Chapter 390: stealing and practicing

Chapter 390: stealing and practicing

Fortunately she has the system space for usage and it was upgraded to stagnant time after becoming a tier 2 player.

Once she stole the things she can peacefully eat them over time slowly.

So she has to target something big that is already cooked for direct consumption and can last for a long time.

After her age increases she can steal other things slowly to eat and improve.

With the thoughts she looked around the place to find the kitchen based on her memories.

After finding the kitchen she looked around for the cooked food that should be served in the afternoon.

The cook is preparing this with lower quality materials.

Also they are preparing separate meal for staff and warden with good ingredients.

Corruption happens everywhere.

Since there is no one to question about the orphan's welfare then things would be like this.

At least they are getting something to eat instead of starving to death.

This is the bottom line.

Mohini did not have any problems with stealing their food.

There will be a small gap when they orphans got their food and the staff eat their food.

First the orphans would get the food while the staff would eat leisurely after that.

Mohini is going to strike at this particular moment using the blind spot to steal the food.


She slowly sneaked in the place and finally got the opportunity when the cook went out for something in the food storage room.

Mohini directly stole the food along with the dishes cooked for the staff.

All of this only took few seconds of Mohini's time.

After she took the things she left quickly without anyone noticing her.

When the cook arrived back at the kitchen all the cooked items along with utensils are also gone.

Mohini did not take these things immediately to eat instead she would take part of it to eat.

She can take whatever she wants to eat whenever she wanted to eat.

She can take any part of the food out to eat with a spoon.

So things are alright for her.

But the cook got some severe scolding first from the warder.

Then she received another set of suspicion saying that she stole the cooking utensils and sold them for extra bucks.

Well most people did not believe that but they need someone to blame.

The money for replacing the utensils was embezzled by the elder that manage the orphanage and some other welfares of the clan.


Mohini got food that can fill the stomach of 20 people along with the food for 3 staff members.

This is enough for her for 20+ days.

After that she would think of another solution.

By that time the turmoil would also be over.

Other than that she can also sneak into the food storage room and steal some raw food like vegetables that can be eaten directly.

Well she is a 2 year old that is playing around.

Who would though that she has a space to store things and check her?

With that all the blame fell on the corrupted cook and warden that manage the orphanage of the clan.


Mohini practice physical exercises that needed to go towards the 8 gates technique.

That is extreme Taijutsu from might guy mode of training.

When someone notices her, she would simply say the cheesy words with innocent face.

"I want to become strong to support the clan like my parents did."

These words are enough to cover the eyes of the elders.

They thought that he saw someone training like this and started to practice like this.

At that time Uchiha clan is still within the village center.

So it is not impossible to see someone train around the place.

With that the doubt is gone.


A year passed by and she became 3 years old.

She has to stay in the orphanage till the age of 5 where she would be able learns some basic things.

Then she would be moved to a dormitory where she would take care of her daily necessities by herself with a little pension from the clan.

 If there is any inheritance from her parents then it would be passed on to her at the age of 9.

Mohini knows that her father is still alive that is the current head of the Uchiha clan.

But he wrote Shizuka (Mohini) as the child of another couple that died during a mission.

This young couple did not have much inheritance,

But they at least have few thousand Ryo cash and a house.

This will be given to Shizuka at the age of 9.


She did not stop her practice and continued with her stealing from various places of the village.

Her target is mostly restaurants where she would steal the parceled food by sneaking around.

Not one would suspect a 3 year old.

Even if she is suspected there is no trace of the things she stole.

She usually eats the things she stole in the middle of the night or when no one is around.

Also the amount she eats will be in small portions that no one would notice.

This kind of small things would not attract the attention of ninja.

As long as there is no ninja she will not be suspected.

Also Shizuka did not refine the chakra yet.

Because of this the chance of suspecting is even less.


Another 2 years passed by.

Shizuka's body became strong with muscles clearly cut and well shaped.

But her baggy clothes cover all the things without letting other people to know about that.

She is 5 years old and she was moved to the boarding house of the village.

Both orphanage and boarding house are managed by the same elder of the clan.

Shizuka was waiting for what decision that her father would make.

If her father still remembers her then she would get extra cash in the pension that she got for her dead fake parents.


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