Chapter 410: meeting Orochimaru and Jiraiya

Chapter 410: meeting Orochimaru and Jiraiya

Because of the prejudice of the second Hokage and the anger of Mito towards Madara they always thought that Uchiha are evil.

They need to see the death of their loved ones to open their Sharingan.

This is the first time they understood that the strong stimulus to awaken the Sharingan is the forcible process and it will cause blindness quickly.

On the other hand the process that Shizuka awakened the Sharingan is very natural after reaching the required chakra and physical energy and spirit energy.

With that Shizuka learnt the things more thoroughly with the help of Sharingan.

Well things are not what they seem to be so she did not want to tell about this.

She can always buy few cover ups from the system and hide this from other people.

Before teaching the things Mito made Shizuka memories all the techniques first.

This was they would not have to fear about leaving some evidence that Shizuka got techniques from Mito.

Tsunade also taught her the medical ninjutsu.

She is still memorizing the entire human anatomy and other medical information.

Well she has a little base in her previous life about these things.

So it was easy to learn them.

Just like this 2 years passed by and Shizuka got on the next level of closeness with both Mito and Himeko.

She saved them, helped them in the studies of the ninja techniques....

She is like their confident and the person they can trust.

As they grow up they also had an unexplainable feeling inside their hearts towards Shizuka even though she is a girl.

On the other hand Fugaku and Hiashi are having other thoughts.

Shizuka is too close to their fiancés making them feel if Shizuka is man or women.

Well she is beautiful but it is possible to be a group of girls to form a couple too.

They could not make a move because Shizuka has officially become the disciple of Tsunade and third Hokage approve it.

As for Uchiha Ryo, he is a peace promoter so he was happy for the decision of Shizuka.

Having a medical ninja is good for the Uchiha clan too.

He actually hated his own clansmen for the outsiders.

He is the scum that should be removed for a sustainable development of the clan.

So there is no particular problem for Shizuka from Fugaku's side.

As for the Hyuga clan, they are inherently cowards that would cover and kill their own people to appease the strong.

Hiashi fussed a little but Hizashi was calm because he was not interested in Himeko.

He has another woman he liked in the clan.

She is not a super beauty like Himeko but she has good heart.

Shizuka did not bother with this woman.

It is not that she was only interested in beauty but this woman is already into Hizashi and Hizashi is not in her way of doing things.

So she did not bother to put her fingers in other matters or holes.

During this time third Hokage called her many times to ask about her training progress, things that happened in the Uchiha clan and even in the Senju clan.

She wanted to know what is happening inside these big clans to ease her nerves of always being on alert.

Also the more progress Shizuka makes the less valuable Tsunade becomes for her.

He also knows that the situation of Mito is not good and she would be dying in a few years.

He was waiting for the opportunity to completely remove the Senju clan with the help of Danzo with Mito finally dies.

During this time Shizuka also met with Jiraiya and Orochimaru when Tsunade introduced Shizuka as her disciple.

The eyes of Orochimaru are not good as he was thinking on experimenting on Shizuka.

He looked at Shizuka like a snake looking at its prey.

But after finding out that Shizuka did not open the Sharingan even when he is 10 years old made him lose interest in Shizuka.

On the other hand Jiraiya did not care about Shizuka.

His mind is filled with prejudice towards the Uchiha clan that he got from third Hokage.

But that is not all there is also the thing about the Uchiha clan men being more handsome and it did not let him have some good girls.

Because of the admiration of the girls for the Uchiha clan men, he hated the men form the Uchiha clan.

All in all he collectively hates Uchiha clan.

Well Shizuka doesn't care about their thoughts.

She still greeted them as if he was greeting elders.

Her reception and words are smooth without any flaws.

Because of her warm greeting both Orochimaru and Jiraiya did not say anything.

On the other hand Tsunade met Dan Kato during this time.

They are just known acquaintances right now.

Shizuka knows that things would develop slowly over time in the next few years.

She did not put her fingers right now but she would not let Dan do anything to Tsunade.

She belongs to her and only her.

She doesn't mind stealing the wives of other people but she would not let other people take her women unless she they really wanted to play the double game.

She would not meddle in her daily life but she would definitely put her fingers in when the things are going out of hand.


Fugaku was now 15 years old.

He has already awakened the three tomoe Sharingan and is currently the special Jonin rank ninja.

Uchiha people would do missions as ninja till they become 18 years old to gain practice and experience from those missions.

After that they would either chose to become the full time ninja or they would be cops in the hidden leaf village police station.

It is decided that when Fugaku is 18 years old, the police station would be handed over to him while his father continue to be the head of the Uchiha clan.


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