
today was the main day. kyle was going to be discharged from the hospital. and aunt kimi was already at the hospital doors.

she couldn't sleep at all the few nights. kyle and yua were away. even with the help of the alcohol she drank to her stupor. it just couldn't put her to bed.

"right this way miss kimi..."

in the hospital building on the top floor. kimi was being led by asuka, the owner of the hospital's building to her office.

the hallways were quiet on some floors she passed by. but reaching the upper floors. screams and horrible sights filled the air.

"w-what happened to them..." kimi said. looking at a small blonde haired girl. not more than the age of six.

she was held down by some nurses. who struggled to keep her still while they sedated her.

asuka stopped walking, her head bent down. she was having trouble, keeping the files in her hands steady.

"i-i don't k-now." asuka finally said looking at the blonde haired girl.

"huh! w-what do you mean you don't know..." kimi was shocked. as asuka said those words.

"how couldn't she know? wasn't this her work" kimi pondered.

"hahh...." asuka sighed. "here look closer and tell me what do you see." she said pointing at the huge glass window. besides the blonde haired girl room.

"i-i don't see anything.." kimi said looking closely, at the girl through the window. at first kimi had thought, maybe the little girl was badly injured. but there weren't any visible wounds on the girl. not even a scratch.

"exactly.. nothing.. they are perfectly normal." asuka shook her head letting out a bitter smile.

kimi was looking at asuka. as if maybe, she was playing a joke on her or something. but the look on her face told it all.

"b-but how can that be t-hey might be suffering from internal pain o-or mental disorder."

"you're wrong." asuka shook her head. "we've done series of test and medications on them but all our efforts were futile." a stinging pain hit her straight to the chest.

"we even invited psychologists, and trained individuals. in the field of mental disorder, but it was still the same thing."

"s-so you mean they're perfectly sane and not at the same time." kimi asked raising an eyebrow up.

"a-as much as I don't want to believe it miss kimi.. that's what the results say."

"and the results never l-ie..."

now this sounded weird for kimi, ever since she's been to hospitals. this was the first she'd heard of such a thing. it was either the person was injured, mentally or physically.

but hearing what asuka just said, it didn't fit right with her. they had reached the door as they looked at the girl, struggling to break free from the nurse's grasp.

she noticed the little girl was screaming some words out. but it wasn't audible to her. because of the blockage in between.

"c-can we go in?" kimi said. her hands placed on the glass window.

"w-what.. why do you want to go in." she had noticed kimi was acting strange. from the moment she saw the blonde haired girl. but she didn't think she'd want to go in.

normally people would be frightened, to near the room. and even if they did. they wouldn't agree entering, cause going in was a different thing.

"I don't know.. but it'll just be a moment."

"o-ok if you say so." asuka wanted to dissuade her. but she felt there couldn't be any harm in trying.

she twisted the door knob slightly, opening the door full. as the loud screams, immediately assaulted both their ears.

"s-she's really loud.." kimi thought. as she entered through the door, her gaze directly went, to the little girl afar. the moment kimi stepped in, the little girl reacted to her presence, leaving the nurse's stunned.

"she hasn't reacted to anyone's presence since... why did she react to her's now?" they said stunned.

"err.. w-why is everyone looking at me like that." kimi nervously said. staring at them confused with what was happening.

the next instant. the little girl forced her way out from the nurse's grip. pushing them away with her arms.

"hey stop..."

there was a male doctor with a syringe in his hand. he tried to forcefully inject her, while she stood on the bed. but she back slapped him, making him tumble to the floor.

"haha.." the little girl let out an evil grin looking at kimi. asuka was still finding it hard, to comprehend the situation. but a cold gaze from the girl quickly brought her out.

"shit! kimi get out of here.." asuka screamed. intending to bring kimi out from her trance, as the latter stood there frozen. looking at the blonde haired girl, approaching her with heavy steps.

"shit zai.. stop." the female doctor held a nearby mopstick. in her hands for defense. standing in front of kimi.

"grrrr..." the girl growled. not stopping in the slightest. increasing her pace more.

"fuck i-i warned you.." asuka hesitated, to use the mopstick on the girl, as it felt cruel. but it was either fight back or be defeated.

in the end, she made up her mind. and shoved the mopstick at the little girl's face. but the latter grabbed the mopstick stopping it in place.

"w-why is she so strong. ahh.." asuka's stance wasn't sturdy. as zai tossed her to the side, crashing into the wall.

"bam! argh." she clutched at her left hand in pain. while the former snapped the stick in two. breaking it and smiled sadistically at kimi.

"why's she just standing there.."

"kimi! run!"

"h-uh.. w-what happened?" kimi said snapping out from her daze. as her eyes met with the creepy little girl. who looked at her with murderous intent.

"h-how did she get here." kimi tried to make a run for it but the little girl wouldn't let her.

the little girl was really fast. as she sprinted to kimi's back, and kicked her legs fiercely. making the latter to fall downwards, her head hitting the floor.

"ha. ha.. ha..." kimi could feel the little girl, deep breaths on her. and that could only mean, she was on top of her.

"he's coming... he's coming... the girl screamed loudly. banging kimi's head to the floor.

"thud.. bam! bam..."

"a-hh.. ph-ough! phough.." kimi could feel her blood, sliding down her head. as was constantly hit on the head to the hospital's tiles.

"no... argh!" asuka grunted. gritting her teeth through the pain, as she staggered up. and went to the unconscious body of the male doctor.

"where is it..." she used only her good arm, which was the right. to search the man's body, as quickly as she could.

she turned back, and saw the little girl hand's. were now on kimi's throat gripping it.

"fuck!" she went to the cupboard in front. scattering through different items.

"please be here... please be here..."

"yes!" she found a syringe with crystal clear, liquid substance in it. and ran to where the girl was.

"I hope am not too late..."

"h-e's coming.. a-ll is lost..." the little girl mumbled possessed. squeezing kimi's throat.

"crck.. krck..." kimi struggled to stay awake. barely gripping the girl's hand.

just as the remaining bit of strength was leaving kimi. and her life flashed before her eyes. asuka inserted the syringe, on the blonde haired girl neck. pressing the substance into her system.

"no!" the little girl screamed her grasp on kimi was slowly losing.

kimi regained some life, as she managed to push the girl away, with the help of asuka.

"phough.. phough.. phough.." kimi held her throat coughing. while taking in large amount of air.

"here let me help you..." asuka helped in lifting kimi up the floor. surpporting her with her right arm.

"are you ok..."

"phough? yeah a little.." kimi said faking a smile.


their eyes turned to the little girl. who barely stood straight, staggering about.

"y-you can't stop him he-he'll kill-"

"shut up!" kimi punched fiercely, at the girl's face, knocking her out cold. some would've thought kimi was a monster, for hitting an innocent child. if they didn't witness, what just happened.

"a-re you alright? your nose is still bleeding." asuka felt, kimi had internal bleeding in her brain. because of the constant leakage, of blood flow from nostrils.

"ye-yea-h.." kimi wiped her bloody nose with her arm, struggling to stand. she saw the other nurses, and the male doctor, were slowly getting back up.

"i-i j-just fe-el a little.. weird." kimi said. as she lost consciousness, her body fell to the ground harshly.

"kimi!" asuka went to kimi, checking her condition. she saw that her heart was pumping well. cause she could feel her pulse clearly.

"quick! you two take her to the theatre." she ordered the two nurses. as they hurriedly carried her to the theatre room.

"I hope nothing worse happened to her..."

she then looked at the blonde haired girl. also checking her pulse.

"you! tie her to the bed and make sure she doesn't move." the male nodded. and carried the little girl gently. placing her on the bed and strapping her to the bed.

"don't worry asuka, zai will be alright.. she's stronger than you." he tapped her shoulder, as he left the room. leaving only asuka and the little girl.

"w-why did you react to her presence..." asuka said as she touched the girl's hand.

"s-stay in there zai.. i'll get to the bottom of this." she kissed her forehead gently. as she left the room locking the door.


"hmmm..." a shadow stood besides the girl looking at her.

"w-why does she have traces of demon energy in her..." the female voice said softly. placing her hands on her forehead, her eyes closed.

"a-a-h h-he's already sent someone..." she exclaimed in shock. as she removed her hands from the little girl's head.

"b-but what are they doing with all these people.. and more importantly what do they want with the girl." lilith spoke as she rubbed her forehead. what she just did to the little girl, was go through her memories. with a demon skill she possessed.

"i-if they've already sent someone.. then it won't be long before we're found."

"i-i have to warn kyle..." she vanished from the little girl room. as a pair of four glowing red eyes, watched in the distance.


meanwhile, kyle had finished having fun with the two women. who slept peacefully on his body.

he had woken up a few minutes ago, as he still felt a bit tired. but looking at their pleasant body, gave him some energy. until multiple screens popped up.

[+100 exp points]

[+300 xxx points]

[total exp points: 2200]

[total xxx points: 1760]

[you have levelled up..]

[you have levelled up..]

[congratulations on evolving into a demon]

[new skills unlocked]


kyle was amazed, at the barrage of notifications coming in his head. he had managed to prove lilith wrong, and conquered yua and another nurse.

but what made his heart, pound in excitement more. was the fact that he'd levelled up three times, and evolved into a demon.

"b-but i don't feel different..." he checked his body, for any signs of demon traits, but couldn't find any.

"i-is this some kind of glitch." he had a frown on his face. as he thought, the system had a glitch. but checking his tab, he was beyond surprised, at what he was seeing right now.

[name: kyle conner]

[lv: 10]

[race: f-rank demon]

[title: successor of demon of lust(increases all lust activities by 15%)]

[strength: 42, agility: 31, stamina: 27, will: 15, intelligence: 20, hp: 200/200, xxx points: 1760/1760, killing intent: 05, resistance: 10, demon energy: 50/50]

[exp req: 200/1000]

[permanent XXX's: Lilith Conner, yua nua]

[temporary XXX's: akemi niru, Susan flora]

lust skills passive:

[charm: the skill is passive and increases user charm by 25% when starred into user's eyes females will feel extreme lustfull. note: 6% chance to work on men.]

[eyes of sin: enables the user to look into the state of a female horniness. xxx gauge: (3%)]

[demon rod (evolved): user's rod grows 1cm with every evolution and increases the level of lust when having sex. making the level of orgasm higher. note: penis will stop growing at the final stage of evolution.]

[sinful demon seed: the user's cum can heal and regenerate any illness once swallowed or cummed in a woman. making them look more younger. note: doesn't work on men.]

[lust touch: increases user's touch on females by 17% heightening their sex organs.]

[sex beast: when the system detects user has reached a certain amount of lust the user automatically becomes a sex beast. (XXX lust value:0%)]

[bond marking: enables the user to place a marking on his woman to be able to locate them wherever they'll be.]

lust skills non-passive:

[lust: once activated this skill releases a feminine aura and has a 25% chance of enrousing females within 15meter radius to be extremely horny. consumes 15 XXX point's per activation]

[cum spurt: increases the load of cum the user shoots out. consumes 10xxx points]

demon skills passive:

[demon eyes: this is a basic skill possessed by demon's which will grant them the ability to command or put someone or something in trance depending on the will. will not work on people whose will are higher than 15]

[lesser regeneration: as the weakest of demons the user possess lesser regeneration that regenerates any minor loss or damaged tissue.]

[demon skin: the user's skin has resistance to physical, magical and spiritual attacks by 5%]

demon skill non passive:

[dark flames: the user is able to summon the dark flames of the first great demon into his palms.

this flames are at the lowest stage and will evolve with each number of persons killed with it.( number of people killed: 0/500). consumes 5 demon energy for each palm.]

[transformation: for consumption of 20 demon energy. the user will transform into his demon appearance for a duration of 5 minutes. making all stats multiplied by two in this form.]

[death's call: fires dark balls of energy from both palm draining bits of the affected's life force. consumes: 30 demon energy per hand.]


[stamina regeneration: restores user's stamina full. costs 20 XXX point's.]

[Aphrodisiacs pill: once taken has a 20% chance of making females fall asleep. costs 10 XXX point's.]

[kirlin eyes: this skill can be bought, learnt, and used with 40 demon energy. it will grant the user futuristic eyesight by 3%.]

[omniguilbism ability: enables the user to understand all form of languages. requires: 20 demon energy to be bought.]

[reach LV 50 to evolve and unlock more skills]

"am finally a demon..." kyle said rubbing his hands together excited.