Chapter 341: meeting heroine Elizabeth

Chapter 341: meeting heroine Elizabeth

The people that survived after being looted don't know who attacked them.

Well they will only remember some sexy beauties and cruel men looted them.

On the way they did not discriminate between the ships.

Mohini would estimate the power of the opposing ship with her spirit vision and her experience.

Then they would choose to either loot it or leave it.

By the time the ship reached the Caribbean islands the ship became stronger with new additions of materials to strengthen the ship.

The basic modifications are done by Titia before and now the external is changed slowly by her over their journey in the past month.

The sails are improved there is a big mast the hull is reinforced and the structure is remodeled.

All of this is done with the materials that they obtained during their journey and the things they stole back at the dock.

In the materials there is also iron wood that can improve the base of the ship.

But this thing needs time to upgrade.

So Mohini decided to make the changes when they reached Port Royal.

Also the goods they had on the ship can be sold in this port, before moving to another place.

But Mohini wanted to meet with the governor Swann and his daughter Elizabeth.

Mohini's current appearance is that of 18 years old noble beauty with host figure and much younger than James Norrington that governor swan arranged for his daughter Elizabeth to marry.

James Norrington was too straight and he would not even care about Mohini as all he has is Elizabeth in his mind.

Mohini wanted to get him after he lost everything.

Very similarly William turner is also like that.

Other than Elizabeth, he would not care about anyone also he is on the same age as Elizabeth.

When she came to visit after selling off her goods, she was entertained with warm welcome.

Well Mohini is a rich woman and a noble that is successful in business at a young age.

He still had a daughter and looking for good, strong and prospective son in law for the future.

So having more relations with noble and settled people like Mohini can lead to finding good son in law in the future for his daughter.

Mohini also brought special gifts for the governor Swann and Elizabeth.

The reason why Mohini came here is to talk to governor Swann to get information on the current situation of pirates and other vessels in the surrounding area.

Well Mohini's intentions are clear as a business personal that depend on the sea routes for the journey.

So it is not strange to know about the information about situations on where the pirate attacks are happening more.

But he doesn't know that Mohini wanted to strike those pirates to loot from them.

While Mohini is talking here some of Mohini's men went around the port to enquire about the information, while others are helping Titia to make the modifications.

The men were followed by girls that are wearing revealing clothes to taverns, whorehouses and other places with high concentration of people.

With the services from the girls the information was quickly obtained.

The men behind Mohini's girls are there for protection purpose.

When the modifications are complete her ship can compete with some of the strong ships in terms of fire power.

But Mohini wanted to improve the speed of the ship more.

She doesn't want to damage other ships instead she wanted to capture the other ship through boarding on that ship to loot.

Mohini already told this to Titia and the modifications are made based on the requirements.

They docked there for a month and got all the information they wanted.

Everyday Mohini's girls would come back to the ship with their pussy and asshole filled with cum.

While Mohini help them clean their pussies and ass holes they would tell her about the information that they collected.

As for Mohini, she is trying to go to bet with governor Swann.

She even got a chance to get fucked by the blacksmith taking care of the William turner, but she was not successful with governor Swann.

The information obtained was completely analyzed and the locations of the ships are found.

So the hunt began.

In the information that Mohini enquired the best selling places of certain goods were found.

Any way all the goods that Mohini gets are through stealing, 

So, it is not a problem to sell these goods at the surrounding ports after stealing from the other ships.

Their current ships can go against the speed of some small time pirates and business ships.

It has not developed to the level of HMS ships or other strong Ships.

So when looting they would try to board the ships of the other party.

All the people that wanted to fight back would be killed and the surrendered people will not be touched.

They would steal the materials on the ship and also dismantle the useful parts of the ship.

Then they would leave.

This procedure is for the merchant ships and other trade ships.

On the other hand if it was a pirate Ship then everything on the ship would be stolen and everyone on the ship would be killed without exception.

Even on the trade or merchant ships if there are some special goods that should not be there will be taken down as well.

After killing them everything that can be useful or that can be sold out will be taken.

As for the ship they will simply sink it and the flag of the pirate ship would be taken back to the high ranking officials to gain the recognition from them.

After 3 years of time,

Mohini's naval achievements along with her support of special night medicine and beauty medicine have let Mohini have special military rank and nobility granted by the British crown.

The current ruler of the British Empire is King George 1...


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