Chapter 406: indifference of Tsunade towards third Hokage

Chapter 406: indifference of Tsunade towards third Hokage

On that day third Hokage called Shizuka to talk to him and during the talk Shizuka told third Hokage that she would become a medical ninja to save the lives of the other ninja during the war.

This way ninja would not die like her parents died in the battle field.

Her words moved third Hokage and he immediately got another plan in his mind.

If Shizuka becomes a powerful ninja in the Uchiha clan it is a bit useless for him.

This is because powerful ninja would have a time where they would go out to fight like the wars and they might die.

On the other hand if it is a medical ninja then he can be both useful and live longer.

This way he would have a permanent spy in the Uchiha clan working for him.

Medical ninja is naturally more useful to him too.

He already has many strong ninja and the number of strong medical ninja is very low.

There is only his disciple Tsunade from the Senju clan.

But after the death of Nawaki she became drifting and detached from him for some reason.

This made him think that she is investigating this matter.

He knows that it was actually caused by Danzo and himself.

If she someday knows about this matter than most probably fight with him or leave him completely.

This is not good for him to lose such a capable healer.

Since some things are inevitable he wanted to train another medical ninja on the same level as Tsunade.

Since Shizuka wanted to try, he wanted to give it a try.

If things work out then he would be the one that benefits the most.

After calculating many things he took Shizuka to meet with Tsunade.

He did not notice the smile at the corner of the mouth of Shizuka that appeared when third Hokage accepted her proposal.

Third Hokage said that he would take her to the best medical ninja in the village and if she was able to impress her then she can become her apprentice.

Shizuka showed the excited smile towards third Hokage and they finally came to Senju compound where Tsunade lives.

Because of the third Hokage no one stopped them and they went straight to the courtyard where Tsunade stays.

She was already informed about this matter.

Also she was already curious about Shizuka and wanted to meet her before.

Her expression is calm and she looked beautiful.

Her tits are still in the growing state.

She is 10 years older than Shizuka and she is around 18 or 19 years old right now.

Most probably in a few months she would fell in love with Dan Kato.

But not right now.

She just came out of the grief from the death of her brother.

Third Hokage came over to meet with her with Shizuka.

When they arrived she is in her casual clothes practicing some of her fighting moves in the back side of her courtyard.

Looking at the third Hokage that arrived she stopped her practice and came to them to take a look.

When looking at Shizuka she felt a strange connection to her.

It is like a bond based on blood.

Well Shizuka has 100 percent pure concentrated Senju bloodline and she also has Otsutsuki bloodline.

It is not impossible to have some blood resonance.

Shizuka appearance is the best of both Senju and Uchiha clans because of the high purity of the bloodlines.

She looks very beautiful and cute.

When she was led by third Hokage into the Senju clan many people that came across respectfully greeted third Hokage.

At the same time they felt a strong connection towards Shizuka.

They were dazed a little and moved on while looking at Shizuka again and again.

Third Hokage thought that they know that Shizuka is from the Uchiha clan and are looking at her with some hostility.

He did not expect that it is not hostility instead it was nostalgia and the blood bond resonance.

"Tsunade, this is the kid that you want to meet.

Her name is Shizuka from the Uchiha clan.

She is very good and always wanted to become a medical ninja.

Her parents died very early….."

Third Hokage introduced Shizuka in normal tone.

After saying all this he said.

"She is a good kid and you are the best medical ninja in the village.

If possible I want you to take her as your apprentice…."

Third Hokage said earnestly.

After that he said that he has something to do and before leaving he told Shizuka to try her best to become the disciple of Tsunade.

Then he left under the sending off of Shizuka with her cheerful tone.

After third Hokage left he looked back and shook his head and left.

Tsunade did not greet him as she normally does.

Instead there is a difference and gap between them.

The feeling of indifference in her voice and attitude is clearly visible.

Well he was hoping to get Shizuka as her apprentice so that he would still have an excellent medical ninja under his hand.


After third Hokage left Shizuka still appeared cheerful looking at Tsunade.

She is really beautiful.

But Shizuka only showed admiration and no other thoughts in his eyes.

There is only affection as if she belongs to her.

Tsunade was sensitive and can feel that Shizuka did not have any malice in her thoughts towards her.

After looking at her face for a while she asked.

"Tell me, why you want to become a medical ninja.

Uchiha people are good at fighting."

Shizuka smiled and said.

"My parents died before I even know them,

If I become a medical ninja, I would be able to save many ninja and reduce the number of orphans in the battle field.

The world is based on interests.

Even though there is no war now, it doesn't mean that there will be no war in the future right…."


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