Chapter 401: using others plan to get their girls

Chapter 401: using others plan to get their girls 

They are not far from the village and they can easily get the information in the Uchiha clan through normal channels.

She will definitely be targeted by Danzo and the roots.

Shizuka don't know if the roots have female members as most of the people appeared are usually males in her information.

But she was sure that things were not that easy.

Danzo once wanted to take Kushina the 9 tails jinchūriki into the roots before.

Shizuka did not have any form of protection and she cannot depend on the stupid prideful people of the Uchiha clan.

So she has to find a big tree for protection till she safely grows.

This is one of the points that she understood from the simulation.

She did not fear fighting Danzo but when she can avoid it why bother fighting and wasting many precious opportunities during that time.

So she started to act directly. 

On the other hand the player taking the role of Hiashi did not understand the situation.

It was him that planned this incident without even telling his brother.

He knows that he would definitely become the head of the clan.

But he wanted to win the heart of Himeko that is so beautiful and have some good impression in the minds of other people.

Every player in the ninja world wanted to break the rules and gain as many good women as possible.

As for taking them to the real world they will think about it later.

There is another good thing here.

Players usually leave when the mission is complete.

At that time when the subordinates leave with the player from the life fantasy world, 

The system will rejuvenate their bodies of the subordinates to the situation where the body is most beautiful and powerful.

This is because some time in the life fantasy world player would return after their natural death.

At that time the subordinates can be too old for the real world.

So this special service is provided by the system.

But there is a restriction that is those players should not be killed by anyone.

If they are killed then they cannot take subordinates and has to bear the 10 percent penalty.


The incident arranged by Hiashi was actually taken by Shizuka and acted so righteously that she could not come out and act.

The eyes of Himeko twinkled looking at Shizuka.

She is 6 years old but the children in the ninja world mature fast psychologically.

Just like Kakashi.

It is especially so for the girls in the big clans, as they are not given will to choose the one they love.

Himeko also understand this.

But she cannot stop her admiration for Shizuka standing for her and slapped so many bullies.

That is not all she is still 6 years old and she would slip up some times.

She very kind hearted and shy, just like Hinata.

So her face immediately blushed looking at Shizuka while Hiashi was clenching his teeth.

But he cannot step in.

Being a player he knows that his plan is foiled.

At the same time he doubted that Shizuka is also a player.

Even though Shizuka is a girl the feeling she gave is very different.

But there is no definitive proof for this matter.

Since Shizuka was in the Uchiha clan it is either Shizuka is from a powerful clan or Shizuka is stupid enough to select Uchiha clan with doomsday level difficulty.

Because of this reason he became cautious.

If it is the first then Shizuka is very strong player that he could not fight against right now.

If it is the second then Shizuka would die because of her stupidity so he did not have to act.

With this kind of thinking he calmed down and looked at the situation.

The four bully kids that were slapped became ashamed being slapped in the face and being called traitors.

So they directly wanted to fight with Shizuka.

Boys of this age are actually quite stupid most of the time except for the exceptions like Kakashi.

Shizuka did not care as their strength is too low.

Shizuka only slapped on their face till they were swollen to subdue them.

Now they did not make move as the teachers are also here.

Since it was only slaps on the face instead of severely injuring the situation was under control of the teachers.

Being slapped like this on the face by a girl made them more ashamed.

Also the teachers are careful about this incident involved Hyuga clan as they know the future identity of Himeko Hyuga.

So they punished the children that tried to bully her and even called their parents to tell them about this.

Shizuka caringly asked Himeko if she is alright.

This made her blush just like Hinata and almost faint on the spot.

Hinata would act similarly when she is with girls or boys.

On the other hand Hiashi clenched his teeth and fists in anger.

Shizuka was actually holding the hands of Himeko, his future wife making him angry.

Even though Shizuka is a girl, he had a feeling that she can do more than the things he could do.

But before he made a move Shizuka smiled and let go.

After that she went to Mikoto and left.

Seeing that Shizuka is with Mikoto the thoughts of Hiashi changed.

He knows that Mikoto was the future wife arranged for Fugaku.

So instead of going to Shizuka and trouble him, he wanted to go to Fugaku and push the ball to his court.

This way he would not be a bad guy instead he would stand on the sidelines to watch the show.

The reason for this is the intimate behavior of Shizuka is far more than some boys and girls.

Unknown to him, his gaze was already noticed by Tian Meng and he told Shizuka.

Tian Meng is a part of Shizuka's strength and it was a spiritual strength.


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