Chapter 308: embarrassing visit of Kasper part-2

Chapter 308: embarrassing visit of Kasper part-2

Right at that moment Jonah said his dialog with a stern face.

Malka went to Jonah and hit him straight on the head and said.

"Idiot, how many time have I told you to forget the past.

What would you do if you get Kasper?

You should think about how to love me and propose to me properly than to set your sites on Kasper.

Even though he looks handsome you are a man and I want my lover to be straight…."

With Malka's words the surrounding people laughed and Jonah had his face turned red.

Even the shameless Kasper was embarrassed for a moment.

Then he left…

Jonathan spoke about his self for the first time with Koko and Malka present.

Malka did not refute anything and let Jonah vent his thoughts out after so long.

Malka and Jonah did not talk about what deal they made with Kasper individually.

Only then did they spoke.

Koko pulled Jonah closure and Jonah felt like Koko is his mother.

His expression eased as Malka spoke to him about some things looking at the setting sun.

Well Koko did not stay with Jonah for long and she latched on to Malka again.

She felt extremely comfortable latching on to Malka than being in contact with Jonah.

It was a strange feeling like an instinctive sense of belonging when she was in contact with Malka.

A few days later Malka and Jonathan were in their room taking care of their guns.

Jonathan has hatred looking at his weapon while Malka has peaceful appearance.

"Jonah, in this world there is no true peace.

Only the powerful has the right to speak and ask for peace.

There is no good and evil in this world.

What 9 out of 10 people say as truth is what that becomes the truth and the right thing.

Unless you are strong enough to beat the 9 people, you have to go along with the flow and accept their truth as the good.

This is how the world is and you have to understand it Jonah.

If you cannot get the power you seek then seek the person with the power and pull them into your side.

Then you might be able to get the peace you wanted when the time is right.

So don't do anything stupid.

Also do you remember the warning that you gave Kasper?

Is it the sign of a person that wants peace and hates weapon.

If you hate weapons then how are you going to take care of Kasper?

So forget about all this.

Do you know even the lifeless weapons have instincts?

If you hate them so much, they would give you problems right when you needed the most…

So don't hate them so much Jonah…"

Malka spoke to Jonah as she cleaned her weapon.

Jonah did not say anything but to listen to Malka's words silently.

After arranging things Mao was looking for Jonah to teach him some sciences.

Well Malka doesn't need that as she cleared all of that on the first day.

Jonah escaped and went to the top of the ship to look at the open sea.

When Jonah is thinking that this was his secret hiding place Malka arrived here smiling at Jonah.

"Jonah it can be your hiding place, 

But you know I can find you even if hide at the end of the world.

Remember that I have is always got your back."

Peace would not last long no matter where it is.

On the next day there is an attack on the ship from some of the thugs and pirates from Africa.

Well Malka did not do anything but to stand on the side and look at the situation.

Koko did not give her any command so she was with Jonah standing guard on the side.

Well another pirate around at the age of Jonah and Malka tried to get on the ship.

Jonah wanted to save him.

Right around that time Malka left from the spot and hid in the corner to take a look on what happens.

Jonah actually saved the thug but when he got on the ship he punched Jonah on the face and they started to fight with each other.

It was funny to watch.

Jonah did look around to see if Malka is there.

He sighed of relief because he doesn't want Malka to see his embarrassing display of the fight where he was punched on the face.

Malka is not in his visible area and hid on the side to watch the show.

When the fight reached the peak and no one is winning Malka appeared knocking out the other guy.

"Nice work Jonah, this is what happens when you save someone that should not be saved.

At the very least you should put your gun on the front to instill fear and make him unable to fight back before saving him.

Well any way you did a good job."

Right around that time the entire team came to this place to look at the little show.

When Jonah told them what happened, the group put on a serious expression but then they started to laugh except for Koko.

The plot moved on with Velmet in dazed expression looking at the African land.

Malka knows her past and she was reminiscing about her past.

Malka is going to take the place of Jonah to help Velmet.

One Malka doesn't want Jonah to be in the fight that Jonah did not like.

Second Malka wanted Velmet to depend on her more than Jonah.

Any way Velmet is into girls so it would be best.

Malka can do these things with her current conditions.

In a few days Koko had an appointment to meet Minami Amada.

But she will go to see some butterflies.

So things will be a little complicated and Malka has to play the cards well.

They have landed quickly and got into a good hotel.


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