Chapter 332: ark Island management part-2

Chapter 332: ark Island management part-2

Roberta and few others went to manage the tavern that is connected to winery.

The women of the mercenaries were arranged to work in farming and production based on their interests.

The men are arranged to mine the iron ore mine and coal mine that are recently formed from the ore seeds.

Then there is a black smithy that would make weapons.

There are people for research and development too.

The girls from Koko invested their time on producing new things.

Mohini allotted 8 billion chaos points for the management of the ark island.

Balalaika would manage the entire island directing the work.

Balalaika would use the funds to buy the necessary equipment from the system store or tell Mohini to buy them.

The people would either sell their produced goods or get paid for their work from the bank based on their performance and other things.

Everyone was taught to fight.

The young ones would become strong when fighting while the old ones would give their valuable advices to the young one.

With this the entire ark island turned into a small community with self sufficient economic system.

Well there are benefits like the genetic essence that would be distributed by Mohini along with some fighting techniques.

They got weapons, clothes, food, wine...

With the things arranged and the construction process of various things Mohini spent money and time here for an entire week to complete the projects quickly.

During this time he let Faiza, Benny, Jane, Elena and Minami to continue to their work on hacking the public network and practice the magic software.

With their help Mohini made few million chaos points in shares and other things.

All of this was used to buy thing to prepare a data station.

On the other hand Shizuka became a full time doctor after Mohini bought her books on medicine.


After a week of time all the things are arranged.

Mohini went around buying things for the ark island in the disguise.

The money was spent and her assets returned back to 39 billion chaos points.

Taking care of people is easy but taking care of an army and community is very hard.

It takes time to produce returns on the current investment.

Mohini was happy.

It is just some chaos points and it can be earned back quickly at the same time next year.

Any way Mohini still had the paper currency of few billion and there are things stored in the storage cards.

Mohini gave the paper money to Koko to arrange the spending and circulating the currency.

After this is done, Mohini spent the rest of the month about various things completing the arrangements of her ark island and ark ship.

She also announced that anyone that made excellent contribution can fuck her and there might be a bonus when fucking one of her girls along with her.

After she was done with the ark island management she came out of the docking area and returned back to the safe island in the first ring.

Mohini then simulated to see the fantasy worlds that appear in the next month.

At that time she found that she received a call from her special fucking manage Joe.

She was asked to marry an old blind noble that was once extremely lustful and lost his eyes in the revenge of a woman he targeted.

Even still he is still as lustful as ever.

He was supposed to die in a month and he wanted to marry a woman and give all of his wealth to her.

Well it went something like that.

Mohini actually married him and even had some great encounters during this time.


From the second ring or the tier 2 there is a chance of encountering the life fantasy worlds at any time.

Also there are some fantasy worlds where Mohini can take her men into the fantasy world along with the ark ship.

But the risk is that if they died in the fantasy world they will die for real and they needed to be revived if Mohini wanted them back.

After the simulation for a year in the second ring Mohini has severe frown on her face.

The reason for this is that she actually died in the first fantasy world of the second month that she entered.

The fantasy worlds she entered in the next month are actually "the pirates of the Caribbean" fantasy world and "Naruto" fantasy world.

In the pirates of the Caribbean fantasy world Mohini could take her ark ship into the fantasy world along with her men.

It is not a life fantasy world but she has to go through the entire series.

The second is the Naruto fantasy world.

This is a life fantasy world were Mohini don't have to worry about her life and death.

If he died then she can return back to the real world.

The setting she entered seems to be around year 37 which is the same year as Mikoto and 4 years older than Minato and Kushina.

Also she was born in Senju clan based on her arrangements by choosing the doomsday difficulty.

Her life went well and the final results are great.

But on the next month he entered the fantasy world called "In time"

In this world the currency is directly the life span.

Mohini doesn't know how she died in this world.

If she dies in the fantasy world she would not be able to know what happened inside the fantasy world.

So she doesn't know.

Well her next target is to get the stat points again.

But this time she cannot blindly increase them.

She needs to gain the practice techniques to improve her stats.

She has to choose some or make her own.

Naturally the techniques that are available outside are low quality things.

They can only improve one specific stat to a maximum of 230 stat points.

She already got the information about her special fate weaver's cultivation technique…..


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