Chapter 306: scarecrow got his crow scared with his balls crushed

Chapter 306: scarecrow got his crow scared with his balls crushed

Well Jonah tried his distraction model as he took a gun and ran towards him while shooting.

After Malka shot Shisho on the head killing him Malka came all the way to Jonah and kick him on his butt all the while Koko hanging behind Malka's back.

As Jonah fell on the floor with his face planted and lips kissing the floor while Malka scolded him

"You fucking idiot…

What do you doing going like a mad bull.

What do you want to die so much for?

Did you forget that you still have me?

You idiot…

Next time you do something like that remember that I will break your legs completely so that you would never do such a stupid thing…."

Koko was actually moved by Malka's words and Jonathan put on his guilty face.

Koko directly stuck to Malka in the model of piggy back ride and said.

Well if Malka was a man then it would have looked nice.

But the situation is a little different.

"Malka I want you to take me back home like this.

I am so scared that I cannot walk…"

Malka sighed and said.

"Okay, whatever you say princess…"

Koko felt so comfortable hugging Malka that she doesn't want to let go.

In the mean time Velmet came over carrying Chinatsu that was still unconscious.

Shisho is dead with his head having a hole.

Then Koko let Lehm take care of the business here while Malka took her back to the hotel room.

While going back to hotel Koko asked Malka.

"Malka, do you know why Chinatsu is not wearing panties and going commando everywhere?"

Malka thought for a moment and said.

"May be that would excite her and improve her accuracy when shooting.

Do you want me to go commando too to check the results Koko.

If it is for you may be even Velmet would be interested in going commando in a mini skirt.

We can try that if you want."

Jonathan has a strange expression for the words of Malka.

He felt that she has changed completely.

Koko wanted to answer that she wanted to try but right around that time Chinatsu woke up.

She kicked Velmet and ran away from here like a quick rabbit.

The kick was straight at the ribs and the edge of the tits.

So Velmet took a little time to recover.

Chinatsu's instincts are really good when it comes to escaping.

Also she did not leave instead she was angry for killing Shisho.

She drove over a car with a machine gun mounted in it.

She drove it to where Malka is.

Malka and Koko are together with Koko hanging on the back of Malka like a koala.

They went to the beach side and moved on towards their hotel.

Jonathan is following them as Malka ran as fast as she could.

Malka already knows that Chinatsu would bring in the car with the machine gun to attack them.

She can shoot them while she still drives with the button to shoot the bullets automatically.

She has already opened the door of her red car and she was right by the side of Malka, Koko and Jonathan that are running.

Malka can see madness in her teary eyes for the loss of Shisho.

Malka immediately stopped running playing the card out of her expectation right when she started to shoot.

Malka also pulled Jonathan as a bullet grazed by his stomach hitting the wall to the side.

The car moved forward and she wanted to take a side way skid to shoot at Malka and her group.

Malka pulled Jonathan while carrying Koko to jump into the sea on the side.

Right around at that time Lehm and other arrived receiving the full barrage of bullets from the machine gun that continued shooting.

Fortunately they are alright and stopped just like they did in the plot with the car standing upright after hitting a pole on the side.

Chinatsu understood that she cannot do anything.

So she drove away the car as fast as she could to escape from here.

Jonathan swam back to the stairs leading back to the road at the side of the wall.

Jonathan helped Malka pull up with Koko hanging on her.

Jonathan took the lead to see if the situation on the other side is fine or not.

But then the cops arrived at the scene with the CIA agent scarecrow.

Jonathan spoke about what should they do but got a kick on the face.

Well that is what that should have happened but Malka pulled Jonathan back making the person that want to kick loose balance.

Right at the same time Malka helped him complete the process to completely slip and fall into the sea.

The entire process is so smooth that no one understood what happened till the entire thing happened.

It looked more like CIA agent scarecrow also known as Jerry Schatzberg tried to kick Jonah but slipped and fell into the sea.

Also he took a bump with his third leg hit the wall with his balls crushed a little making him scream like a girl when he fell.

Malka smiled looking at the scene and Koko became more and more interested in Malka.

Well they were led to the police station with the wet dress Jerry that swam out of the sea.

Jonathan and Malka followed Koko along.

Jerry wanted to take revenge but he did not get the chance as the sharp eyes of Malka and the stinging pain from his balls made him stop.

Malka smiled even more brightly making jerry almost lose his temper.

Only after coming to the police station, he found out that everything that is related to the previous shootout is gone.

No one said anything and there is no proof.

Including the surveillance videos are gone.

He was left with a sack of ice cubes on his dick and ball helping him ease the pain....


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