level up

"what the~"

what kyle was seeing right now, was beyond good, as a grin grew on his face.

[+50 exp gained]

[+100 xxx points acquired]

[+300 exp gained for fucking a human masochist]

[+500 bonus xxx points gained for cumming in a masochist]

[+150 bonus exp gained]

[you have levelled up]

[you have levelled up]

[you have levelled...]

[congratulations you have levelled up to lv 06]

[+3 stat points to distribute freely]

[reach lv 10 to evolve into a demon]

[Name: Kyle Conner]

[LV: 06]

[strength: 12]

[agility: 08]

[stamina: 06]

[XXX point's: 610]

[exp req: 50/400]

[race: human]

[permanent XXX's: Lilith Conner,]

[temporary XXX's: akemi niru]

skills passive:

[charm: the skill is passive and increases user charm by 15% when starred into user's eyes females will feel extreme lustfull. note: 3% chance to work on men.]

[demon rod: increases user's penis by 1cm with each evolution turning it into a demon rod. note: penis will stop growing at the final stage of evolution.]

[lust touch: increases user's touch on females by 8% heightening their sex organs.]

[sex beast: when the system detects user has reached a certain amount of lust the user automatically becomes a sex beast. (XXX lust value:3%)]

skills non-passive:

[lust: once activated this skill releases a feminine aura and has a 10% chance of enrousing females within 10meter radius to be extremely horny. consumes 10 XXX point's per activation]

skills shop:

[stamina regeneration: restores user's stamina full. costs 20 XXX point's.]

[Aphrodisiacs pill: once taken has a 15% chance of making females fall asleep. costs 5 XXX point's.]

[reach LV 10 to evolve and unlock more skills]


kyle was speechless, starring at the barrage of the system notifications, coming to his head.

"300 exp for fucking a masochist..."

"wait.. i cummed in her?." he looked at her pussy, and indeed there was cum dripping out.

"fuck! h-how did this happen.. what if she gets pregnant...."

his pupils sunk in, at the thought of him raising a child at the age of 16yrs, what would he tell aunt kimi or even worse, what would he tell his parents.

"no.. no.. what do i do..."

"calm down tiger..."

"y-you where were you?." kyle said looking round for lilith, but he didn't have to look much longer as she appeared, sitting down on his bare crotch.

she was wearing, a really tight black and white striped extra short dress, barely covering her holy bible which threatened to turn open it's verses.

"how the hell do you want me to calm down!..." kyle yelled out of frustration, luckily akemi didn't wake up, and was still asleep.

"y-ou know master.. if you keep on calling hell, Lucifer might just hear you and come straight away."


"b-ut will she get pregnant?." kyle asked lilith with wide eyes, hoping to hear the answer he wanted.

"well... she might." lilith touched her chin.

kyle gulped at the abrupt answer lilith gave, to be honest he thought something like this would happen, but he didn't want it so soon.

"but i bet she won't..."

"huh what do you mean..." kyle was confused, at first lilith had said she might get pregnant, and now she also said she wouldn't. he just didn't know which to choose.

"remember the brown bottle she dropped at the store..."

"yeah what about the bottle?..."

"i can't believe you didn't read the name of the pill." lilith rolled her eyes at kyle.

"they were pills?..."

"well not just any pills but birth control pills..." lilith said happily.

"birth control pills.. why would she have birth control pills with her?." kyle wondered indifferently.

his demon wife looked at him coldly, as if he already knew the answer to the question.

"s-she's a mascho." he muttered.

"correct master, this horny sex freaks can't last long, without something drilling their holes.so they get some sweet toys, to help them with their misery."

"but don't worry master, even though you aren't the first guy or the second to drill her, you managed to deeply pleasure her."


"argh! get off, my little brother's in pain..." kyle said, in a pained expression pulling his hair, as lilith adjusted her ass on his rod.

"hmph... m-aster am still useful d-don't cas-t me aside." lilith said her pupil turning more darker. kyle guessed, it was one of her demon skills but it was really terrifying, giving out a chilly intent.

"w-what are y-ou doing...." as kyle looked at her in the eyes, he felt his senses gradually leaving feeling nothing, even the stinging pain in his crotch, was slowly fading.

"i-i'll do better than her master." she used her hands, to hold his chest for support, as she gradually bounced her ass on his sleepy dick.

"th-is is how she did it r-ight master?..."

lilith was referring to akemi, when she was in a cowgirl position, riding kyle.

"h-mm-m ar-gh." muffled grunts, escaped from kyle's mouth as lilith moved her two mountains, gently on his member. the dress couldn't hold her ass cheeks, revealing them and the dark blue, weirdly designed pantied she wore.

she leaned in to kiss him, her juicy blood red lips on his. savouring the moment, her pupils returned back to normal as she dropped her ass which was really high, down on kyle's dick.

"shit! fuck..." kyle screamed in pain, as his senses seemed to have returned, the pain he was going through was undeniable.

"get off you little demon...."

kyle jerked lilith off, as he used his hands to pat, and calm his member down.

"hmph!" lilith snorted. "that's for fucking her too well." lilith tugged her hands on her boobs looking away.

"haa..." he managed to calm his dick down a bit, staring at his jealous demon wife.

shaking his head, he drew her to him as she rested on his chest. he put his arms around her, feeling her smooth skin.

"t-thanks for helping me lilith." he kissed her softly on the fore head, caressing her shoulders gently.

"hmph! apology not accepted..."

"ha... i guess i'll have to look for another wife..."

"c-co-nner..." lilith twitched her eyes slightly.

"akemi can fit in perfectly, she'd be the perfect wife." kyle placed his hand on his chin smiling.

"i-f you t-try it, i'll cut off your dick and chew it.. watching you bleed to death." lilith roared, using her hands to imitate a scissors, cutting kyle's little brother.

"i-i didn't know my demon wife cared that much..."

"i don't!" lilith yelled blushing her face turning red.

"really... then you should, probably cut my dick fast, at least i'll have some pleasure watching you chew it." kyle teased.

"yo-you who are you?." lilith said, looking at kyle like a complete stranger, she never knew until now.

"i think we both know the answer to that, now don't we..."

"kyaa... mhm." kyle fondled her breasts, pinching her nipples. his hands, couldn't contain quarter of her gigantic boobs, as he battled her balloons squeezing them.

"am your dominant husband, and your my possessive wife." kyle grinned, staring at lilith who rubbed his chest.

"mhm..mhm ha! dominant husband... tah." lilith clicked her tongue, at kyle who was stupefied.

"of course am dominant! not many boys my age, have achieved what i have."


"w- well i have you, the demon of lust as my wife. and i just lasted, three hot rounds of sex, with a masochist." kyle bragged proudly, refusing to let his ego down.

"hmmm true.."

"huh y-you ag-ree?."

"the part about you, having me as your wife is impressive, but you barely lasted a round with akemi. if not for stamina regeneration, and your lv being at 2, you'd have long collapsed on the bed."

"you wouldn't even move your body from pain, your lucky your dick didn't suffer much damage."

now that kyle looked at everything lilith said, it was true. if not for the system's help, with stamina regeneration and his body turning into a demon's, he doubted he'd last 30 minutes with akemi.

"well let's just say, you're special here on earth but in hell, your nothing more but an ant to be crushed."

"hmm." kyle frowned. "so who's the weakest demon in hell?." every race had weak ones, but there was always a piece of trash.

"hmm.. judging that your not fully a demon, it's hard to say. since it's been a while i left. but while i was there, the weakest demon was belgros."

"belgros... never heard of him."

"even though, he may not be significant to us demon's, he's by far a god to you kyle." lilith said with every form of seriousness.

"just how strong is he?."

"well... if i should use the system's gauge, I'd say his stats are over a thousand."

"what!." kyle's eyes almost popped out from his socket, he had thought maybe belgros stats, would be over a hundred. but passing a thousand, that was just terrifying.

"don't worry master.. you'll soon surpass him, with my help and that of the system's. you'll even be able to defeat, Lucifer's second in command, and the devil himself.

"i thought you were his second in command?."

"ehhm not really... i was only his favourite, earning my way to his second in command, but my power level was a bit lower than this demon."

this was another banger for kyle. first, he had just learnt the weakest demon in hell stats were over a thousand, while lilith was still in hell. but he hoped, it would still remain in the range of a thousand.

the second was, lucifer had a second in command which wasn't lilith, and this demon seemed to be stronger than lilith.

"w-what's the demon name?."

"kirlin the demon of death. i met him in hell, when Lucifer brought me, and he's no joke at all."

"he doesn't show any emotion, while killing any race and only takes order from Lucifer, to complete the hardest of tasks."

"so he's a bad guy..." kyle joked.

"k-kyle don't joke with this demon, ever, or i may lose you forever..."

lilith's voice sounded hazy, and kyle sensed it. this was the first time, he heard her voice contain worry and sadness in it, as she talked about kirlin.

"h-hey you're not going to lose me, i promise i'll get more stronger and defeat Lucifer, with you by my side." he said burrowing her in his chest.


"lilith isn't there any other way, i can level up into a demon, apart from sex?." he was curious to know, demon's were ruthless and savage killing beings, as he had read in novels. but the one in his arms was different.

"when you become a demon, you'll have to kill, in order to level up further...."

this was the answer he tried to avoid, but it seems he couldn't run away from it, he would soon become a demon afterall.

"haa..." he sighed. "i.. understand."

mhmm mmm~

akemi was waking up from her slumber, as lilith turned invisible beside kyle.

"hope you slept well.." kyle said looking at akemi's eyes.

"e-ehh y-ess." akemi face turned red seeing her naked body, but was more redder, looking at kyle's crotch.

kyle stood up, and went to pick his pants, and shirt wearing them.

"a-are you lea-ving n-ow?..."


"b-but it's almost nigh-tfall, wh-y d-on't you spend the nig-ht here." akemi said sitting at the edge of the bed.

"i can't." he said walking towards the door.

even though he wanted to stay, he just couldn't. there were so many things on his mind, even his little member was hurt, and would take some time to heal.

"t-hen i'll come with y-"

"akemi! be a good girl.. i'll come visit you, the day after tomorrow..."


she wanted to persist, but kyle gave her a frown, which caused her to swallow her words.

"c-come in time mas-ter... i'll be w-wait-ing." kyle just nodded and went out the door, it was almost very dark. as the time was about 6:30pm, the beautiful street lights were on, as he walked by.