Chapter 423: meeting the Nagato, Yahiko and Konan

Chapter 423: meeting the Nagato, Yahiko and Konan

Well Mikoto might have known but she would not utter a word about it until she was married to someone that is on the other side of Shizuka or the clan was in trouble.

Shizuka moved on with Tsunade as they made their way to the battle field.

They are in the medical unit so they do not have to go directly to the battle field to fight.

Right now only the land of the rain started to retaliate against their land becoming the battle field for the second ninja world war.

Hanzo the leader of the land of the rain poisoned many people from different hidden villages.

Right now he wanted to hook up with other ninja villages to fight against the hidden leaf village to take in a good piece of land from the land of fire.

With that he wanted to establish as the sixth great ninja village that is from the land of rain.

Unfortunately for him, his ambitious dreams are only left to be dreams.

The other villages that originally supported him left him out as a cannon fodder.

It was the strategy of the old man Onoki the current Kage of the land of the stone.

Now the hidden leaf village has to clean up this mess as Hanzo still wanted to attack the hidden leaf village.

He is not the only one.

Other hidden villages are also ready for the moment to attack the hidden leaf village when its defenses are at the weakest.

So third Hokage sent his disciples Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru to end the battle with Hanzo of the land of rain, 

As quickly as possible, so that they would not have to worry about the other fronts of the war with other ninja villages.

Shizuka followed Tsunade and Dan Kato is not in this group of people.

For this Orochimaru was designated as the lead of the team.

Orochimaru or Jiraiya did not have anyone disciples like Tsunade did.

So in this group of three there is an extra Shizuka following them.

Jiraiya hated Shizuka because she is close to Tsunade, she is from the Uchiha clan and finally Shizuka is close to many women at the same time.

This made Jiraiya feel inferior and this made him dislike Shizuka.

Shizuka did not care about him.

On the other than Orochimaru was also not interested in Shizuka.

Shizuka did not show any special capabilities instead she showed the liability of her own bloodline.

That is she was unable to awaken the Sharingan.

So Orochimaru was not at all interested in Shizuka.

Shizuka was actually safe in this matter.

During this time Shizuka showed them that she is practicing a new Jutsu that he developed.

Well it belongs to Minato.

Shizuka showed that she was the one that developed it and started to practice it in front of the trio.

It was actually Rasengan.

In just 3 days Shizuka completed the Rasengan and showed its destructive capabilities causing the three people to be shocked.

Tsunade with the help of Shizuka and excellent chakra control has mastered this technique quickly.

Jiraiya tried but he needs more time.

On the other hand Orochimaru was thinking of something different and this technique did not interest him much.

If he saw the technique with wind style Rasengan then he might be interested.

But it is not that so he did not show any interest.

While they are on the way Shizuka did not show any other new things and the plot moved on without any obstructions or changes.

During the war Shizuka played an active role as a medic but she did not do anything more than that.

At most she used the Rasengan to solve some crisis.

The trio got the name Sanin.

With that they started to return.

On the way of returning the group of trio and Shizuka met with the trio of Nagato's group.

Looking at them Jiraiya immediately thought of The Prophesy that the old frog from the frog mountain has given him.

So he immediately got to know the trio of Nagato's group.

Well they came forward to introduce themselves.

With them started to talk and Jiraiya noticed the eyes of Nagato then the things have change.

Yahiko started talk nonsense about understanding each other and the ending of the war, harmonious world…

The more Jiraiya listened the more he thought that these three are the ones that the great frog immortal back in the frog mountain spoke about.

But when they still speaking Shizuka laughed out so loud that she almost sprayed the water she is drinking.

Yahiko felt that he was being mocked by the sudden laugh of Shizuka and asked why Shizuka laughed so much.

Shizuka looked at the trio and said.

"You are telling that understanding each other would stop the wars and everyone would live peacefully and harmoniously.

There are so many delusions in your thoughts that this can never be achieved.

It is a humanly impossible task with normal human nature.

If you say ninja are the problem for the war then there are wars even before the appearance of ninja and chakra.

It was also stopped by a powerful being called Kaguya also knows as rabbit goddess.

She stopped the wars for a long time.

But after she is gone the wars started again.

You looked over this lady."

Shizuka pointed at Tsunade.

"She is my teacher called Tsunade.

Her grandfather is the first Hokage called Senju Hashirama.

He talked just like you and with his power he captured all the tailed beasts to stop the war in the entire ninja world stopping the warring era.

He even distributed all the tailed beasts to every other ninja village to create harmony as you said.

But he made one small miscalculation.

 Human nature is a strange thing.

Some times when you like something and that did not belong to you, the thoughts of taking it forcibly from other people would appear in the minds of humans…."


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