fucking a Red hair

kyle had already finished talking with Lilith, as he was on his way outside, to fuck his first victim. since he knew his way around tokyo a bit, it wasn't that of a problem to pin point beauties, as they were everywhere today.

"today seems to be my lucky day." he said rubbing his hands together, while Lilith held him by the arms invisible to others, except for kyle.

as he passed, there were some beautiful ladies who were passing him by, giving him weird gazes before looking away.

he even wanted to try his luck, with a sexy lady in her early 20's standing beside a black car, but before he could cross, lilith forcefully pulled his arm back.

"wh- what was that about?." kyle asked confused looking at her.

"since this is your first victim master, i want it to be special."

"really?special." kyle rolled his eyes at lilith, she had just basically made him miss his chance, how could he level up if he couldn't fuck.

"relax master, i'll be picking the lucky human female, you'll fuck today." she said as she tugged her boobs on his arms.

"jealous." kyle muttered.

"what did you say master..." Lilith looked at him with her cold dark eyes.

"ehhm! nothing...." kyle quickly said, averting his gaze elsewhere.

"who are you talking to man." a teenage passer on boy asked, he had black razor cut hair, wearing a lose Hawaii shirt and pants.

kyle had forgotten other people couldn't see lilith only him, so he had literally been talking to himself, while he walked down the road.

't-hey think am crazy, great...' he thought, as the boy looked at him weirdly, offering his hand to help.

"a-am ok thanks for your help." he said, as he quickly started walking away from the boy, to avoid further embarrassments.

the teenage boy looked at kyle's back weirdly, before shrugging his shoulders, and continuing the way he headed.

"seems he likes you master." Lilith teased kyle some more, tensing the atmosphere.

"you... i'll deal with you later." he grumbled, as they reached a convenient store which was very huge, about four stories up. with different sections in it.

"paradise safe." kyle read the name, of the huge convenient store out loud, as he was just amazed by the building structure.

"this is the place master... are you ready?" lilith said playfully, swinging kyle's arm.

"i-i was born ready." kyle confidently said, as he walked into the store, with the invisible lilith beside him.

entering the store he was greeted with a chilly cold air, he couldn't help but hold his shoulders brushing them up, as there were massive air coolants stationed everywhere in the building.

"s-so cold..."

"don't be such a baby master." lilith pulled him along, as they walked through the different isles looking at the different items on display, on the big shelves.

kyle picked an item, which was a canned beef and read the price label, as he immediately shouted in shock.

"what! that much money for a canned b-eef."

the people who were shopping in the isle he was, looked at him coldy. he covered his mouth with his hands, and slowly walked away.

"what was that about." lilith asked confused, she couldn't believe kyle was acting this childly.

"the prices.. they're so high here." he gulped, seeing the high prices on the items as he passed by.

"well this is a convenient store, so they're meant to be high."


"don't worry master you won't need all this soon, cause you'll be very rich and powerfu, to afford anything you want." kyle smiled at lilith and hugged her, but in reality, he was hugging nothing more than thin air. as they passed by a woman in her 60's, who wore glasses she pulled the glasses and cleaned them, to clear her doubt.

"what the fuck..." the granny muttered, seeing kyle holding nothing but air. she kept on looking, as she could've sworn, a shadow just winked her in the eyes.

the convenient store, was busy with different people, buying all sorts of things on the lower section. but as kyle and lilith got to the second floor, things seemed to have calmed down a bit, but there were still crowds of people present.

"is it always this lively." ever since kyle entered the paradise safe, he had been watching out for noticeable beauties, to have sex with. but every time he tried to move to talk to them, lilith would always drag him back.

"i don't know, I've never been here." lilith shook her head, looking at some colourful Japanese women clothes.

"t-then why are we here, instead of a bar or something."

"i don't know... but my instincts never fails me."

kyle felt like pulling his hair out strand by strand, but he restrained himself, and resorted to trusting Lilith's instincts.

lilith looked at many women, but every time kyle thought that was the one, she would shake her head and walk by.


"not you..."

"not rough enough...."

lilith kept on rambling about, as only kyle could see her, he just let her do her thing, not disturbing her concentration.

they had almost finished walking the isle, as lilith still hadn't made her decision.

"she's definitely here, maybe the next floor...." the same thing happened on the third floor, they passed many people but the 'one', wasn't still there.

they were on the fourth floor which was the last, as kyle thought they might have better chances, if lilith senses where correct.

"she's here." lilith happily said.

"lilith, who's she?..." kyle felt propelled, as to whom this special woman was, that lilith had chosen her first for him to fuck.

"ohh!. she was my human bestfriend.."

"w-why would you want me to fuck your bestfriend..."

"don't worry master, i wouldn't want to spoil the fun." she giggled slightly, still searching for the woman, as it looked like they were coming to an end of the isle.

they were at a vegetable section in the fourth floor, as they weren't really many people here, only about 20 or so. kyle felt like giving up, cause there really wasn't any hope.

"what! but i.. she has to be here." lilith had a frown on her face, as her instincts hadn't failed her, right from the time she was a normal human, to become the demon of lust.

"it's nothing Lilith, she probably wasn't here.."

"but i-it can't be..." lilith's face was confused, and full of frustration at the moment.

"hey.. don't beat yourself up, there are many other beauties in here, to sleep with." kyle held her hand turning round to leave, when he bumped into someone.

"ouch!." it was a soft moan, like that of a sweet, but fierce female tone. kyle looked at the person he knocked down, as he saw another beauty.

she was light skinned with a good physique, her boobs weren't that big but kyle felt they were very firm when he hit her, her ass was quite big even than aunt kimi's. but the most distinct feature, was her bright red hair.

"k-kyle she's the one. haha! i told you my instincts never failed me." lilith said joyfully, while giving kyle a nudge on his shoulder to help her up, as he was just staring at her lost for words.

"watch your step!" she yelled then stood up, and picked the items she dropped, storming off.

"what the.. why did you freeze?."

"y-you didn't tell me, she was a red head."

"hmmm.. quick! she forgot that on the floor, pick it up and run after her." kyle then picked up the small brown bottle, as he pursued after the redhaired.

"miss! miss!"

"huh?" the red haired turned, and saw the same boy who made her trip just a few seconds ago, she was about turning to leave when.

"you forgot your bottle!." kyle shouted, as this seemed to have gotten her attention, she was walking towards kyle almost instantly, with her hand stretched out.

"s-orry i bumped into you..." kyle said, panting a bit from the little chase he did.

"i-it's nothing... you can give me the bottle now..." she pointed at the brown bottle, with her stretched hand.

"oh sure.." kyle handed over the bottle to her, while he had already activated lust, the feminine aura slowly enveloping the area, as the red haired inhaled it

"what's that sweet smell." she noticed her body was behaving weirdly, even when her hands touched with kyle's, there was this tingling sensation in her body.

"hehe.. she's feeling it." Lilith said to kyle excited.

"thank you..." the red haired thanked kyle, and went over to the counter, to pay for the items she took.

she saw kyle was also following her to the counter, which she found a little weird, but she thought maybe, he also wanted to pay for an item from the store.

"that will be 500 yen." the lady at the counter said to the red haired lady, who meagerly brought out the 500 yen, from her black purse.

"she must be rich..."

"of course she is." lilith replied kyle's thought. "quick ask her for her name."

"am kyle what about you..." he said placing his item on the counter, the red haired looked at him, but didn't respond to his comment.

"that'll be 50 yen." the lady at the counter said, as she scanned the item.

"what! just for this.."

lilith was the one who asked him to take the item from the shelve, but he didn't bother looking at the price tag. he didn't know what to do, as there was a sign, with a no refunds on it.

"here." the red haired lady gave 50 yen, to the lady at the counter, paying for what kyle took.

"ehhm.. thanks." kyle said, scratching his head.

"my name's akemi niru..."

"she just told you her name, that's the go ahead kyle, collect her things, and find a way to follow her home." lilith pushed him at her.

"l-let me help you with those..."

"no don-"

akemi wanted to dissuade kyle to not help her, but she felt powerless at the moment, her body wasn't responding to her call, this just wasn't her.

"where do you stay?."

"humani street it's not that far from here." kyle was surprised, akemi was the one who brought up a topic, he felt the lust really getting in her system.

"what about you?."

"i stay at kurgy street, it's just a few miles from here." they had reached the first floor, and exited the building, now heading to akemi's house.

"you're not from around here are you?." akemi said. "your name kyle, it doesn't sound like a Japanese name."

"y-eah am a half breed, my mom's from tokyo, while my dad is from the united states."

"oh i see...."

they had reached kurgy street, and stopped by the third house on the left, of the street. it was a nice duplex, with a little garden on the porch, with a drive way by the side as a car was parked there.

"thanks for your help kyle..." she collected the things from kyle, walking to the front door opening it.

"w-what the hell, the lust skill it didn't work?..."

"i wasted 20 fucking points on that... she's getting away, what do i do lilith..."

"her will is still strong, and that lust skill is still weak, but you're in luck... "


"she's a machoist."


"yes! no time, go and grab her, before your chance goes away."

"akemi!" kyle yelled, running towards her, activating the lust skill again.

'did he forget something?' she turned, and saw kyle very close to her.

'why's he running?'

"he's not stopping." before she knew it, kyle had already pounced on top of her, planting his soft lips on her's, both of them falling backwards on the white sofa.

"w-what are you doing?." akemi could barely speak clearly, as kyle's face was just an inch from her's, her breathing had already gotten rough.

"i-i just can't resist you..." he said staring at her body.

[xxx lust value: 50/100]