Chapter 421: eternal Mangekyō Sharingan awakened

Chapter 421: eternal Mangekyō Sharingan awakened

The balance tilted slightly towards Fugaku because of the newly awakened Mangekyō Sharingan.

Then Shizuka moved on to the fourth and final on the list.

It is the information related to the secret techniques of the Uchiha clan.

The things she learnt are not many.

The techniques in circulation to the normal Uchiha ninja in the clan are not many.

The number of fire style ninjutsu they had is so great that the eyes of Shizuka are literally shining.

They have the same amount of research on fire, as the hidden cloud village in the element of lightning.

This is very valuable and it has the way of countering some of the special effects of Mangekyō Sharingan.

There is a way to break Susanoo that even the full force of the dust style could not break.

These things are of most valuable to fight against Uchiha clan.

These things are not written in scrolls directly instead these things are present in the stone tablet in the depths of the Uchiha clan shrine.

The information can only appear for the user to read if they opened the Mangekyō Sharingan or they are the clan head of the Uchiha clan.

These are the only ways for obtaining this information.

Usually the head of the clan would not allow anyone to this stone tablet because he knows that truth.

If Kagami Uchiha that might have opened the Mangekyō Sharingan saw this, he would have already told this to second Hokage.

Similarly Shisui and Itachi also did not see this stone tablet.

Because of this third Hokage and Danzo did not know about these secrets.


After reading through the information from the mind of Ryo Uchiha, Shizuka implanted a thought into the mind of her cheap father.

That is to use a sleeping medicine in the food that Fugaku eats tonight.

Shizuka doesn't want to take risks in this matter.

She would first put Fugaku into deep sleep with the help of Ryo Uchiha and then she would sneak into Fugaku's room tonight and replace his eyes.

Replacing eyes is very easy for Shizuka.

By the time it was morning Fugaku would not feel any difference with Shizuka's healing.

Everything is planned.

After that Shizuka brought back Ryo to reality with her voice and words synchronizing with her in Genjutsu.

Fugaku only felt a small migraine headache for a moment which is fleeting.

He did not suspect anything about Shizuka.

Shizuka left this place quickly and returned to her house.

In a few days she is going to go out with Tsunade to see the war.

Tsunade is going to the land of rain.

She along with Jiraiya, Orochimaru would go to fight Hanzo of salamander and gain the title Sanin from him.

Shizuka was told to be prepared to go along with her to gain the real battle experience.

Shizuka wanted to complete his thing before going to the battle field.


Soon it was night time when everyone was sleeping and there are a few patrols around.

Shizuka was very fast and she learnt the flying thunder god technique that was not perfected.

This flying thunder god technique was created by the second Hokage.

He is an intelligent man but in terms of emotional intelligence he is an idiot.

May be for this very reason he did not have a wife or children.

Well Shizuka did not care about this.

She perfected it based on his knowledge in seals and the things she know about Minato's model….

With that she got the advanced flying thunder god technique.

She already left a mark in the house of her cheap father.

So she directly appeared in the house in a hidden corner.

Then she immediately hid her presence, so that those patrolling ninja did not notice her.

She slowly sneaked into the room where Fugaku sleeps and made little sounds to check the situation.

Also she opened her Mangekyō Sharingan to see the chakra flow.

This way she would know if Fugaku is really sleeping or acting.

After confirming the safety she first sent in a clone that looked like Ryo Uchiha in presence and appearance.

Shizuka is not going to do the thing with her appearance.

Fugaku was put to sleep by the sleeping medicine that his father mixed in his food.

Fugaku did not suspect his father as his father was excited about him opening the Mangekyō Sharingan that he could not open.

So he treated Fugaku with more care.

The food given by his father was eaten by him without suspecting it.

When he slept soundly his room doors opened slowly as the shadow clone of Shizuka that was in the appearance of Ryo Uchiha appeared in the room.

First the clone made some small sounds to check if Fugaku is awake or sleeping.

After the second confirmation, Shizuka's clone used the chakra to form small needles at the points of her fingers.

Then she used these chakra needles to press at specific locations on Fugaku's body to numb the body of Fugaku completely.

With that Fugaku slowly dropped into suspended animation state.

Then Shizuka's clone started the process of exchanging the eyes of Fugaku.

It was a smooth process with her experience as a medical ninja over the years training under Tsunade.

After removing the eyes she started to replace them with another Uchiha clansman's eyes.

Then she healed the eyes and cleaned off the blood without leaving any trace.

Finally she removed the suspended animation state of Fugaku and then left this place to where Shizuka is hiding.

She handed over the exchanged eyes to Shizuka and then the clone vanished.

Shizuka returned to her house and then she got to work directly without wasting time.

She doesn't have to replace her eyes instead both the eyes would merge with the help of the system.

For this process to happen Shizuka few over 10,000 points to work.

She felt like her eyes were poked out.

She held on without losing consciousness.


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