Chapter 351: exchange jack with will

Chapter 351: exchange jack with will 

Will was sulking on the outside because Elizabeth is with Mohini.

He wanted to save her but instead it was Mohini that saved her in the end.

Mohini did not say much but only some important things quickly so that other people would not notice this.

At the same time Mohini took out the medicinal cream out of thin air and applied it on the hand of Elizabeth.

Immediately the wound healed like it has never existed.

After that they moved out.

Well she kissed them both before letting them go with swollen lips.

They need time to digest the information that Mohini told them just now.

Well the pearl is fast and it caught up with the interceptor in a matter of hours.

Mohini knows that she cannot win against the group of pirates so Mohini chose the other way around.

That is to stuff the medallion into cannon and pointed it at the vast see and said to Barbossa when the black pearl is close.

 "Hey Barbossa, 

Do you know I just stuffed the medallion into one of these cannons with some fish bait attacked to it?

If you did not stop the chase then I will simply shoot it into the waters and start fight against you.

It would be enough time for the fish to catch the medallion and goes into the deep waters.

Choose wisely mate; 

If not all that would be left is an incurable disease called REGRET…

Also mind sending jack back here, there is something to talk to him…"

The threats of Mohini are very clear but the people on the other side cannot do anything.

If a big fish really got the medallion then they are as good as cursed for all eternity.

These waters here are very deep and there is no light to search.

Even their cursed bones cannot bear the weight of the ocean and attacks of the deep sea fish.

It would be an endless search.

Barbossa and the crew that are cheering for catching up to the people immediately became silent.

They really feared the threat of Mohini right now.


On the other hand Mohini's clone and her crew are looting everything except for the cursed gold in the isle de Muerta while they are chasing Mohini and others.

The few hours of time are enough to steal everything and move away.

Right around now they are almost done with their work and her clone gave an okay sign to Mohini.

Immediately Mohini let out a bright smile.


In the current situation the pirates would not really back down without a proper compensation.

Mohini knows this better than anyone else.

One she shoots the medallion out and those pirates would kill even single one of them in the worst possible way one could imagine.

Mohini doesn't want that to happen.

Mohini has other plans.

Jack was brought back up and the pirates did not send him over but waiting for something to return.

"Since I am generous, I will tell you a little secret.

Do you see that little white face over there?

He is will turner, the son of bootstrap bill turner.

He is the one you are looking for all this time.

We can exchange him for jack.

As for the medallion, I will drop it on the island where you marooned jack before.

Also don't follow us just stay here for a day and then you can go and get the medallion.

The payment for this is already taken so you don't have to worry about that…"

Barbossa and his crew are skeptical about what payment that Mohini took.

Also they don't know if to trust Mohini or not.

Jack sparrow took the chance to introduce Mohini.

"This is Captain Mohini of the ship named fate.

She is the one that hunts both merchants and pirates alike."

Well the people did hear about Mohini over the years.

So the name is enough to ring the bells.

With that the exchange of hostages took place.

Will was gloomy when he was exchanged for jack.

He was sad that his girl got away along with his freedom.

With jack on board the ship started to move towards the island where jack was marooned.

After they came here Mohini got off the ship and went to collect the secret stash of jack.

There are many bottles of rum, barrels of gun powder and few other things hidden in a compartment under the ground.

Mohini took them all under the astounded eyes of jack and distributed it to the crew to drink later.

After that Mohini shot the cannon to shoot the gold medallion on to the island and then they started to move.

On the way it might be coincident or it might be the correction of the plot they met with commodore Norrington and governor Swann on HMS dauntless.

Mohini already knows about this through simulation so she was not that worried.

Those people immediately pointed their guns and cannons at Mohini and the crew.

They did not shoot because of the presence of Elizabeth Swann.

Mohini looked at the lineup and then patted the cannons on the interceptor.

"Commodore Norrington,

Do you see these three cannons they are arranged to shoot at one specific position on your ship?

Before I got on this interceptor I have looked at the structure of HMS dauntless and know where the gunpowder is stored.

Three cannon shots are enough to light up that thing and blow up your ship in a matter of seconds.

So be good soldiers and lower your guns.

I am here to talk and have a party with you people instead of fighting a stupid fight…."

Commodore Norrington intercepted the worlds of Mohini and said.

"We will never talk with pirates and thugs."

Mohini smiled at him and said.

"Pirates and thugs you saw.

That is an interesting way to put things.

Previously when I shot down so many pirates, they did not take that into consideration…."


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