Chapter 434: tame the wild horse quest

Chapter 434: tame the wild horse quest

She would start her attack plan from the third ninja war.

Also she did not have much interest in the current ninja world.

She can maintain her low key nature for now and step on all of them in the most unexpected time possible.

That is her plan.

In this world there are few titles that Shizuka can get if she becomes Hokage or some other like the guardian of daimyo.

But that is not her target either.

First of all she has to get the girls and hot men.

Once their hearts are taken by other she would not be able to get them.

Then she would take on the clans behind them.

Then she would take on the village and state, occupying everything in her part in the most silent way possible.

For that she needs the help of Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan ability.

She would not use it on her women but on the lords of other lands, village and clans.

This is a slow but study process that Shizuka has to achieve with step by step process.

For this she has to give up on the good completely and embrace the evil.

After awakening the Rinnegan Shizuka came to the war front and replaced her clone and did everything normally.

Tsunade was in depressed state and Shizuka helped her with a way to ease her depressed mind with another thing.

That is to bring the sister of Dan Kato and take care of her in place of Dan Kato.

Shizuka also started to give her some massage…cough…cough…not that massage.

She would help her relieve her tensions and Shizuka wanted her to adapt to the close contact with her.

Later she can completely pull her into her quagmire of love also the women fall for her would have exhibitionist and other tendencies.

Tsunade did not care about this as she has already lost everything that she holds dear for.

So she is in turmoil and did not become the strong lady at the time of Naruto.

She has to come into her senses and become numb to life and death.

This happened as she lost the main bloodline of the clan along with all the strong people to maintain and protect the clan in the war.

As that happened she was the only main bloodline member remaining and all the other members are branch families with very thin bloodline.

They could not even become ninja and they could not protect themselves.

Because of this reason she directly disbanded the clan and left the village in her anger.

She has slowly looked through her life as she understood the things and became numb to everything.

Shizuka got a quest related to Tsunade.


Quest: tame the wild horse.

Description: get Tsunade's love and complete submission.

Proof of completion: Tsunade presents her grandfather's necklace to the host.

Rewards: host would be rewarded with 5000 chaos points and the secret of the artifact the first Hokage's necklace."

This is the quest that she accepted and intended to complete.

As for the perverted version of the quest, it would be activated when she turned 18 years old.

For that she needs to sooth her down.

Shizuka was strong enough to do that.

Instead it would cause a severe backlash for disturbing the plot.

Based on the will of the world, the Senju clan as an existence must cease to exist.

Similarly the arrogant Uchiha clan should also cease to exist.

It is not the complete extermination but they no longer needed to appear as a clan.

That is the will of the world for the plot to move on.

Shizuka intended to do just that.

The reason for this is that those people are too stubborn.

If they are really flexible they would have listened to the words of Madara before when he wanted them to leave the hidden leaf village with him.

But they did not and Madara finally gave up on them.

For one thing Shisui and Itachi are correct.

The main bloodline people of the powerful clan have pride which has become their sin.

If it was at the basic level then it is okay.

But too much of anything is dangerous and it would become a sin of the society causing their destruction due to various reasons.

In the case of Senju and Uchiha clans it has became the envy of their power from the society that caused the destruction of those clans

Shizuka would not let them completely exterminated.

She would take the woman to the real world and create the clans there in her ark island slowly.

Then there will be a new collection of ninja beauties.

With that she can successfully start a good adult site with many beauties showing off their beauty.


The war continued to go on and Shizuka sent her clone to keep an eye on the situation of the situation of Kushina.

This is very important as it is a turning point.

There is also a quest here.

Other than that there are other players that are eying for the situation to capture the heart of Kushina.


Quest: get the hot red head

Description: make Kushina into your woman.

Rewards: host would be rewarded with perfect reanimation Jutsu (restrictions applicable)."

This is also a quest that Shizuka accepted and for that she made many preparations.

As for the usage of this technique Shizuka has her plans.

Since Shizuka did not show any big movements and acted low key, many people forgot about her.

Well they would not forget her beautiful appearance.

She is growing up and she is extremely beautiful.

Well except for Hiashi as his balls would ache from time to time reminding of Shizuka to him.

Also when he tried to masturbate, he was unable to get his thing hard.

He wanted get a checkup at the hospital, but the war started stopping all his thoughts temporarily.

The days passed by and one day Shizuka's clone gave…


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