Chapter 346: saving Elizabeth

Chapter 346: saving Elizabeth

As for the stolen artifact ownership card is even better.

If Mohini was able to steal the jack sparrow's compass and claimed it ownership then it will belongs to Mohini even without formally contracting with jack sparrow.

This is a great thing.

In many fantasy worlds you need the permission of the owner of the artifact to get the artifact.

But with this card she can be exempted 3 times.

As for the other cards they are not that valuable for Mohini.

Right now Mohini is on her way to Port Royal.

She should be there in position to save Elizabeth from drowning in place of jack.

Also Mohini is no longer allowed to roam freely in many ports as she was branded as a pirate.

Mohini sailed the ship to a corner of the Port Royal and hid it along with the crew.

She left her clone to take care of things while some of her men went to sell the materials on the ship at the port through special channels.

Unlike governor Swann, Elizabeth Swann was very fascinated about the pirates.

That is also one of the reasons she was so connected with Will and other pirates.

But the presence of Mohini as disrupted the order of things and she was fascinated by Mohini with strong charm rather than Will that is still a kid.

Mohini met with Will some time to specifically make few swords for her and her crew.

The swords made by will have special bonuses and extra buffs like semi-finished artifacts.

Mohini was happy to get them.

Last time Mohini met Elizabeth, she is around 17 years and Mohini still looked like an 18 year old woman.

She was fascinated by Mohini and was more interested in Mohini than she was in Norrington that was chosen by governor Swann.

Elizabeth Swann was into freedom and also she likes girls more than men.

For some reason this world was more perverted than it should normally be.

Mohini don't know the reason.

But she guessed that this world was affected by her perverted extension.

This time Mohini was named as notorious pirate on the same level or a little below the pirate lords.

So Mohini was not welcome on Port Royal.

Previously she has enquired about the special pendent she has and the pirate ship she saw when she found Will.

Well she asked Mohini about this in secret without her father finding about this.

Mohini told her that golden pendent is dangerous and one day the pirates might come back for this and for Will turner.

Mohini did not ask for the golden pendent from her or told anyone about that gaining her trust.

Well this thing happened long time ago.

Since Mohini was name as a pirate, governor Swann set his sights on Norrington that was named commodore.

Today he wanted to speak about their wedding on the ceremony of promotion of Norrington.

Well Will doesn't know about the thoughts of governor Swann.

If he did he might not have made the sword for the ceremony and instead proposed to Elizabeth and took her away from here instead.

Even when he came to give the sword governor Swann can see the love in the eyes of Will turner towards Elizabeth.

So he cut them off in the middle and took Elizabeth to the ceremony area.


On the other hand Mohini was at the beach looking at the area to waters to visit how jack sparrow would make his entrance.

Mohini put on a simple disguise and no one would recognize her quickly.

Even if they do they dare not speak about Mohini as they fear that Mohini would kill them.

Mohini was under the shade of a tree with a glass of wine lying down on a hammock with the beach view.

She is wearing a sexy bikini with most of her body on the show.

She knows that covering some things would create more lust than completely showing her body parts.

Her top is small stringed swim wear with two small cloth pieces that are only covering her nipples and nipple patches.

As for the bottom is a panty that is only covering her pussy but not the pubic hair region, 

The strings behind were buried inside her bubbly butt leaving her entire ass showing.

Her clone is on the ship if needed to pass any information.

With money on hand no one would question the other person.

Well jack can come to this port so openly shows that the people of the port did not care about pirates and reporting them.

Mohini saw jack sparrow's entrance and started to keep her things inside the personal storage.

She was ready to get to work as she has to save Elizabeth around this time before jack.

Jack wanted to get the ship HMS dauntless.

Unfortunately for him Mohini's men and another one of her clones are already on that ship and are waiting for her orders.

While jack is having his time with the two idiot soldiers Mohini saw Elizabeth on the walls of the fort with Norrington.

So Mohini swam over to that location slowly calculating the time.

Her bikini is very well suited for this kind of thing.

Well jack did jumped into the water but Mohini got to her first and then took her to a flat rock on the side and cut off the tight rope around her big tits to let her breath.

Mohini not only cut off her corset, she also cut off the dress behind it to reveal her tits right into the open.

She quickly woke up and jack sparrow arrived at that time.

She looked at Mohini that saved her and said.

"Miss Mohini, is that you?"

"You have become a fine women Elizabeth.

Do you wish to marry me in the future…?"

Mohini asked her looking straight into her face.

She blushed and sobered up from the breathless state.

She looked at Mohini and nodded her head saying


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