Chapter 329: cooking, only wearing a naked apron

Chapter 329: cooking, only wearing a naked apron

She previously talked to them about this before the end when she went to visit their restaurant.

They accepted her offer.

Mohini got them easily well it is not a big deal any way.

The people that came along right now all accepted Mohini's offer and did not want to leave.

Jonah hesitated for a moment but looking at Mana and Malka separated from Mohini, he decided to follow Mohini.

Malka has already accepted Mohini and her kind gentle nature has returned to her.

She ran over to Jonah and started to speak to him.

Then a scene where Jonah is being pulled by two women that is Malka and Mana appeared in front of everyone that made them laugh looking at the scene.

Looking at everyone is okay Mohini nodded her head and the system showed her the price.

"Host wants to bring the previously mentioned people to the real world.

The cost of bringing them to the real world is 500 million chaos points.

Do you wish to spend the chaos points to bring all these people back to the real world?"

Mohini nodded her head and the money was immediately deducted from her account.

Then there is a golden light that fell on all the people and they become more real.

With that all these people would come along with Mohini.

The people around looked at Mohini more and more to see what she truly looked like.

Before Mohini's body was covered with a strange glow that only showed curves after separating from Malka.

After she put on her dress her body became normal.

The reason for this is because of the presence of the restriction of the system.

Koko previously showed the sketch of Mohini but the real one is more beautiful than that of the sketch.

The system then calculated the completion of the fantasy world and gave Mohini some choices.


Host has joined the main group successfully…

Host has helped Koko complete her dream project…

Host has successfully saved Hex and R from dying…

Host has successfully entered the black list of the CIA…

World completion rate: 93 percent

World popularity: 44 percent


Overall impact on the world: 5 percent."


Host, please choose 3 of the following options.

Option 1: 10 million chaos points

Option 2: 25,000 military merit points

Option 3: 2,100 civilian merit points

Option 4: 20 free stat points

Option 5: 10 free simulation points

Option 6: quantum computer main brain and quantum computer second brain

Option 7: protection card that can protect from all kinds of attacks and can last for 9 minutes (One time use)


Mohini looked at the options and decided to choose options 2, 4, 7.

The other options are not much used to Mohini right now.

With that Mohini got what she needed.

The 20 free stat points were directly distributed to his stat making all of them reach 200 stats points perfectly.

Then she took the people out of this place and they appeared on a boat out of nowhere in the middle of the ocean.

There are others that are helping Mohini sail the boat but the sudden appearance of people startled them.

Mohini stopped them from doing anything rash.

It was already around after noon so he told them to stop the ship so that he could take out the ark island for the people to settle down.

Also they can have lunch cooked by Mohini.

Everyone was excited.

Mohini took out the ark island and settled the people.

Well the woman of Mohini got a little tense but they soon mingled quickly.

Mohini changed her dress to a naked apron that has holes for her nipples to come out and started to cook a meal.

For help she only called the men in the group while the women are chatting happily.

In the cooking area there is only Mohini among many men that are helping her.

"Phat" "Ahaaaa"

Well from time to time someone would slap her ass or someone would pinch her sensitive nipples or fondle her sensitive tits.

With moans and small slaps of pleasure Mohini slowly cooked the meal for everyone.

Mohini cooked them a meal of monster meat and let them all have a big party.

For the new people Mohini gave them the genetic essence solutions to drink so that they would complete their genetic essence bar to complete.

After Mohini made the arrangements for their stay Mohini started to move and continue her journey towards the end of the first ring.

At the end of the first ring there is a landmass just like an island but it is long and circular belt that was not explored till now.

On the land mass there will be nothing more than sand.

There is no creature or life on this land mass.

Mohini stopped here and the ark ship was also taken back.

From here on she has to go alone.

She is completely naked before but now she took out a pair of sexy bikini that has the properties of protection and the healing ring that hakim gave her at the start.

This would help her improve few things giving extra buff to survive the tribulation.

Here Mohini has to face the tribulation to move to the next ring.

The system immediately asked Mohini if she wants to take the tribulation here.


Host has met the conditions to enter the second ring.

Host has to pass through the tribulation here before passing through the second ring.

Host, please choose which specific stats that you want to take the tribulation as main.

Host, select one or more specific stats from below…

Vitality (Yes/no)

Stamina (Yes/no)

Strength (Yes/no)

Agility (Yes/no)

Intelligence (Yes/no)

Sense (Yes/no)

Charm (Yes/no)


Mohini chose all the seven specific stats at the same time as she did before.


Please confirm your choice."

Mohini confirmed her choice and immediately her surroundings changed.

All of her specific stats are over 200 stat points.


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