Chapter 380: dealing with cunning player Mark (Volume 9 complete)

Chapter 380: dealing with cunning player Mark 

To be more precise he is like Jara that is like a prince of the king of arms faction.

Mohini walked close to him and stood 3 meters away from him.

Then she started to stare straight into the eyes of Mark.

The stalemate lasted for a few minutes as they looked at each other, then Mark spoke.

"I do not wish to participate in the struggle to get the trident.

But I cannot leave here because of Captain Salazar in the surrounding waters.

So you can go on and take care of the things."

Mohini smiled and acted as if she wanted to leave for her things.

But immediately Mohini activated a quick moment skill that she acquired and move towards Mark in less than a second.

Then she used her quick hands to pierce the needles dipped in muscle relaxant into Mark's body.

Right around that time Mark also wanted to shoot.

So the first one to get hit was his hand and then his body was also pricked by the needles.

Actually Mark wanted to attack when Mohini turned around.

That is the reason he showed the weak appearance when Mohini killed so many people is to reduce her vigilance.

Since Mohini fought with all these players, he thought that Mohini was also exhausted and could not fight with him.

This way she would compromise with him.

This is Mark's plan.

But he would have never thought that Mohini would counter attack.

Also Mohini did not attack from a long distance attack instead it was a close quarter's fighting.

He shot at Mohini with the single shot gun.

But it did not hit Mohini instead his fingers were pricked by Mohini's needles.

It did not stop at that as Mohini moved extremely fast completely incapacitating him.

Then she moved to kill the entire crew behind him that was still in daze.

Mohini originally did not want to act but Veena gave the hint after her clone explained about the features of Mark.

She is currently staying on the ark ship of Mohini as she formed a group with Mohini.

She told Mohini's clone about the cunningness of Mark and Mohini immediately checked the simulation results that matched the things.

Also Mohini doesn't know about the background of Mark and killed him in the simulation.

The result is that Mohini was got the Mark of killing from the king of strategic faction.

She did not know about that and most probably would face severe problems in the future after going out of the fantasy world.

Well the simulation cannot continue out of the fantasy world.

So she doesn't know what really happened.

With the warning from Veena, she immediately changed her strategy.

Then with her quick actions she was successfully able to completely clear out players only leaving Mark alive.

Then Mohini extorted from Mark, taking everything from him.

At that moment Mark really thought that Mohini is more like a pirate than the pirates in the pirates of the Caribbean world.

Mohini knocked him out at that moment and then she started to move to the main plot.

Captain Salazar saw all of this happening while he went around killing other pirates in the sea and waiting for Mohini to make a move to get the trident.

On the other hand Mohini took out the red gem to complete the magic formation on the island.

Immediately a big surge appeared on the island and then the water split into two parts giving way to the trident.

Since Mohini already knows the location she wanted to get the trident in a simulation.

But she never expected that the trident was deeply buried inside coral and rocks that even cannon cannot blast.

So Mohini did not have a choice but to follow the original route to get the trident.

Also this trident is very fragile that it can be broken with just a metal sword.

So Mohini has to handle it with care.

Salazar did not have anyone to take their appearance like he did with Henry in the original plot.

So he captured a player that he was hunting and used him instead.

Actually jack was truly lucky.

His luck can be comparable to rock in the black lagoon.

Originally he should be the one that would fall down along with carina.

But this time there is also Mohini along with them.

Barbossa did not fall down and instead moved the ship to support.

He doesn't know how the things would be.

He cannot just leave his daughter.

Mohini did not move forward immediately instead she shouted at Barbossa.

"Barbossa, do you trust me."

Since carina is in Mohini's hands and seems to be quite close he decided to trust Mohini.

Immediately the blue screen appeared in front of his face and Mohini told him to select yes option.

Well Barbossa did as Mohini told him.

Then she looked at carina.

She also went through the question of trust and decided to follow Mohini.

All of this happened as they started to run towards the trident.

At that time, some poor pirate whose body was taken over by Salazar appeared and the fight between him and jack broke out.

Mohini on the other hand went along with carina and came to the trident.

The trident was stuck inside the stone.

With carina's strength she will not be able to pull the thing out.

But Mohini can still pull that out of the rock with her strength.

She immediately took that out of the rock and used its power to lift the curse of those people.

First it separated Captain Salazar from that poor pirate.

Then she removed the curse using the power of trident.

Well the force was big enough to kill that pirate.

The crew of Salazar was under the water waiting on the side also got their curse removed.

They tried their best to come out of the water but Mohini blocked their exit making them....


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