Chapter 339: getting the letter of Marque using the body

Chapter 339: getting the letter of Marque using the body 

As for Imhotep his current power is also reduced to the point when he faced the scorpion king in the real plot of the mummy.

But Mohini has given him some ideas of using sharp sand needles to attack people.

This made things much easier for him.

In this fantasy world she has some thoughts.

She cannot bring jack back because he is a free spirit and he would never be under her control.

Well unless she used some special means which she did not like.

As for William and Norrington, they are so deeply in love with Elizabeth that they would never fall for another woman because of her beauty.

So, these two are also out of list for her.

As for Barbossa, she can try but he is a man of sea that loved sea more than his wife and child.

If she can make his daughter fall for her then she can bring him along.

This should be carefully planned.

In the pirates of the Caribbean world taking people back is a hard thing because these people are fundamentally tricky and dishonest.

Well what you can expect from the fantasy world that concentrated on pirates.

So she did not have many expectations from this world to bring back people.

But that is not all.

The pirates are completely filthy and they almost never wash their body properly.

So having to fuck them is another hard thing for Mohini to bear.

Well it did not mean that she don't like filthy pirates.

But she prefers clean ones over the filthy pirates.

Well sometimes having big rough things is good and she has not tasted something rough and filthy in a while.

So she is going to try that in this world and there is plenty of time for that too.

Mohini went around the warehouses by the docks while checking the contents inside them.

Her spirit vision was unobstructed by the outer covers of the boxes.

So she can see what is inside those boxes in the warehouse.

Well that is only for these small things.

She still cannot see what is inside the special made boxes that can block her vision with runic formations.

Whenever she finds weapons, gold or other valuables Mohini would sneak into that warehouse.

Then she would open those boxes to steal the things inside.

Along with her military rank and civilian rank, her storage space also increased to 65 cubic meters.

The process is quickly as these kinds of things are usually very less in number.

After getting the things Mohini would go back to the ship to unload the things in the storage compartment of the ship.

These boxes have the insignia of the original owner.

So Mohini ordered boxes with her special insignia to use later when she trade the things.

They found the main market and the black market.

The boxes took 10 days to be delivered while Mohini moved along checking the places and knowing some people with the status that came from the civilian and military rank.

The gifts that she gives are her specialty like she did in the Treasure Island world.

The special medicine for men to gain the power to play all night and beauty medicine for those noble women was gifted by Mohini.

Men can even try their power on her if needed to check the capacity of the medicine.

With the thought many noblemen were excited and attracted to fuck a hot babe like Mohini.

All these are samples and only have 3 or 4 dosages.

After they take the medicine they would feel its sweetness and they would want more.

Also they want to fuck Mohini more.

This was an authentic medicine made from special herbs but it is not good for health.

If those people are really good and intelligent they would not use it or ask for more.

But those greedy bastards that are lecherous to the core would want more and more from Mohini.

With that Mohini made contracts for all of them all.

Well they are horny and her pussy is ready for their dicks.

In the heat of moment they would sign the contract without even a care.

All the money mentioned in it is just too few and they want more services from her and her medicine in the future.

So they all signed the contract with blind eyes.

Also all the stolen goods are sold by her men in the black market at a little lower price and everything was turned into gold and gemstones.

All of this would be transported back to the ship for safekeeping.

The ark ship has special space expansion safe.

This safe can be used to transport gold, silver and gemstones.

The ordinary products like alcohol, spices, tobacco…. cannot be stored in the expansion safe.

When leaving Mohini can either cash in these valuables for chaos points or take them back to the real world for other purposes.

Well Mohini has other thoughts for these gold and other valuables.

She will use them to get a letter of Marque.

With that she can freely do as she please and escape from chase from authorities.

Well she can reduce the amount of money required if she let those kings fuck her too.

At that time she doesn't have to spend anything and get the letter of Marque along with the friendship of those kinds.

This is much better than spending the valuables that she obtained.


They spent a month to get the connections to the many nobles and Mohini did not have to use the body and medicine to get the letter of Marque.

Because of this special night life medicine becoming famous she directly got the letter of Marque.

All of this happened in just a month.

Many nobles wanted to get the formula of the medicine or to get their hands on the one that made this medicine.

Unfortunately for them Mohini told them that she got this medicine...….


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