefully.

The only problem would be the turtle island that would vanish along with the turtle.

Also this is the starting point of chain reaction that alerted all those countries.

Well Mohini doesn't care.

With her strong spirit vision with the help of dream worm Mohini can see her enemies, miles away.

Well stealing is not new to him and sneaking around is even more easy for her.

Anyone might fear of what would happen when sneaking and stealing.

But Mohini has all the skills and tools available to her to solve all kinds of problems within the grasp of her hands.

So there is no problem at all.

Just like that Mohini spent around 15 days cleaning off all those islands.

Along with the chaos monster Mohini also got some special materials and seeds of water, ores and many other things.

Most of her men have already completely acquired enough genetic essence for upgrading to the next tier.

Mohini made sure that the entire process is complete and some extra for the people that she is going to bring from the fantasy world Jormungand soon.

With the preparations done Mohini and the group moved along towards the edge of the first ring and entrance to the second ring.

While going to the place for upgrade, Mohini entered the fantasy world of Jormungand.

Based on her estimate she will stay there for 3 to 5 seconds.


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